Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Website SEO

Online marketing is the new norm. With about 4.66 billion people using the internet as of 2020, it’s a no-brainer to want to craft a home for yourself in this space. After all, this is where your customers are.

Therefore, if you are engaged in digital marketing, and yet you aren’t making sales, there’s a missing bridge between you and your customers- visibility.

SEO STrategy

To get this visibility, you’d need SEO.

Really, there’s no need to state the importance of inculcating the best SEO practices into your online business model. It speaks for itself- if you want more sales, have a good SEO strategy. Every entrepreneur knows this.

However, we know how frustrating sourcing for a good strategy could be. That’s why we’ve put together an extremely simple, easy-to-comprehend, and yet, effective DIY SEO checklist that’d give your online business a boost in 2021.

Let’s go on a jolly ride!

How Does the Search Work?

google search

Let’s begin with the basics.

Search engines are answer machines; where you input a query and get an answer. Superficially, it might look straightforward. However, there’s a process going on underneath. There are three main steps involved in the optimization of search results.


Here, search engines send out ‘crawlers’ to scour the internet for fresh and new content. These crawlers work in the spider web form. Each hyperlink on the page they are crawling initiates a new crawling request and so on (no wonder they are called spiders sometimes ).


The search engine then organizes the contents found during the crawling process into a huge database. Google’s index is trillions of GB. Refer to their official documentation on it here: 


The search engines store content in order of relevancy within their servers. Websites that are most relevant to a particular query rank highest. Several unknown factors are considered when deciding which website is most appropriate and which one is not. Here is a reference to their guidelines for anyone who wants to read more about these:

As a website owner, you must ensure your content is visible to crawlers- as well as indexable. If it isn’t, you won’t get your deserved spot on SERP (Search Engine Ranking Page ). 

Basics You Should Know 

To begin running your own SEO campaign, here are some of the most basic tools and information you should know about.

Google Search Console/ Bing Webmaster Tool Account

google search console

The Google Search Console is a free tool by Google that helps you manage, maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot your website’s presence on Google’s Search Engine Result Page. Many people are confused about this- be assured, the tool isn’t mandatory to rank. Google has made it available to communicate with website owners. Signing up for a search console account will help you understand how Google looks at your website- and sometimes recommends what improvements to make.
Bing also offers a similar tool with little change in UI; they call it Bing Webmaster Tool.  

One or both of these tools is the number one step to begin.

Google Analytics Account

Google Analytics helps to look at what kind of traffic your website is getting. It provides details like the number of total visitors, their location, time, how many pages they visited, etc. It even facilitates setting up goals and conversions to focus on pages that get you the most business. Google Analytics (often abbreviated as GA) can also help you optimize your website for better conversions. Metrics such as user behavior, site performance, traffic flow, drop-offs, bounce rate, etc., are convenient when looking at how the website has been over some time (daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly). Though GA is a complete subject and how it can help is a list that is countless, some other features that can be useful include:

  • Traffic comparison both year over year and month over month
  • Social-media stats
  • Which part of your webpage was clicked the most
  • Website’s conversion rates
  • The overall effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy from different channels.
  • How many users are present on the website, a real-time view

Generally, Google Analytics helps you understand your customer’s journey and improve it, an essential aspect of SEO.

Keyword Research

A vital part of the SEO process includes the use of words and phrases which resonate with what users are typing in their query- as well as what your content is all about.

The process is about selecting the potential keywords that your customers will type in Google (or other search engines) use your service or buy your products.

While many paid tools help with detailed Keyword research, to begin with, we are just concerned about the free ones that can give us some objective. To start, just list down a few keywords or phrases that you think a user could type in Search. Then take the keywords from the list one by one and check them on Google Trends to see how many people have searched for it in the past and how the trends look. Pick the ones that have some demand and leave the rest. 

You can also use a free plugin that has recently become very popular called “keywords anywhere”. It is free for several searches so install it in your browser. Now the way this works is, type the terms from your list in the Search engine the plugin will display an estimated volume along with more suggested keywords.

diy seo google search

Bonus Tip: Try sticking to 7- 8 terms for each page as too many keywords can dilute the on page optimization.

Keyword Focused Content

The goal of keyword-focused content would be to cause an intersection between the words users are inputting into the search engine and the message your content is passing across.

Google uses this information to determine the relevant content- concerning each query. This is part of what gives a page a higher page ranking- relevancy. Using the appropriate keywords would ensure this.

So, do your keyword research before creating content- as keywords give you a sketch of what users want to see on your site.

Robots.txt File


Do you recall the crawling process of search engines? With a  robots.txt file, you can request web robots which page not to crawl on your site. This helps keep pages that could hurt your SEO- such as duplicate web pages and private web pages- away from search engines. So add all the unnecessary pages to your rbot.txt and mark them for not indexing or crawling. You may need a developer’s help if you are not so familiar with your website’s backend.

With not going into too much technical on-page, sitemaps are useful. They help in enhancing the crawling and indexing of a webpage- hence, giving your SEO efforts the needed boost. If using a popular CMS like WordPress, setting up an XML sitemap can be really quick using SEO plugins for WordPress. Read more details about sitemaps: 

What is On-page SEO Optimization?

Also known as on-site SEO factors, these are practices that help in optimizing a web page, with the end goal of improving a site’s search engine rankings and earning a flow of traffic from organic searches.

On-page SEO is important because it helps search engines to know what your website and content are all about, as well as its importance to user’s queries.

If you miss these factors, your SEO efforts won’t yield much gain.


Quick On-page SEO Checklist

Here’s a run-through list of various elements of on-page SEO you should include in your campaign:

  • Perform adequate keyword research before writing a word. The keyword must be relevant to your content, adequately searched, and should be within your website’s competitive power. When including keywords, avoid keyword stuff by including it 2-3 times per 100 words (a 2-3% keyword density).
  • Pick a primary keyword. Use the primary keyword in at least one subheading, and the first and last paragraph of your content. Since your primary keyword is a word or phrase users use in a query, including it in your content would show how relevant your content is.
  • Craft a title with your primary keyword(s). Include your primary keyword around the start of the headline. Also, make sure your title serves the audience by being descriptive and compelling enough.
  • Use proper keywords and phrases to write a meta description that not only is treated well by search engines but gets you a better CTR when it shows in the SERP. Follow rules and create a nice description that can get you more clicks.
  • Wrap your title in an H1 Tag. Basically, an H1 tag is a piece of HTML code that tells a search engine that the text in question describes what the body of content tries to communicate.
  • Make sure your content is about 300 words. Attaining the 800-word mark would be great for your SEO, as detailed posts have a higher probability of ranking higher.
  • Your content must be unique and original.
  • Wrap your subheadings in H2 tags. Search engines recognize H2 tags as subheadings. Similar to H1 tags, H2 tags communicate to the search engine that the text is very important and related to the main topic discourse.
  • Add links to relevant sites. This helps add context to your content.


Technical SEO

This involves server and website optimization that helps search engine bots to crawl and scour through your sites effectively.

Here’s a checklist for your technical SEO campaign:

  • Use SSL: Secure Sockets Layer technology means high site security. If your site has ‘HTTPS://’, then you have SSL active on it. Hence, Google would give you preferential treatment.
  • Check for Duplicate versions of your site on Google’s index. Google’s algorithm hates duplicate content. As a result, it lowers the performance of all versions of the duplicate content.
  • Find and Fix crawl errors.
  • Improve your site’s speed. Page speed is considered by search engines during ranking.
  • Fix broken outbound and internal links.
  • Find and fix all HTTP links that are on HTTPS pages.
  • Create a mobile-friendly website. A responsive site- that adjusts based on the devices being used to view it- is considered a high-ranking signal by most search engine algorithms.
  • Add structured data.
  • Check the page depth of your site. At maximum, your most important content should be four clicks away.

SEO Optimization for Location-Specific Businesses

In this aspect of SEO, your goal is to be visible in local search results on search engines. If you have a physical location where customers can come and take your service or product, you can benefit from local SEO Optimization.

Do Local citations

A local citation is any mention of the name, phone number, and address of any local business. Citations are important for high local search engine rankings. The intention is to submit your business to the popular local business directories with consistency in the NAP (name address and phone number). Don’t fall for low-quality business directories as they are a part of old SEO techniques and are considered as “link farms” by Google. Watch your step and only submit your business on genuine business directories for your area.

Optimize the Google My Business Listing

google my business

In simple terms, here’s a free tool that lets you add valuable information about your business on Google’s listings. Such info includes your office hours, name, and location of your business. Signing up can give your local SEO a boost.

While signing up, here’s to optimize your Google Business profile:

  • Be very meticulous with your contact information. Fill in as much as possible.
  • Form an enticing description for your business.
  • Choose a category, select applicable attributes and add photos.
  • If you have, include Google reviews.
  • Add products and services.
  • Set up messaging. Answer questions regularly.


E-commerce SEO

This is the process of optimizing your online store and making it more visible on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). The strategy should involve optimizing the “category” and “product” pages with a focus to get more sales.


E-Commerce SEO checklist

Here are tips for optimizing your eCommerce site:

  •     Optimize your titles and meta descriptions. Make use of action words such as ‘buy’. Engage in proper keyword research and placement.
  •       Improve your page load time. The best load time would be between 2-3 seconds.
  •       Keep the site structure simple.
  •       Don’t forget to make use of HTTPS.
  •       Make use of a responsive, mobile-friendly site.
  •       Create quality, relevant content often.


Quick YouTube SEO Checklist

Follow these steps to rank high in YouTube:

  • Keyword research is where we always begin. Make use of a keyword tool and find the relevant keywords for your video.
  • Include your keywords in your video as you speak.
  • Create relevant content that’d command likes and shares. The algorithm loves that!
  • After recording and editing your video, rename the file of your video to include the most relevant keyword phrase.
  • Create an optimized and enticing SEO title.
  • Fill up your video descriptions. Make sure the first sentence contains your keyword. Don’t engage in keyword stuffing.

Wrapping it Up

We’ve tried to cover too many aspects in a single post, we will cover each topic in detail in separate posts so that you can benefit from it and do your own basic SEO as far as possible. Be sure to take action on what you’ve learned, and we assure you- the internet is yours to conquer!


Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Specialist

Do you know? There were more than 150+ Billion Searches only in the USA in the first 90 days of 2024.

If you are in a business today and don’t care about Search Engine Optimization then you need to really think again about your business growth and the cost of growing the business

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about helping you show up in the top results when your probable customers search online.

SEO Specialist

The guy who helps you do that is called an SEO Specialist

Now that you understand how important Search Engine Optimization is, I am sure you want to hire the best guy to get you better in search engines.

Hiring the right SEO specialist holds the key to improving the quality of the site as well as saving loads of valuable time for the business.

9 Important Tips to Hire the Right SEO Specialist:

1. Conduct a thorough interview with the potential SEO consultant:

SEO Consultant


Great, but then what do you look for in the interview? The first signs of a good SEO specialist are, they don’t only focus on the search engine ranking but also on how they can help in the growth of the business.

2. Avoid the ones who promise unachievable goals:

SEO Specialist

Promising a spot on the first page of Google within a month? Impossible! It’s an overly bold claim to make, as Google’s page rank algorithm is dynamic and shows the results by taking in thousands of signals. Hence, if an SEO specialist promises a number one ranking in the search engine, it’s wise to turn and run in the other direction.

3. Pay attention to the set of questions they ask:

A good SEO expert has innumerable questions to ask about the company and its products. Some of the frequently asked questions by new SEO experts are:

  • What makes your business or service unique?
  • How do your customers currently find your website?
  • How does the business make money and how can search help with that?
  • What are the other channels used by the company for promoting the business?
  • Does the company use offline advertising?
  • What is the list of social networks used by the company?
  • Who are the company’s competitors?

It is very important for the new coming SEO specialist to understand the company from a holistic standpoint. Without understanding the company and knowing the business goals, SEO can never be fruitful. Hence, beware of SEO specialist who acts like a know-it-all.

4. Look at their track record:

SEO Rank

Ask them to provide at least three SEO case studies, listing the URLs of three websites that they have previously worked on and the results achieved. Ask them to also list the tasks included and the period of time taken to achieve the desired results. Also, do a thorough background check by following up with the references and past clients.

5. Request for a technical and search audit:

Let the SEO Specialist do some homework and provide you with a detailed Technical SEO Audit on his own. If requested, provide them with a restricted view of your Analytics data too. The SEO Specialist can surely use different SEO Audit Tools like SiteAuditor or others and do the audits but then suggestions have to be apt and the intention should be to grow your business.

6. How do they measure the success of SEO campaigns:

It is important to understand how well they are analyzing the numbers in Google Analytics or related tools to measure the impact of the SEO campaigns. It is not always about the keyword ranking but also the importance of the keyword and what kind of traffic is fetched by the keywords.

7. Find if they have any experience in improving local search results:


Local SEO

For attracting the local, nearby customers, it is important to appear in the top local search results hence if the candidate has an with the local search results then it can come as a brownie point for the business. 

8. Consult with the candidate if they have any insider relations for improving the search results ranking:

If the candidate responds positively then its better to run and say goodbye to the candidate. Such SEO consultants are known for their unethical tactics that can get your business banned for Google or any other search engine.

These are some of the very important tips you have to follow while hiring an SEO Specialist for your organization.

It is also important for businesses to understand that SEO is a continuous process and you have to pay the consultants the right money to help you grow your presence in Search Engine Results.

Below is the video by google on tips for hiring an SEO Specialist.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Google, Hosting Business, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Leads
.The market of global web hosting services is growing at a very high rate. Based on the study report published by Market Research Future, the hosting market is expected to achieve USD 154 billion by 2022, with a 16% CAGR for the forecast period 2016 – 2022.

This indicates that there is vast potential for all web hosting business. But it takes more than the number of customers to stand out among the competition. You must have a resource-intensive, competitive, and cost-effective hosting plan to lure customers.

The services should offer the ideal security tools management to operate in a hybrid internet ecosystem. You need a sound technical support team, and infrastructure capabilities to support new technologies like AI, Machine Learning, Cloud, and skill management. With thousands of website hosting companies available to choose from, the only differentiating factor is the domain size and the services that you provide.

How SiteAuditor can help you beat the competition

Thousands of visitors will visit your website. They will perform a comparative analysis with your competition, check out your various services, and later exit the website without filling out the Contact Us form. This is a missed opportunity. You must capitalize on the visitor traffic to your hosting business. One way to differentiate your business is by offering SEO audit services to your customers. The major challenge faced by any website hosting business is nurturing and converting unknown visitors to known visitors. 

Any website business owner would like to have a free SEO audit to identify potential problems and get information on the present issues faced by them. With SiteAuditor, the white-label SEO Audit Tool from Growth Robotics, you can perform a free SEO audit and recommend possible solutions to your customer’s problems. It will help you beat the competition. 

The SiteAuditor tool is a one-stop platform to generate customized reports based on the SEO audit and analysis of your customers’ websites. This SEO audit can be the differentiating feature and factor for your customers. It’s simple, effective, and offers low cost and maintenance. For every customer of the website hosting business, the audit tool will perform a real-time system health check of the website on demand. 

Once you embed the SiteAuditor script on your website, it provides a detailed report on the issues in a precise and customizable format. You have complete control over the report. The website is scored on over 70+ parameters such as On-page SEO, responsiveness, Links, Page speed mobile, and page speed desktop. 

While embedding the SiteAuditor SEO audit tool in your website hosting business is the differentiating factor for beating the competition, you must also resolve the following web hosting business challenges to provide a top-notch customer experience. 

Website Hosting Business Challenges That You Must Overcome to Stay Ahead of Competition

Here are a few challenges that you must overcome to stay ahead of your competition and to offer an excellent experience to your customers.

1. Slow website loading and navigation speed

WebSite Page Speed


It’s a fact that slow-loading websites (page load is greater than 4 seconds) with poor navigation speeds will affect your website’s Google ranking. Nearly 80% of web users will not return to a site after a bad user experience.  So, find ways to reduce latency issues. You can keep the data centers closer to the location, use the quality network and hardware infrastructure, and provide localized content to your global audience to optimize the speed for better website navigation.

2. Business continuity and availability

Business Activity

Downtimes are the death knell for any website with millions of dollars at stake. The foundation of business operations and a continuous end-to-end delivery depends on website hosting business companies’ ability to provide uninterrupted availability and meet the service level agreements. It’s the industry standard to ensure a minimum of 99.9% uptime rate. Beat your competition by striving to maintain high uptime and overcome the challenge of downtime. 

3. Scalability concerns

Hosting scalability

Internet proliferation in all aspects of business operations has made it mandatory for website hosting companies to provide scalability 24/7. Hardware, software, data center architecture, or even inadequate skilled staff can escalate scalability problems for your clients. Ensuring that your hosting services include an option to scale up or scale down based on specific requirements. And business needs will ensure better customer satisfaction and, in turn, better business growth.

4. Adequate Security levels

Hosting Security

It’s an endless cycle when security and landing website hosting deals are concerned. Only when customers feel secure enough to trust your website hosting security measures will they entrust you with their website. And only when you land more deals will you get more business opportunities and more customers. This endless loop can break when the website is compromised with data thefts, data breaches, etc. affecting both parties. So, deploy the latest and state-of-the-art security infrastructure and prevent unauthorized access to improve security levels.

Get started with SiteAuditor

Becoming the best web hosting company is a tough job requiring due diligence in terms of time, effort, money, and value. Only offering token services is not enough. You must include excellent customer service, intuitive and flexible site-building tools, and excellent uptime, to acquire and retain your customers. 

Additional services such as using SiteAuditor on your website will help you to strengthen your position as a leading web hosting provider and generate 4x more SEO leads for your company. 

Embed SiteAuditor on your website today and watch your business grow.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get Google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Google, Google, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, Webmasters

Will Google Search Console (GSC) be enough to help me improve my website’s performance? 

It’s a question most companies ask themselves when they assess their website to improve its ranking on SERP. 

Sure, GSC offers insights into improving the website’s visibility in the SERP. However, if you want to provide your customers with a more comprehensive report on their website’s performance, you need to delve further to check the health of the website. 

That’s where SEO audit tools like SiteAuditor comes to rescue.

What are SEO audit tools, and how are they different from GSC?

People always get confused between GSC and SEO audit tools like SiteAuditor. Superficially, GSC and SiteAuditor might seem like the same web-based audit/analytics tools. But their purpose and uses are different. GSC is a free Google tool that provides search-engine performance insights to improve visibility in the SERPs. Tools like SiteAuditor, on the other hand, audit websites and generate a detailed SEO audit report. Audit tools like SiteAuditor focus on the backend technical aspects of the website like Meta descriptions, link building etc. while the Google Search Console focuses on the website’s impressions and clicks.

GSCSEO Audit Tools
How search engines view your websiteAudit the technical health of your site
Types of searches people use to access your siteProvide actionable insights based on the report
Is the site configured for search enginesEasy, cost-effective implementation
Highlights popular contentHighlights security issues & errors like broken links
Provides broad, high-level information of the websiteProvides page-level information of the website

Google Search Console shows the site’s overall search performance on Google. It displays the site’s Click-Through-Rate and average ranking position. Undoubtedly, it is an excellent tool to diagnose everything about your website from Google’s point of view. However, it does not offer you a complete picture. It also does not provide actionable insights.

Webmasters performance


As you can see in the above image, there are multiple datasets and information, and understanding them is time-consuming unless you have prior experience dealing with the technical aspects of managing a website. There are no insights on how to improve upon your current analytical data.

So, how do you fix the issues and help your customer’s website to rank higher?

Enter SiteAuditor.

The SEO audit report from SiteAuditor is more detailed in terms of parameters such as on-page SEO, Responsiveness, links, page speed desktop, and page speed mobile. From an SEO perspective, these parameters will help in positioning your website higher in the SERP’s. 

An SEO audit is the analysis and reporting on the technical health aspects of your website. Centred around 70+ parameters, the SiteAuditor audits whether your website is 

  • Fast loading
  • Webpages are structured
  • Realtime page responses
  • Image rendering is accurate and proper
  • And many more technical parameters

SiteAuditor’s SEO report will highlight the errors, warnings, and recommendations found during the analysis. It is a page-level analysis that performs checks for Duplicate content, Duplicate title tags, Low word count, Broken links, Slow page load speed, HTTPS implementation issues, Missing title tags, Missing meta description, Missing h1 tag, Incorrect hreflang implementation, etc.

Fixing these issues can help you to improve the ranking of the websites.

Typically, agencies and marketing consultants benefit the most from SiteAuditors. You can embed the SEO audit tool script on all pages of the website. Any visitor who enters your website can enter their website URL address and receive a free SEO audit report of the website. It’s a win-win situation, because the visitor finds value the moment they visit your site, and you get to capture the email address of the website visitor, which you can nurture to convert into a business prospect. It can help you generate 4X more SEO leads. Think about it. Will GSC help you to generate leads like these?

Another area where SiteAuditor deviates from the GSC is the SEO report generation. 

Presenting the final SEO audit report to your clients with the tool’s watermark prominently displayed is undoubtedly a disaster. SiteAuditor is a white label SEO audit tool, which implies that the final audit report will bear your company’s brand, logo and other company details. You have the flexibility to change everything and customize the report to create a unique experience for your prospects. You can let your White label SEO report make your brand more visible to your leads. 


Generate Leads

So, should you ditch GSC for SiteAuditor?

Both SiteAuditor & GSC audit tools are complementary. Using both these two tools together will help you provide your customers with more comprehensive SEO insights and gain a competitive edge over your opponents.

While GSC audit result will show you how to get better organic traffic, keyword analysis, and how search users interact with the website, going beyond click and landing page, the SiteAuditor report will highlight the errors related to image searches, broken links, link building, security issues, and other backend problems. It will recommend actionable insights and solutions to the identified issues and help you to create user-friendly, integrated, and customized white-label reports for your prospects at a minimal cost. 

Embed SiteAuditor, SEO Audit tool, and start generating 4X more leads for your website.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Audit, SEO Leads

Last October, Google created quite a pandemonium in the digital world with its Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT Update).


Google called it one of its biggest updates in the last five years.


So, what is BERT, and how is it going to impact the marketing agencies across the globe?


We will dig into it further.

BERT and its impact on the globe

BERT Impact
Google announced the BERT update to improve the interpretation of complex long-tail keywords and show more relevant search results. This essentially means that with BERT, Google can understand natural language, its context, and show better results.
Google gave examples of how earlier it did not understand the importance of prepositions such as ‘to’ or ‘for’ and how BERT will understand the natural language and provide the right information to the user. The idea is to enable users to search for information in their natural and conversational way.


Here’s what Google said about the update:

Google BERT Update

“These improvements are oriented around improving language understanding, particularly for more natural language/conversational queries, as BERT is able to help Search better understand the nuance and context of words in Searches and better match those queries with helpful results. Particularly for longer, more conversational queries, or searches where prepositions like “for” and “to” matter a lot to the meaning, Search will be able to understand the context of the words in your query. You can search in a way that feels natural for you.”


So, what impact will it have on marketing agencies across the globe?

Here are a few changes that you can expect after the BERT update.


1. Search query will become more relevant

Dawn Anderson, a search algorithm expert, gave an example of how sometimes Google could misunderstand the context of a query and show a very different result. When Dawn typed the phrase, “how to catch a cow fishing,” Google showed results related to cows. Cow in the context of fishing meant a large striped bass. Google had completely ignored the context of fishing and showed results related to the cow. Non-contextual search results could often confuse and even mislead the user. With BERT, the search query will become more contextual. As Dawn found out after BERT’s implementation, the same term, how to catch a cow fishing, showed the correct results. Google seemed to have understood the context of the word fishing.

2. Content will become more specific

To improve the context, you must also ensure that the content is more specific and topic-centric. Rather than focusing on increasing the word count of the blog, ask your writers to make the content more specific and relevant to what a user would search.  Neil Patel, in his blog, gave an example of how a 311-words blog on going to Olympics ranked higher than other blogs as BERT recognized it to be more relevant to the user’s query. BERT will focus on long-tail keywords. So, ensure that your content is informative and provides a better experience to the readers.

3. PPC will become more intent-based

Unlike earlier, when PPC ads were keyword-specific, BERT has compelled marketers to make them intent-based. So, apart from the usual setting budget, goals, and metrics, you have to set the right intent for every ad. Ads will now have to be more relevant to push Google to rank the website alongside organic results. 

Is BERT good news for marketing agencies?

BERT for Marketing Agencies

BERT is undoubtedly good news for everyone as it will make search results more relevant to what we want. However, it can spell challenges for agencies, especially those that resort to using irrelevant keywords to rank websites higher. Those websites will now witness a drop in traffic. 

It will also be time-consuming and cost-intensive for other agencies. As a marketer, you will have to make the writers and SEO specialists work together to take a user-centric approach. You will have to start thinking from the user’s perspective while writing and optimizing the content for the website. 

This will be a long-term effort and would require you to dedicate time and resources to it. You might also find challenges in getting leads on your website, considering that your services might be similar to what your competitor offers.

If you are looking for a different way to rank your website higher and get more leads, then we recommend you to use a white label SEO audit tool as your value-add offering.

What is a white label SEO audit tool, and how can it help you get more leads?

The white label SEO audit tool will help you to break the ice with your prospects by you auditing their website or letting them audit their own website and giving them a quick report on the performance of their website. It is a unique service that not many digital marketing agencies offer. 

So, if you have been looking for unique ways to generate leads, white label SEO audit tools which can be embedded on your website would be a perfect fit for you.

white label SEO audit tool
The best part about the white label SEO tool is that another company develops it. So, their identity can be masked by adding your logo to the top of the report. It is a win-win situation for both the prospect and you.

If you want to know more about the white label SEO audit tool and how it can help you to embed on to your website and generate leads as high as 4X, then there are very few options out there and SiteAuditor is surely one of them 🙂 

BERT update is now working on the intent of the content then only the keywords or the length of the content. So now everyone is on a level playing field provided the website’s Technical SEO is good. 


Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

I feel sad when I see many small business owners who have started with SEO as their business is moving away into different fields like real estate, social media, paid media, etc.

This is how I always felt when I saw great guys leaving the field of SEO

SEO Audit tool

But I never had the right way to explain why SEO is still impressive. Suddenly one day, I read an article from Eli Schwartz, Growth Advisor, Former Director – Growth & SEO @Survey Monkey, and it made my day.

He did an extensive survey on the SEO Jobs vs. SEO professionals in different parts of the USA. I am sure anyone can apply the same logic to any country across the world ?

Let me put some interesting points I read in the post.

1. There is a massive gap between SEO Professionals and SEO Jobs.

The demand for SEO is vast. Every organization needs an SEO team to take things forward, but the availability of SEO    professionals is minimal

For every SEO requirement, only three people are fighting for it.

SEO business.

2. There is really a significant shortage of Experienced SEO Professionals

This is just wonderful to hear. It means there is a massive demand for experienced professionals!! This graph is lovely and clearly explains the gap ?

In short, if you are in the SEO business and have the experience, this is a seller’s market. Don’t underprice yourself.
SEO Professionals
So, where is the problem then?
The problem lies in the way you approach the business and generate leads for your business competing against the giants like Moz, Neil Patel, Backlinko, who are already getting millions of website visitors.

It’s not surprising to see a recent Survey by HubSpot which states that

Getting new clients is one of the most significant challenges today.

HubSpot Servey

So what is the solution?

The question now is not the market size but how you use interesting growth hacks in this noisy internet world to attract leads to your business.

After carefully studying the marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Neil Patel & Moz, we found one thing in common 

Use of right tools to convert the website visitors to leads
RoboAuditor is an embeddable & white label SEO Audit Tool. By just putting it up on your website and blogs, you let your website visitors themselves get a Free SEO Audit in just a few clicks and return you generate leads ?

Don’t you think you should add “free SEO checker” and do the lead generation for your business?

Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, Sales team, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Leads

Selling services for a digital agency is a tough task. You are not only competing with umpteen number of agencies which mushroom every day but also with a lot of “so-called freelance experts” too.  


Let’s accept the hard fact. Most of the agencies do not have something innovative to offer to the customers.  


Services that are popularly offered are SEO, video marketing, inbound marketing, paid media marketing, social media management, design services, etc.  


I have done sales for an agency, and I know that it takes a hell of a lot of time to differentiate and convince the customer to go ahead with you and not the other agency or a freelancer.  


But sales targets don’t understand all this 🙂 after all, we have to clock numbers and keep the top line moving north. 


The way you sell is completely different today. You need to keep surprising your prospects with some interesting findings which are personalized only to their business and not just some random content.  


Some popular and beneficial browser extensions are super handy to help you understand some key factors of the customer’s business and you genuinely helping the prospects with the right inputs.   

3 Must-Have Browser Extension for Every Sales Person in Digital Agency 

1.Similar Web

Browser Extensions


Understanding the prospect’s website traffic is one of the most critical steps. The vital metrics like website traffic, rate of engagement, source of traffic, keyword ranking, etc., are all crucial factors for designing the perfect sales pitch. For such situations, one of the top web analytics tools is SimilarWeb.  


Here’s why it is popular: 

  • It offers a capable platform for monitoring website statistics.  
  • Being a browser extension, it lets you monitor it all in real-time.  
  • With this browser tool, it is easier to find information about websites while surfing.  
  • At just the touch of a button, it gives you in-depth details of a website. 
  • It also shows the popularity ranking of a website.  
  • It highlights the primary traffic sources with geographic and demographics.  

SimilarWeb has helped small and large-scale companies grain website statistics with ease. With clients like Microsoft, eBay, Deloitte, HSBC, and many more, it is undoubtedly one of the top contenders in the world of web analytics. 


Extension for marketers

Knowing the reason behind the low website traffic is equally important. The website is the most critical entity of any online business. Nothing should be more important than knowing the health of the website.  


Nothing can be more helpful than having a browser extension for SEO Audit which can give a comprehensive SEO Audit Report on critical factors like Mobile Responsiveness, Page Speed – desktop and mobile, On-Page SEO, etc. in just one click in your own branding :)  


One such browser extension is RoboAuditor.  


This free SEO audit tool extension is capable of: 

  • Perform a comprehensive SEO Audit on any given website.  
  • Make the report in your own branding. Your prospects would love it.  
  • Not only display the issues related to on-page SEO, page speed, mobile responsiveness, etc., it also provides you with detailed recommendations.  
  • Convert the report in any language (Yes more than 6500+ languages)  
  • Put your own Custom Call To Actions like Schedule a Call, Request a Quote, etc.  

The features mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg, as it is capable of so much more. And the best thing about it is that it is free to utilize!



We all don’t want to make silly mistakes like a spelling error or missing punctuation etc. while sending out emails for meeting requests or proposals.  

One of the most popular browser extensions which come very handy is Grammarly, and there is no doubt not to believe in this fact.  

Here’s why this NLP tool is so adored around the globe: 

  • Grammarly uses AI to check for spellings and grammar in the written content in real-time. 
  • It suggests better alternatives for sentence structures so that they sound more professional, friendly, and to the point.  
  • It enhances the vocabulary based on the required context to make it more understandable.  
  • It gives the flexibility of choosing the content style as per the specific niche. 
  • It even offers a plagiarism detector to ensure that the content is unique.  

With such features, who wouldn’t want to add them as an extension?  


Everyone in sales needs to be quick at writing and submitting sales pitches for grabbing clients faster. So, this tool is a must-have. Though it is a free browser extension, yet it will limit some features that are mentioned above. So, to use its full abilities, a premium version might need to be bought.  


Final Words 

Competing online with others needs to be smart and quick. With such excellent and handy browser extensions, digital agencies’ sales teams can generate leads and close the deals faster by keeping the conversations interesting all the time.  




Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Leads, Website SEO

Lead generation is quite important for any business. After all, leads are the ones that can get converted to potential clients. As much as it is important, it is equally challenging to generate SEO leads because it takes lots of time and effort to build a lead generating channel and operate it.

Which is why many prefer to buy SEO leads from third party sources, but is this sustainable in the long run? And is buying SEO leads actually doing more harm than good? Find out answers to these questions and much more in our blog.

How Can You Buy SEO Leads?

These are the SEO leads generated by certain companies by ranking in google search, these companies than bundle up those leads and sell them to other companies who in turn work on these leads to turn them into customers.

This way you are getting SEO leads without much effort and quickly, so, this could be like Aladdin’s magic lamp? Not exactly! Read on to find out why?

Drawbacks Of Buying SEO Leads

We are not going to plainly say buying SEO leads is a bad idea, here is a comparison between buying leads and generating on your own.

Impacting FactorBuying SEO LeadsGenerating Your Own Leads
The exclusivity of the leadYou have no idea if these leads are being sold exclusively to your companyThese leads are generated by you, so they are exclusive
Demographics of the leadLittle is known about the lead’s demographics such as their interests, why they need your productYour website and ad campaigns are designed after understanding the requirements of the audiences, and how your product or service can help them.
CompetitionVery high as the same leads could be sold to your competitors and you could end up calling the same customer whom your competitor has already called.Relatively less, as these leads are exclusive and you have background information about their requirements.
Cost per acquisitionSince you are buying leads the company can double the rates monthly. Thus increasing your cost per acquisition.As you are generating your leads the cost per acquisition is under your control.
Long term sustainabilityLow because the moment you stop buying, the leads stop coming inHigh, because once your lead generating channels are up and running, they continuously generate leads for your business.

Before deciding to buy leads make sure you are aware of all these factors, which could affect your business. So, if buying leads is not an option to consider then how can you generate leads?

While the traditional SEO practices and Google Adwords still hold the ground as the best practices for lead generation, they require patience and effort to start with. But, once you pass this stage you will witness a flow of quality leads. To know more about the various techniques of generating SEO leads, check out our blog here.

However, do you know there is another way using which you can generate quality leads quickly? Yes! This technique is easy to install and also generates authentic leads.

Generating Leads Through Lead Generating Tools

SEO Leads

Many SEO experts such as Neil Patel have tried this and succeeded. These are the tools when once installed on to your website they will provide a free site auditing report to your viewers when they enter their mail id.

This way you are helping your viewers as well as generating leads. This will create a positive impact on your viewers.

For example, if a viewer has come to your website and checked his website health using your SEO tool. He then enters his mail id to get the full report, impressed by the report he signs up to your newsletter or leaves an inquiry.

Roboauditor is one such SEO audit tool which is easy to install, generates website’s audit report within minutes as well as generates leads. All of this at a very reasonable price.

Explore all the other options before going for buying SEO leads. As there are many easier and cost-effective ways to generate quality SEO leads.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Firm, SEO Leads, Website SEO

We all know that SEO is awesome and blah blah but let’s be practical, if you are in a field where there is already a lot of content pollution, standing out and generating SEO leads is pretty tough if you just follow the age-old techniques like “ contact us forms”, “ebooks and white papers” to convert website traffic to leads

SEO Leads

Yes! You are thinking of taking the other route of paid media marketing. Paid media marketing is wonderful but do you know the cost of lead in paid media? Paid media comes to almost $80 to $ 100 per lead if averaged out for a couple of years. 

Cost Of Leads

So yes, it is tough but it is equally very important for the business to generate the leads through SEO. 

Ways To Generate SEO Leads

  1. Write content to your audience. 
  2. Amplify content on the different channels where your customers hang out 
  3. [Very Important One]: Give a strong bait for the visitors to share their email address with you. 


Everyone knows these steps but there is a huge difference in the way you execute the Point 3. 


We will not talk about the point and point 2 in this blog. You can find them here (6 ideas to generate leads for your SEO agency). We will only talk in detail about the baits for the Visitors for lead generation through SEO 


Best Way to Generate SEO Leads 


Provide Unique, Personalized and Most Needed for growing business for your customers for FREE 


What Stethoscope is to doctors what is the most important tool for Agencies and every digital business out there on the internet? 

An SEO Audit Tool with Embed and White Label Option 


Yes, SEO Audit Tool is the most unique, personalized and much needed for every business on the internet. Don’t you agree? 


SEO audit tool (a.k.a SEO checker) generates a comprehensive SEO audit report for any given website 


The important point here is, letting your visitors generate the SEO audits on their own. So an SEO audit tool with embed and white label option is the need of the hour. 


Many marketing maverick organizations like Hubspot, Neil Patel, Moz generate SEO leads using the same technique. 

What’s stopping you from trying it out today? Just sign up with RoboAuditor and start generating leads for your agency 



Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

Digital Marketing Agencies are the ones who take the bulls by its horns. They work with customers of different industries, locations, and in their various stages like Startup, growth, expansion, etc. The agencies face a lot of complex challenges in real-time and have very minimal time to resolve and move on. 

Agencies understand the problems much better because not only they have experienced it first hand. The Agency team has also found multiple ways to get around so they know exactly how they wish it can be solved. They are not daydreaming about a problem or a solution. They are efficient and reasonable. 

Identifying the right problem and then working towards the right way of solving it is the most critical factor for every product company. Most of the products fail because of this mismatch. 

There are quite a few successful product companies that were digital marketing agencies themselves earlier. 

1. Type Form: 


Type Form

TypeForm helps companies build beautiful forms and surveys. It is in a crowded space of ways but then also could create a niche and is very popular among its customers. 

How Did the Idea of TypeForm Born: 

In an AMA with the TypeForm Joint CEO & Co-Founder, David Okuniev

Typeform was born out of a client project when my co-founder, Robert, and I were running our digital agencies and joined forces. The project required us to build a lead generation form that would sit inside an exhibition space for a toilet company (Roca). Competing for attention in a crowded area, we had to create something more inspiring to collect data than just a plain-old vanilla form, so we tried something completely different.

The issues we encountered were mainly from going from a proof of concept that we created for the exhibition into a form that we would eventually turn into a product. We iterated during almost an entire year in our spare time (while still running our agencies) to get the balance of design and usability perfectly aligned. It was essential for us that this didn’t end up being a gimmick, so we wanted to put a lot of extra effort into the mechanics into the way the form works, iterating numerous times.

2. RoboAuditor: 



RoboAuditor is one of the most effective lead magnets build for digital businesses. Just embed the white label SEO Audit tool on to your website and generate 4X more visitors to leads conversion. 

How did the Idea of RoboAuditor Born: 

In words of Rahul, CEO and Founder of RoboAuditor, 

RoboAuditor was born out of the need for generating leads for their agency. 

The submission on the contact forms was hardly 1% and to produce the ebooks and white papers, the cost of acquiring leads, and the time to acquire leads was going very high. 

We then studied the different marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Neil Patel, Moz, and found out that they all have one thing in common – Their SEO Audit Tool,  which is generating millions of leads. 

We then created one SEO Audit tool for ourselves and saw that the website visitor to leads conversion was more than 4X. After polishing it more, we released into the market as a product, and today it is one of the most popular products on HubSpot Ecosystem and also on MailChimp

3. NeverBounce: 

Nevera Bounce

NeverBounce is a real-time email verification service. It helps you keep your leads clean all the time. It is very critical to have clean email addresses as the issues of emails landing in spam are alarmingly high. 

How did the Idea of NeverBounce Born: 

In the words of Bard Owen, CEO of NeverBounce, 

For nearly ten years, and before creating NeverBounce, we were a digital marketing agency. We struggled day in and day out to find a better way to verify emails and ultimately reach the inbox for our customers. We tried many products and solutions, but were eventually displeased with the accuracy, speed, support, and price; so we built our own! These four attributes became our core values here at NeverBounce.


Every agency should start thinking of building products, which not helps them solve a problem for themselves but also to many marketers like themselves. 


Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Audit, SEO Firm

Every Marketer is a convergence of an artist, a psychologist, a scientist, and a technologist. It is one of the toughest jobs today on this planet. 

I am myself a marketer who was part of implementing most robust banking transformations for sales and marketing teams, building an impressive marketing automation suite, ran a marketing agency, and now helping agencies grow to new heights. 

After interviewing a lot of marketing agency owners, analyzing the behavior, crunching the data sets, I have identified one reason why most of the agencies DIE. 

Working with a Wrong Customer even after knowing it 

Why does a Marketing Agency work with the wrong customer even after knowing it?

Lack of Leads:


Every Marketer turned entrepreneur is a smart person. They know everything about the buyer persona, messaging, tools, tactics, strategies, etc. etc. but the biggest problem we all face early days in business – LEADS. 

A Marketing Agency owner gets the first few clients through his circle of influence and gets busy in servicing them and making them successful that he forgets to generate his TOP of the FUNNEL LEADS. 

By the time the marketing agency owner realizes it and starts working on different tactics, he begins to feel that one more customer will give him/her the leeway to set up this leads engine. 

Do you know, 

According to the HubSpot survey for marketers, Lead Generation is the biggest challenge for most of the agencies (More than 60%). 


I believe the % is much higher just because of this.

Generating leads for a marketing agency through inbound marketing is not easy. There are already millions of fascinating articles, white papers, ebooks written by the marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Moz, Neil Patel, Marketo, and many more. 

The marketing agency owner will use his precious time and money in hunting for the next client himself than setting up the lead generation strategy. This is where the step where the thought is 

Let me grab one customer (anyone). This will make me a little relaxed, and I will make sure I set up my lead generation engine correctly.


Now you are into a TRAP. This customer would eat up your time and energy like a monster. He will suck your blood in such a way that you are left with no power to do the Right Thing, which you are doing for many of your customers – Setup your own Lead Generation Engine. 

This is the Vicious circle that will not let you come out, and you end up shutting down your marketing agency. 

Is There a Way Out 

Of course, yes. If you study the marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Neil Patel, Moz carefully, the one thing which they did awesomely is creating a Lead Magnet which generates millions of leads and keys their TOP of the FUNNEL full.


The one tool which all of the three have in common

An SEO Audit Tool put up on their website:

A Website Grader from HubSpot,  SEO Analyzer from Neil Patel, and a Moz Bar from MOZ. 

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable White Label SEO Audit Tool that can be set up in no time on your website. You start generating your leads from Day Zero.


Best Free SEO Tool

Never rest till you automate the best way to generate sales-ready leads at a low cost. 

I wish every marketing agency to grow big and make this world a better place because It’s the marketing that connects the best products to the end customers and adds joy to the lives of customers and companies. 

Start generating leads today

No credit card required – Get started in seconds

Global Seo, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Website Audit, Website page load speed

Website Page Load Speed

Need to know whether updates?

Want to check out the news headlines or the cricket score quickly?

All we need to do is ask Google.

We all like to get things done faster, for example, if we need to know a recipe for chocolate cake? Search engines will populate hundreds of results within a few seconds. Speed is probably one of the alluring forces for people to come to search engines for almost all their queries.

No wonder, all the search engines take website page loading speed as a top criterion while ranking the sites for a user’s query. So, if you own a website, along with the right SEO efforts, you also need to take care of the website page load speed aspects.

In this post, we will explain why website speed is critical and ways to achieve it.

Some numbers to back the importance of website page load speed

According to various sources

What Google Has To Say About Page Load Speed


Website Page Load Speed


On July 9th, 2018, Google rolled out an update that is famously known as ‘the speed update,’ which made page load speed as a significant ranking factor for mobile searches. With mobile traffic surpassing the desktop traffic, this update has brought page speed into the limelight.

This speed update brought negative impact to those websites that deliver a slower user experience when compared to the competitors in SERP’s. However, the intent still plays a significant role in ranking, the pages having the exact content might rank higher even though it may have slow page speed. But, to rank higher than your competitors along with the right intent, your page also needs to load faster.

So, Google updates, and the users are pointing towards website page load speed. So, how can you know if your website is loading within the prescribed time?

Things To Take Care To Improve Your Website Page load Speed.


Website page load speed


1.Server response time: This is the time taken for an HTML page to load from the server so that the user can render that page. If the server takes more time to respond, then it takes more time for the HTML page to load, thus increasing the page load time. Using legacy software/hardware to host your website might increase the server response time.

How to fix it?

To improve your website’s server response time, you need to host it with a reliable hosting service. It is best to take up a dedicated server rather than shared hosting. Also, the latest technological advancements such as cloud hosting and a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that caches most of the static assets of the website geographically. Selecting a quality hosting can help in reducing your server response time. Cloud services also have an auto-scale policy that can expand and shrink the server capacity as per the traffic fluctuations.

53% of the visits are likely to abandon the site if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load.

2. Images and videos: High-quality Images and videos take up most of the server bandwidth and increase the response time, in turn, increasing the website page loading time.

How can you fix it?

It is always smart to optimize images and videos such that they occupy less space. Use third-party tools which can resize the image and set them to 72 dpi. Take the help of various image optimization tools to reduce its size further. It is always wise to stick to standard image formats such as JPG, PNG, and GIF. Also, massive text files must be compressed using Gzip compression (take care to configure the server so that it returns zipped content.

46% of people say waiting for pages to load is what they dislike the most.

3. Website code: Sometimes, the source code of the website might contain unnecessary characters and variables which can increase its size and subsequently increases the website page load time.

How to fix it?

Through a process called minification, the source code can be simplified by removing unnecessary spaces and renaming variables to shorter names. Minification helps the code transformation over a network efficiently.

A two-second delay in website page load time increases the bounce rate by 103 percent

4. Redirects and Plugins: Each redirection creates additional HTTPs requests to the server, thus increasing its speed. Also, excessive usage of plugins may increase the page load time.

How to fix it?

Until unless required, avoid redirects as much as you can, also if there are any broken links identify and fix them. Use only those plugins which are necessary.

Sites that load in five seconds see 70% longer average sessions.

5. Caching: Every time an HTTP request is raised, all the components (both static and dynamic) of a particular webpage have to be rendered from the server, which increases the load time. Although the dynamic content has to provide with every HTTP request, loading of the static content unnecessarily increases the website page load time

How to fix it?

By using Expires headers for static content and Cache-control headers for dynamic components, you can make various components of the web page cache, thus reducing the HTTP requests to the server and decreasing the page load time.

Website page load speed has now become a significant criterion for the users, and hence, the search engines are also emphasizing over it. So, always keep these aspects in mind while designing and maintaining your website. Checking of page load time must be an ongoing process, and, from time to time, adjustments have to be made to keep up the least load time.

79% of visitors who experienced web page performance issues are never to return to the site again.

Tools To Evaluate Web Page Performance

Website page load speed


Try some of the popular SEO Audit Tools to analyze your website speed in just a few clicks. RoboAuditor’s SEO Report is famous not only for giving you the page speed but also giving you recommendations on how to fix it.

Report Download

After evaluating your website’s performance, the next course of action is to take steps to make sure your website loads in the least time possible. Here are a few aspects you must take care, to ensure your web page will load faster.

It is wise to take these factors while designing the website and also while adding content and creating new webpages.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Firm, Website Audit

Does your website have an aesthetic design with all the functionalities?

Do you plan to market it and generate leads for your business?

Before planning to invest in marketing your website, there is one more thing you need to make sure of, and that is to check if your website is up to the standards prescribed by the search engines.

All the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., work based on complex algorithms that function on specific criteria, and the websites that fall within these criteria rank first among the search engine results.

So how to know whether your website ticks the prescribed checklist of the search engines? One word Site audit! In this post, we bring to you what is a site audit, key features of a site audit, and much more.

What is a site audit?what is the website audit

The search engines decide website ranking factors based on the user experience. A site audit is a detailed website analysis of your website’s performance against these factors.

Search engines have automated search agents known as search engine bots. These bots crawl the websites, analyze the content, and store it in their databases. When a user enters a search query, these bots then search their database and retrieve the results that are most relevant to the user’s query and serve them on their search engine results page (SERP’s)

So by doing a site audit, you will come to know in which areas your website is falling behind in these factors, which are essential for the search engines to rank it first in its SERP’s.

Key Factors To Consider While Performing Site Audit


Site Audit 


1. Page speed: Page speed is one of the key factors most search engines consider while ranking web pages in their SERPs. Hence it is necessary to find out whether your website has all it takes to load quickly than your competitors. Through site audit, you can find critical points that are affecting your page load time.

2. On-page SEO: On the page, SEO helps in easy identification of the page by the search engine bots while performing a site audit, the following must be checked.

  • Each page must have a unique topic
  • Each page must have a primary keyword included in its page title, related meta descriptions. Check the images, anchor texts.
  • Check the H1 and H2 headings, redirections, duplicate pages
  • Also, check the page crawl errors and indexation errors
  • Check for page not found and server errors
  • Have SEO friendly URL’s for all the pages
  • Activate bread crumb and have structured data inserted

3. Mobile-friendliness: Mobile compatibility will increase your page rankings and will give you an edge over the competitors. While performing site audit make sure you cover the following aspects
  • The site must have a responsive design
  • Youtube video links must be embedded
  •  All the images must be compressed

4. Check the robots.txt file: If all you realized that all the pages on your website are not being indexed, then the first place to look at is the robots.txt file. Sometimes, a few pages are blocked, which prevents Google from indexing those pages so while performing a site audit search if there any page has been ‘disallowed.’

5. Check for broken links: Broken links lead to bad user experiences and, therefore, low site rankings, so always check for broken links on your website and fix them.

6. Check your website’s XML sitemap: The XML page of your website serves as a guide for the search engine bots to crawl and index the pages of your website. Hence it is essential to make sure the XML file is in the correct format and follows the XML sitemap protocol. All your website pages must be updated on the site map, and the sitemap must be submitted to all the search engines.

7. Social media: Another channel for lead generation channel is social media, so it is necessary to make sure your website is connected to your social media channels. Check if you have included the social media icons on every page, ensure you have social media share buttons where users can share your content on social media, place your social media icons on the header for easy access for the users.

8. Image SEO: Images SEO also plays a significant role in improving your page ranking, check for the following 
  • Make sure the image file names match the image, you can also use keywords in the filenames
  • Check if the Alt tags are defined for all the images
  • If you are using many images, consider using a content delivery network

9. Check for user-friendliness: The ultimate goal is to attract traffic to your website, but what if you can get traffic onto your website, and are leaving abruptly? To ensure the users stay on your webpage, check for the user-friendliness of your website. Here is how you can do it
  • Check if the users can find what they are looking for within 3 clicks.
  • Track the user journey through the search engine console and see where the dropouts are occurring.
  • Check if you have clear navigation in place and have a 404 error page.
  • Ensure your site has the contact us, about us and privacy policy in place
  • Maintain consistent interface throughout the website

These are some of the aspects you need to look for while performing a site audit, however, a site audit is not a simple task, there are many aspects to take care of, and manually checking every detail might require lots of time as well as technical knowledge.

Do you know? You can check on all the SEO mentioned above Parameters through popular SEO Checker tools like RoboAuditor.


How RoboAuditor Makes Site Auditing Easy?

RoboAuditor does a detailed website analysis of any given website on 70+ parameters and gives you an SEO Report in less than 60 seconds.

Roboauditor SEO Report



Global Seo, SEO

The ultimate goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to allow search engines to understand and efficiently crawl the website’s data. The ever-changing search engine algorithms make it a necessity to up the game constantly. One such development is Structured Data.

Lately, both the search engine bots, as well as users, are more attracted to data that is well organized, this is where the use of structured data comes in. So what exactly is Structured Data, and what are its benefits in SEO? Read on to find out all about it.

What is structured data?

Also known as schema markup structured data is a code, which helps the search engines to crawl, organize and display your website content so that the users can find the information they are looking for within a glance. For example, if the user is searching for a recipe of chocolate cake, a structured data will give a rich snippet, that has the cooking time, the number of calories, and ratings.

Structured data | Growth Robotics


Benefits Of Structured Data

Till now, we have learned a lot about Structured Data, but why must you use structured data? And what are its benefits?


  1. Helps in increasing page relevancy: The search engines need to know the contents of the website so that it can show up relevant searches. Using Structured Data, you are providing detailed information about the contents of your website, making it easier for the algorithm to match the content to the right searches.

  2. Gives an edge over other search results: Even after ranking in the first in the search results page, your web page needs to compete with other pages. Implementing structured data will allow you to add images, ratings, reviews, etc., which can help grab the user’s attention.

  3. Helps to create a Google Knowledge Graph: This is an innovative tool from Google which helps in collating all the facts, relevant information about places, businesses, events, and people and presents them in the form of the Knowledge Graph. Structured Data helps in populating the knowledge box of your business.

  4. Improve performance of Adwords: You can also use Structured Data to incorporate additional information within your ad copy to help the recipients to understand your products better.

  5. Email marketing: Structured Data can also be used to provide detailed information to your customers through your emails. For example, few airlines and E-commerce companies send emails that will have your flight timings, name or your order details respectively.

What do numbers have to say?

There are many success stories of businesses that have improved their search results and traffic volume using Structured Data.

  • The page conversion rate increased by three times
  • The Google organic conversion rate was 4.5 times more than it has been previously
  • Increase of a 35% monthly organic traffic (1)

Some examples of how structured data looks like

Structured Data can be used for various industries to increase the search engine results; here are a few examples.


1. When writing about any product, using Structured Data, you can display some of the specifications along with its rating.

Structured Data


2. For local businesses, the scheme data would contain the address, opening, and closing hours, ratings, logo, contact details, and approximate pricing.

Structured Data

3. E-commerce websites are greatly benefitted by Structured Data as the categories are displayed individually and directly linked up to those pages on the website.


Structured data

4. Structured Data on news blogs can help them create rich snippets and feature in Google SERP’s

Structured Data


Incorporation of Structured Data Onto Your Website

One does not need advanced coding skills to add Structured data into a website. If you are using the Google search engine, then it has three chosen formats such as



Although you need not be an expert coder, the implementation of Structured Data requires HTML knowledge. Thanks to a few third-party tools you can implement Structured Data with minimal coding experience, these tools provide a collection of Html tags which help the search engines to markup the website pages.

Here a few tools that can help you build Structured Data.

  • Data Highlighter Tool: Using the Data Highlighter Tool, you can highlight the different areas of the website that contain data. You can then tag these with labels that are helpful for the search engine to generate snippets.

  • Structured Data Markup Helper: Structured Data Markup Helper tool works on website pages and HTML email templates. All you have to do is login and follow the simple steps to identify and tag the appropriate section on the website. After you are done, you can either copy and paste the code on to your website, or download and save it.

  • WordPress Plugins: There are certain WordPress plugins such as WP Rich Snippets and Schema App Structured Data, which help in keeping the posts and pages up to date without the hassle of writing code. Another noteworthy plugin is, which can be used in a few simple steps to create Structured Data. It even provides a preview of how your page will appear in the SERP.


Structured Data Testing Tool:

Once you have created the required HTML code for your structured data, it is recommended to test it. Google Provides a structured data testing tool, which can help you identify any warnings and fix them. Once all your warnings are fixed, you can then paste the final HTML code onto your website.

You can also do the complete website analysis including structured data on RoboAuditor 🙂

Structured Data is a very effective technique that can help your website’s ranking. However, your regular SEO practices must be continued to leverage the full potential of Structured Data. Get your free SEO report here.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit

There is an umpteen number of platforms where a Freelance SEO can get work like Fiverr, Upwork,, and many more. However, do you think they are genuinely helping you build your identity or blur your identity?

The way these freelancer website algorithms work is straightforward, the cheapest with highest ratings will show up top, and the probability of that SEO Freelancer getting the project is high.

Building yourself an identity (a.k.a a brand) is essential than just being busy for cheaper rates on these platforms.

Branding in simple words,

“I want to hire Neil Patel to get by web traffic to the next level.”
“I want to hire some SEO guy at low rates with higher ratings, which can get my website some good traffic.”

4 Simple Steps for an SEO Freelancer to Build a Brand for Themselves

1. Get Yourself a Website with Proper Technical SEO

Would you like to hire a Personal Trainer who is weighing more than you? Similarly, no business would like to hire you as an SEO Freelancer if you are not following what you preach.

It’s not so severe or expensive. Buy some beautiful and SEO friendly WordPress theme and put it out. Make sure you have the proper Technical SEO to start with.

2. An SEO expert should be able to provide you with SEO reports on the fly

Differentiate yourself from other SEO Freelancers by introducing offers which your website visitors would love it. What could be better than a Free SEO Report?

The impact of an offer is Zero or may be detrimental if you say, “We will get back to you in 24-28 hours with the audit.”

Provide an instant SEO audit using popular SEO audit tools like RoboAuditor (yes, we are shameless 🙂 )  on your website. It will be short but to the point, which the visitors would love, and you, in return, get a lead.

A Website Grader from HubSpot generated more than 4 Million leads for HubSpot. It is one of the best lead generation strategies used by HubSpot.

RoboAuditor | SEO Audit Tool
3. Be Accessible

There are millions of SEO Freelancers hunting for prospective clients. So if you are not accessible to your potential clients, then the probability of you getting more clients becomes abysmal. It is essential to be always available to your SEO leads.


A Lead Response study says that reaching out a lead in the first five minutes, give you a ten times higher chance to close a deal.

4. Build Case Studies

Do you think it is a Chicken and Egg problem? I.e., if I don’t have customers, how would I get the testimonials and case studies?


Please take a couple of non-profits in your vicinity and provide them with the White Label SEO Audit Report from RoboAuditor and offer them a fix at Zero cost or a low cost.

Once the Technical SEO is fixed, you will, for sure, see a jump in the traffic and the keywords ranking. Hence make this a perfect example for your case study.


This will increase your credibility and differentiate you from the others.

Are these efforts expensive?


Consider White Label SEO Audit Tool as an example, RoboAuditor is an embeddable white-label SEO audit tool, designed to generate 4x more leads, and it comes at a very competitive price. The Embeddable White Label SEO Audit tool conducts an audit on more than 70 parameters as defined by popular search engines, including Google, Yahoo, and Bing.


Once you embed RoboAuditor on your website, visitors will have the option of entering their website’s URL address to gauge the performance of their site. RoboAuditor ensures that your leads get an in-depth, comprehensive SEO report, generating more high-quality SEO leads for you in turn.

Roboauditor Working 

Every lead is directly moved into the lead management system used by your business using the integration option.


What Stethoscope is to a doctor, Embeddable White Label SEO Audit Tool is for an SEO Agency.


Following these simple steps mentioned above will surely differentiate you from the other cheaper price, higher rating SEO Freelancers out there on many freelancing websites.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Firm
There are millions of landing pages created every day by businesses across the globe. We all wish to create a landing page that becomes our lead generation engine, but it doesn’t happen. We have taken this as a challenge and tried to look at solving this puzzle.

There is something more to a landing page than just a design and content. Let’s go and dig deeper.

For our analysis, we have taken the following buyer persona:

To study the landing pages of the companies which provide the services in the following areas worldwide: Inbound Marketing agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies

We studied and evaluated hundreds of landing pages worldwide to find these answers. We wanted to discover how some landing pages can instantly attract the visitors and entice them towards the call-to-action.

Our hunt introduced us to some fascinating examples, and we decided to give ‘The Best Landing Page of the Decade Award’ to two in the following order,

The Best Landing Page of the Decade Award

1. Website Grader from HubSpot 

“HubSpot has generated more than 4 million leads through their Website Grader.” Now that’s something to look up to!

website grader online

2. Site Analyzer from Neil Patel

“Neil Patel generates more than 72,000 leads every month.”  What business would not love to see such results for themselves?

So what exactly makes these landing pages so successful and deserving of the award? Let’s find out.

1. An Offer, the Visitors, Simply Can’t Resist

All landing pages have the same singular goal – to convert visitors into leads. Everything on the landing page is about getting a visitor to respond to a call-to-action. So what do you do to give them an incentive and make sure they click that button and leave you with their details? Make an irresistible offer, of course!

In the case of both Hubspot and Neil Patel’s landing pages, they are giving businesses, which is their target audience, something that is extremely critical for the business’s brand visibility and user experience – a website audit.


Businesses need high rankings during search engine results, and their websites must be optimized to perform efficiently. With a tool like a website grader, a company can get a detailed audit of their website and identify which areas perform well and which ones need improvement. It is merely an offer that visitors to these landing pages can’t resist.


2. A Highly Personalized Offer


Since the offer is made – the audit of a website – is unique to every business, no two results will ever be the same.


This means that the visitor is getting something that is highly customized to his requirements. There is no jargon involved. There are no extraneous details. There is no generalization. The results are specific to each business and their pain points. What’s more, is that every visitor gets a result that will help them improve the performance of their website (and thereby improve the potential of their SEO rankings).


The more you personalize the offer on your landing page, the higher are the chances of you gathering better quality leads.


3. Faster Gratification or Access to Content

No one is going to enjoy filling in a form that asks for a lot of details. It shouldn’t feel like a chore. And honestly, you don’t need to know a lot about the people who are looking to engage with your content.


Both the winning landing pages offer their visitors with a website grader tool by asking them to fill in just two fields – their URL of the website they want to audit and their email id. That’s minimalism at its best.


The aim is to close the deal right away by giving the visitors immediate access without too much hassle or asking them to spend too much time. When gratification is instant, and just a button away, visitors are a lot more likely to give you what you are asking for so that they can get something valuable quickly in return.


4. All of it is Free

Now that’s a clincher. When there are so many benefits to be had, and all of them without paying a dime, who is not going to want to use it? And that’s how HubSpot and Neil Patel have been able to get such a large volume of leads for their website grader tools – accepting their offer does not cost the visitor anything.


When you can educate, inform or entertain someone free of cost, with the only investment being their email id, a lot of people will be happy to click that subscription, download or register button.



Are you worried about how would you get this SEO audit tool on your website?


RoboAuditor is an embeddable white label SEO audit tool that is helping thousands of agencies convert the website visitors into leads.  Just put few lines of code on your website and its up and running 🙂

Roboauditor Working


The next time you are designing a landing page, try these techniques to create a high-converting landing page and amplify your lead generation efforts. Create a compelling offer, personalize it, make it simple by asking for a few details as possible, and give it to the visitors free of cost.

What are other tactics have you employed in designing your most successful landing pages?


Global Seo, SEO

Last August, Google announced a medic update that had an unfavorable impact on the rankings of health and medical websites.

Google, by its admission, had revealed that it makes constant changes to its algorithms to make the search results more relevant to the user.

It means even if your website is optimized for the search engine, you still have to pay attention to the health of your website to keep the ranking consistent.

An in-depth analysis of the website is crucial. It tells you where your website lags and indicates the things you need to fix to keep it optimized.

And it’s not something that you can do once in a while or after your website is live. It’s a continuous journey. As Jill Whalen, one of the early pioneers of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), said, “Good SEO work only gets better over time.

How to do an in-depth website analysis?

There are three major components that you must check while analyzing your website.

On-page SEO: Moz defines On-page SEO as both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized, as opposed to off-page SEO, which refers to links and other external signals. This essentially means that you have greater control over your website. When you do an on-page audit, here are a few things that you must check and fix:

  • Do all your web pages have unique titles and meta descriptions? And are they within the specified size?
  • Have you added H1 (main title), H2 (main headings), etc. for the text on all your pages?
  • Is the copy on your website updated, non-plagiarized? Are there any pages that have duplicate content?
  • Are your images optimized for SEO? Have you added alt tags to it? Do you require a content delivery network (CDN) if you are using many images on your page?
  • Do you have any broken links on your website?

Off-page SEO: Moz defines off-page SEO as actions taken outside your website to impact your rankings within search engine result pages. Google pays a lot of attention to the trustworthiness and authority of a website. So, if a reliable, third-party website promotes your website, it has a chance to be ranked high by Google. To ensure that your off-page SEO is as effective as on-page SEO, check for the following:

  • Which of the incoming links that link to your website are trusted domains?
  • Are these domains unique?
  • Are there any suspicious incoming links linking to your website?

You may not have control over third-party websites. However, by auditing your off-page SEO, you will be able to remove the bad backlinks and improve the SEO of your website.

Technical SEO: SEO has moved beyond keyword stuffing and traditional SEO parameters. Today, Google gives equal importance to technical SEO as on-page and off-page SEO. As Google focuses on delivering a good user experience to website visitors, technical SEO is a crucial element for page ranking. It ensures that search engines can access and index your pages without any hassles. Here are a few things that you must audit when you check for technical SEO.


  • Is your robots.txt file optimized for indexing?
  • Have you set the canonical URL for all the webpages?
  • Have you optimized your XML Sitemap?
  • Is your URL secure?
  • Are your webpages loading within 3 seconds?
  • Are your CSS and HTML minified?
  • Is your website optimized for different screens and devices?

Are you confused about the terms used above? We have simplified it for you.

Manual vs. SEO Audit Tool

There are two ways to do the audits; you can either do it manually or use an SEO audit tool to do it. If you ask us, we would recommend you to use an SEO audit tool to check for the flaws in your website. SEO audit tools will not just save your time but will also give you accurate results that will leave minimal scope for errors. It will provide you with a detailed report within minutes.

How Can Digital Marketing Agencies Use White Label SEO Tool to Generate Leads?

SEO audit tools are useful in auditing your website. However, as a digital marketing agency, we would recommend you to offer website audits as a service to keep your visitors on your website. It is one of the best ways to convert visitors into leads. Now, if you are wondering about the cost that you may have to incur in developing the audit tool, relax! White label SEO audit tools can help you audit websites without spending time and money on hiring a team or developing a tool. It does all the background work and sends the website analysis report to your client with your logo on it.


However, choosing the right white label SEO tool can be a challenge. There are various SEO audit tools such as RoboAuditor, WooRank, and Moz that can help you with website analysis. It is, therefore, important to do a competitive analysis to choose the right one. From the parameters that it checks to the support, the tool offers in the lead nurturing process, check everything thoroughly before investing.


At Growth Robotics, we offer a 14-day trial to companies to try RoboAuditor for free. The white label SEO audit tool is so efficient that one of our clients, ZNetLive, was able to generate 50+ leads in just two days!


If you want to offer an in-depth website analysis to your website visitors, contact us, we will help you get started.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO
We are about to move into the third decade of this century soon, and one of the exciting things for businesses is that they have access to technology like never before. It aids them in their day-to-day operations, helps them deliver their best to clients, and decides their future for them. And yet, the world for marketing agencies and digital marketing consultants is not without its challenges.

In the Marketing Agency Growth Survey 2018 report from HubSpot, 60% of the respondents stated that finding new clients is the biggest problem they encounter in growing their agencies. When asked what would they ideally like to invest in, in the coming year, 72% said that they would choose to fund lead generation initiatives.

Lead generation is the topmost priority for businesses. When devising lead generation strategies, there are three critical factors you must bear in mind.

  • The cost per lead (CPL) should be low
  • The offer you provide must be unique and personalized for every visitor
  • The effort to make the offer visible and actionable, should not be high

Among the many tactics you can deploy to build a robust pipeline of leads, having your website perform at an optimum level is one of the must-haves. In this article, we explore how, using a website grader, you can improve the SEO of your website, have it rank higher during searches, and convert visitors into leads.

Working with a Website Grader

Website grader is an intelligent tool that provides a detailed audit of any given website. It ranks the website against critical metrics, including performance, mobile responsiveness, SEO, and security. HubSpot has built Website Grader to aid its lead generation strategies. Another popular and highly effective website grader is RoboAuditor, a white label product that can be embedded into any agency’s website with a few simple steps.

RoboAuditor Working

A website’s popularity is not just about hosting valuable content and attracting the attention of the audience with creative design. It also needs to perform superior technically, and a
website grader allows you to do just that. By using it to audit your site, you can then make improvements to get scored high by search engine algorithms and gain greater visibility during online searches. In other words, a website grader allows you to evaluate where your website is secure and what areas need improvement.

The proof that website graders do affect lead generation lies in the numbers; HubSpot has generated millions of leads for agencies that use it. RoboAuditor has made over 60,000 leads for more than 2,000 agencies across the world in the last 8 months alone.

Comparing a website grader with other lead generation tactics

There are several ways to convert visitors into leads. Ebooks, contact us forms, popup forms, and the website grader are the most effective ways of engaging with the audience.

Ebooks:  According to a HubSpot study, the popularity of the e-book is going down at a tremendous pace across all demographics. This lead generation strategy was great till a few years back but not anymore


  • Time is taken to publish a well-researched e-book: 90 Days
  • Cost to publish an ebook: $3000
  • Time taken to read the complete e-book is very long. People now want microcontent.
  • Conversion is just between 1% to 2% and not more.

Contact us forms: This is a must and is there on every website. Do you find it different anywhere? The conversion rate of a typical contact us form is < 1%. The contact us forms are not meant to generate Top of the Funnel leads.   

Popup forms: The increase in the popup blockers’ popularity and the strict guidelines by google clearly states that popup forms are annoying the website visitors.  They are not personalized and disturbs the visitor if he is looking for something important. With GDPR and the Push Notification popups already on your website, I am sure you, too, agree that it is annoying to have the other one welcoming your website visitors.

popup box logo

Website grader: This is one of the best prospecting tools for a website, and every website should have it. RoboAuditor is an embeddable, White Label SEO Audit Tool.


  • RoboAuditor takes only 2 minutes for installation. Just paste 3 lines of code, and it’s done.
  • Completely white-label, i.e. you will have your own branding on the report.
  • Move every lead directly to your lead management or email marketing systems with the one-click integration options
  • RoboAuditor Browser extension helps your business development team to strike a conversation with the prospects instantly.


Digital agency websites need regular maintenance and improvements to allow their businesses to remain on top of their game. Rather than going in for a redesign of the entire site every few years, it makes more sense to keep analyzing the technical aspects of the website on an ongoing basis so that you can survive in the midst of the competition, keep pace with the technological changes and thrive in your industry.

To get a better sense of how a website grader works, and how it can really help fine-tune your website, positively impacting your lead generation efforts, sign up for the free 14-day trial of RoboAuditor, without sharing any credit card details, now.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Firm

People may not have a landline number at home these days, but everyone has an email ID. Businesses do. Individuals do. Even universities and government agencies rely on email addresses to foster communication. Email subscriptions started gaining popularity in the ’90s, but even today, it remains one of the prime channels used by marketers to build brand awareness and maintain brand recall.

“Active email accounts are expected to hit 5.6 billion by 2019”  – Statista – 2018

Growing the list of your email subscribers systematically can help you maintain a loyal following, drive traffic organically to your website, and increase the likelihood of product purchases.

5 Ways to Double Your Email Subscriptions

1. Create a compelling offer

Static forms like ‘subscribe to the newsletter’ are too commonplace. Expecting such forms to work is probably going to end in disappointment as statistics show that submission of such forms is less than 3%. With the amount of effort and resources you expend in creating content, this is hardly the kind of result you want.

Instead, if you create a compelling offer, you will give the visitors an incentive to sign up by providing them with something to enjoy immediately. This could be exclusive access to content, a discount offer, or even a free ebook.

Make use of smart tools like RoboAuditor that have creative designs and layouts you can choose from to personalize a signup form, enticing visitors to make use of a compelling offer. RoboAuditor works to generate more leads for your business by conducting a comprehensive SEO audit of your website and integrating with CRM software like MailChimp, WordPress, and HubSpot.

Email List

2. Reduce the friction to subscribe

Make it easy and simple for visitors to leave their email addresses. A form with too many questions to be answered can feel like an inspection of sorts, and nobody likes the paperwork. Chances are the visitor will get turned off and decide to move on.

Signup forms must be simple and unobtrusive. The position of the way should not jar the actual scrolling or reading experience of the website — experiment with different layouts and elements.

Test different types of signup forms, from pop-up ones to buttons embedded within blog posts, to assess which ones are more likely to convert generic visitors to email subscribers. Keep the number of clicks that the user has to go through to get your offer to a minimum.

You may want to consider setting up a double opt-in form to weed out spammers or bots. Also, pay particular attention to CTA buttons, which can have text varying from the usual ‘sign me up to more action-oriented ones like ‘get my 15% off or ‘get job alerts now.’

3. Engage with new subscribers immediately

When someone has opted-in to receive your content, you are still on top of their mind. This an opportunity for you to seal the deal even more strongly, and yet, this is something not many marketers take advantage of.

You don’t have to wait for new email subscribers to begin engaging with your content only when you send out your next scheduled newsletter or email, which could be days, even weeks away. Instead, what you can do is, send out a thank-you email or even another offer as soon as someone has subscribed to your mailing list.

Email platforms like MailChimp allow you to set up such emails that are sent to new subscribers automatically as soon as their email addresses are updated into the system. You can even get creative and offer additional content by getting your email subscribers to like your Facebook page or share it with another friend to unlock the new offer.

4. Show signup options everywhere

Intuitively, you would think that the website is the only place for a signup form, but this disregards the fact that not all your audiences are going to be frequenting your website directly, and instead, you may have to direct them there. Make use of both your blog posts and social media posts to drive people to landing pages or newsletter signup forms.

You can even combine your forms with social proof to add weight to the value of the content. For instance, you can tout the fact that the visitor can join 30,000 other email subscribers on their weight loss journey and become a part of a large community that have been working towards solving just the same pain points as the visitor.

to generategenerateto generate Encourage sharing

Getting people to refer you and your content to others is extremely powerful. We tend to have greater faith in the recommendations of our family, friends, and even influencers as compared to when the business tells us that what they are offering is helpful. Get your existing subscribers to share your newsletters or emails within their network and build your email subscriptions. This is also an excellent way for you to find like-minded prospects.

Do It Now

You will have to experiment with different layouts, CTAs, and offers to see what maximizes email subscriptions. The key tactics or the basics remain the same – providing valuable content, making it easier to signup, and adding social proof – will generate not only a greater number of email subscriptions but also increase the engagement of the subscribers with your content and generate a loyal following.


RoboAuditor generates at least 4X more email subscribers Vs. the Static Email subscription forms.


What email subscription methods have you tried in the past? What has and hasn’t worked for you?


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Firm, Website SEO

Until a few years ago, attracting traffic to the website was quite simple. You found high volume keywords for SEO, wrote content around it, promoted it on social media, grew your followers and subscribers, earned links, and used ad platforms to drive conversions.

However, the trend seems to have changed now.

In his presentation titled ‘The Next Era of Web Marketing: 2019 and beyond’, Rand Fishkin spoke the uncomfortable truth. He announced that the 2009-2016 ‘Inbound Marketing’ playbook has failed to generate the results that marketers we’re used to seeing until 3-4 years ago.

inbound marketing playbook
                                                                                   Source: LinkedIn SlideShare

Why is it happening?

Let’s focus on the two primary platforms that marketers rely upon for generating leads and growing business.

1. Social media platforms

For a long time, marketers relied upon Facebook to market their business. After all, the reach was good, and marketers did not have to spend a lot of money on marketing. Most of the traffic to the pages was organic. However, last year, Facebook announced the change in algorithms to make the platform less ad-driven. “I’m changing the goal I give our product teams from focusing on helping you find relevant content to helping you have more meaningful social interactions,” said Mark Zuckerberg when he announced the algorithm change. The change killed the organic reach. The organic reach to the business page had almost diminished to zero from 28% in 2011 to 0.5% in 2017.

Outbound Traffic
                                                                Source: LinkedIn SlideShare

2. Google Search

For a long time, marketers concentrated on strengthening their SEO and investing in Google AdWords to generate traffic to the website. However, for the first time last year, Google sent less organic traffic to the website by answering the questions themselves. Google is shifting from being a search engine that directs traffic elsewhere to the one that answers all the questions within the search results itself.

best seo practises

With so many changes happening in the algorithms across different platforms, marketers have to think of ways to generate website traffic and convert them into subscribers. Also, it’s essential to build a strong lead magnet.

Marketers must stick to the basics.

What does that mean?

Rand Fishkin advises marketers to make their website and email list the center of all digital campaigns. 100 true fans are better than 100,000 visits, he says.

digital campaign

Source: LinkedIn SlideShare

How do you get your fans?

1. Focus on generating visitors to your website

Generating visitors to your website can be a challenge, especially when the organic reach is limited. How will you make people aware of what you do if they do not visit your website? There’s a simple solution to it. Focus on addressing their pain point first.

For example, if you are the owner of a digital marketing agency, you know that optimizing the website for the search engine is their primary concern for every business. You can address this problem by giving your prospective customers a reason to visit your website and giving them an option to get a detailed SEO audit for FREE.

That’s how Hubspot and Neil Patel generated traffic to their website earlier. While HubSpot’s Website Grader is now a separate tool, Neil Patel’s SEO analyzer is still a part of his popular website.

Recently, Fractional CMO, a digital marketing agency, did a similar thing to differentiate themselves from the other players of the industry. Instead of talking about themselves or their services, they gave the visitors the option to self-assess their website for free.

By adding a White Label SEO Audit Tool, Fractional CMO was able to increase its leads by 400% and save their time on creating lead generating assets such as blogs and ebooks.

Digital Marketing Agency

Once you show your value to the visitor, they will be compelled to revisit your website and engage with you further. That’s how great websites like Canva and HubSpot do. They show you the value of their offerings on your first visit, engage with you also to build your trust and eventually make you their fan. It’s the best way to find high intent prospects and get referrals without spending too much money and effort on generating leads.

2. Build your email list

The second suggestion by Rand Fishkin is to build the subscriber list, or in other words, the email list. Email marketing completed 40 years recently, and though people believe it to be dead, the fact is it is still relevant.

According to Statista, there are over 3.7 billion email users currently, which is set to grow to 4.3 billion users in 2022. Emails are the best way to build trust with your prospects and customers as it is a direct communication from you.

By developing an email list, you can engage with your prospects in a more personalized way. From sending them weekly curated content to offering exclusive discounts, you can offer a lot of value to them and show them the benefit of engaging with you.

The challenge, though, is to get people to share their email IDs. There are several ways in which you can build an email list.

Some of them are age-old techniques like you ask your blog readers to subscribe with their email IDs to receive future content from you, and some are time taking and expensive ones like create gated content such as ebooks and whitepapers, which can be accessed only after the personal details are shared.

However, most people are wary of sharing their email IDs to avoid receiving unsolicited emails from companies. If you want your visitors to share their email ID voluntarily, you need to build trust with them. And that’s only possible when they see value in what you offer.

Let’s go back to Fractional CMO’s case study. Fractional CMO gave the visitors an option to audit their website for free. To receive the website audit report, the visitor had to enter their website’s URL and the email ID.

That’s how Fractional CMO built their email list and later converted them through lead nurturing.

So, find a ‘Do It Yourself’ kind of a tool that will not just keep your prospects on your website for a longer time, but also prompt to share their email ID voluntarily.

How to begin with the process of retaining visitors on your platform?

What value your website visitors will get if they come to your website? For ex: If you run a digital marketing agency, an SEO audit makes a perfect sense.

However, if you want to generate leads like Neil Patel and HubSpot, you can begin with a white label SEO tool. RoboAuditor is a white label SEO tool that will allow your visitors to audit their website for free and get the report of its performance on their email ID within minutes. It’s that simple!

Some of the best features of RoboAuditor

  • The SEO audit report should is white labeled in the real sense, i.e., the report has your logo and not that of the tool provider but of your business.

  • Ability to integrate and send the leads in real-time to the right marketing or CRM systems like HubSpot, MailChimp, Salesforce, etc.

  • RoboAudito gives a detailed SEO report with more than 70 parameters covered. It is one of the few reports where the exact line of code or image is also shown up in the report.

  • Most importantly, the tool should be user-friendly. It should not need a specialized team to install it. It should be easy for anyone to install. Tools such as RoboAuditor are easy to install. You just have to embed code on the website, and your audit tool is ready for use!

  • Able to show the Technical SEO audit report in any language you wish too. Yes, You can show RoboAuditor SEO Audit report in more than 6500+ languages.

RoboAuditor Working

If you want to give RoboAuditor a try, sign up for a free trial. We are sure; you will not be disappointed with the results.

These two tips will help you get started with forming a fan base. Once your fan base is built, it will be easier for you to generate more traffic and leads for your business without having to rely on social media and other platforms that can become unpredictable with the change in algorithms.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Firm
You must have read about how sending an audit report of the prospect’s website while writing a cold email pitch to them can increase your chances of conversion.

It’s true; a website audit report can be a great icebreaker between you and the prospect. It shows the amount of research and the level of commitment you have towards the prospect’s company.

However, all those efforts could go in vain if the report does not carry your logo and instead carries the logo of the SEO tool you used to audit the website. The prospect would not be able to distinguish between your agency and the SEO tool that you used.

That’s where a white label SEO audit tool comes to your rescue. 
What is a white label SEO audit tool?
The white label SEO audit tools are similar to the free SEO tools you find on the internet, except they are more comprehensive, sophisticated, secure, and, most importantly, anonymous.

Let’s explore these features in detail.

1. More Comprehensive

Your prospect would want to know everything that’s wrong with their website before engaging with you. A preview of the report would not likely help them make a decision. White label SEO tools offer a comprehensive report on the health of the website. It covers everything right from on-page SEO to technical SEO parameters.

Free SEO audit tools, on the other hand, include just the basic parameters, which the prospect might already be aware of.

2. More Sophistication

So, you have sent your prospect the audit report. What’s next? What if the prospect considers the report but does not respond to you? How are you going to push them further down the funnel? The role of a free SEO audit tool ends at generating the SEO report. A few white label SEO tools help you further until the conversion process is completed.

RoboAuditor, for example, offers integration with tools such as MailChimp, HubSpot, Zapier, etc. to make it easier for digital marketers to push the leads further into the funnel. They also support more than 6500 languages. If you plan to target prospects from other countries, a customized report in a particular language can give you an edge over your competitors.

3. More secure

At a time when companies are conscious about how their data is used, a report with a third-party branding might not go well with your prospect. You also don’t know how those free tools use your prospect’s data.

With White Label SEO Audit Tool, you will have more control over the data. You will also be able to instill faith in your prospects by stating that their data is secure and will not be sold or used in the wrong way.

4. Carries your branding

White label SEO tools are developed by another company, but their identity can be masked by adding your logo to the top of the report. It is a win-win situation for both you and the prospect.

You can save cost on developing a tool from scratch and time on analyzing and generating SEO reports manually, and your prospect can get an understanding of the gaps they need to fill to improve the website.

What to look for while choosing a white label SEO audit tool?

Does it help in generating leads?

The primary purpose of auditing a website is to generate leads. If the white label SEO audit tool does not help in generating leads, you may want to look for a tool that enables you to do that. Check if it offers integration with other tools that will aid you in your lead nurturing process.

Does it audit all the SEO parameters?

Check if your white label audit tool analyzes all the SEO parameters on the website. As we mentioned above, your prospect would want to know the health of their website in detail. If your tool offers just a preview or skips auditing some of the important parameters, it might not be worth the investment.

Opt for a tool that checks for all the parameters. Compare the best available white label SEO audit tools before making a decision.

Does it comply with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework?

The SEO audit tool will be capturing the data of your prospect’s website. Before you add a disclaimer on your website, stating that you will safeguard the data of the user, ensure that your white label SEO audit tool complies with it. Growth Robotics, for example, has clearly mentioned how it will process the data of the customer.

Is it easy to install?

The purpose of having a white label SEO tool is to save cost and money on building a tool of your own. So, if you need a team to install the white label SEO tool, it might not be a feasible investment for you. Look for a white label SEO tool that is not dependent on an IT team for installation. RoboAuditor, for example, is so simple to add on your website, that even a non-technical user would be able to do it.
SEO Audit tool Work
White label SEO audit may require you to make a small investment of as low as $10 per month, but the results that you will derive from it are amazing. Our clients, such as Fractional CMO and ZNetLive, have managed to increase their leads with the help of a white label SEO audit tool.
Thinking of giving it a try? You can begin with a 14-day Free Trial of RoboAuditor and see the results for yourself before subscribing to it.

Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit

Today, conversations in the digital era have moved from big data, the concept of managing significant data quantities, to data lakes or data warehouses. With technology impacting many industries and verticals, marketing shouldn’t be left behind.

If you are servicing clients by enhancing their organic search metrics, chances are you would be using a host of tools and add-ons, each having its report format by generating multiple data points. We have seen this in our work across industries, and it becomes inefficient for us to collate the data from critical parameters and create a final report to present updates on the subject’s web performance.

keep reading


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit

Whether you are looking for a comprehensive reporting tool to showcase the work done for your clients, or you are an in-house SEO specialist searching for a tool that can map your different group sites on essential parameters, an SEO report that can be auto-generated is now becoming mainstream.

Clients usually do not get the nitty-gritty of SEO, and you would bore them to death elaborating on the funnel drop-off insights that you recently stumbled upon. A report is the best way to explain different aspects briefly and use it as an opportunity to up-sell areas of weakness that you haven’t been contracted to work on.

But the more significant business advantage is when how SEO audit tool vendors show how they generate leads for businesses at a rate that puts current conversion figures to shame.

In fact, Martech Today says spending for marketing automation tools will touch $25.1 billion annually by 2023, and the SEO audit report falls under this bracket. But what if you could take the branding off your vendor, and add yours?

That way, your clients would be able to get the same report generated under your agency name, rather than from the automation vendor. This is called white labeling. Let’s dive into how you could leverage this tactic of a white label SEO report to expand your business significantly.

The Fancy Tool Your Customers Will be Curious About

white label SEO Report

Fortune always favors the brave, as they say, and innovators who try out new tools and techniques usually stand to gain the most. A website audit tool for free that you place at multiple locations across your web pages will definitely arouse the curiosity of your audience.

The audience would be a mix of current and potential customers, the former being more comfortable to convert since you could proactively email them a chance to test the tool. Not only are you offering a report for free, but you are offering them the opportunity to generate them multiple times a day, what with Google changing its algorithms frequently, along with the market’s shifting nature.

Studies by LinkedIn shows how 80% of marketers use marketing automation software to generate more leads. By offering value, what you are looking in exchange is their primary contact details to send an mail describing how your services could benefit their SEO efforts.

Positioning Your Brand Above The Others Still Fighting the Content Marketing Battle

White label SEO Report 2

A study by Demand Gen Report shows that users review 3-5 pieces of a firm’s native content to develop a level of confidence before they reach out to engage for the site’s services. And this does not just blog content. But while content marketing is essential, the end consumer is inundated with hundreds of emails and whitepaper notifications every day.

The lead generation mechanism using the content as a medium hits the ceiling at some point. What if you could offset marginal results utilizing the strategy of lead gen through white label SEO reporting, and position yourself differently through a space that is still currently new? Bypass the content marketing battle and deliver the genuine site and SEO performance metrics using a report which your customers wouldn’t think twice opting in for.

Positioning It As The Most Valuable Lead Magnet Mechanism

A recent survey shows how 57% of B2B marketers feel SEO generates the most leads, ahead of other marketing tactics. For a 
white label SEO report product offered to your audience, you are offering and leveraging the best of both worlds: a free tool to analyze their SEO success rate, and the opportunity to capture filtered leads that will increase your conversion rates.

The significant chunk of leads that digital marketing veterans like Neil Patel receive through their SEO auditing tools is widely known, but how you position and sell it on your website plays an important role as well.

Throughout your website, be it above the navigation bar or by having in-story interstitials persuading audiences to avail of this feature, which seems almost unreal being offered for free, draw parallels between the content and a problem statement your potential customer could be facing.

Proactively Offering To Fix SEO Red Flags from the Audit Report

White Label SEO Report 4

Unless search engine optimization isn’t one of your main offerings, growing your business in the tightly fought digital marketing space must surely endear you to the SEO report. In fact, it might have set your mind thinking of how to leverage it across your different sales campaigns running.

Growing your business could enter a new phase if you identified the problem, but happened to be competent at addressing them as well. What if you promised prospects to review their website as soon as they shared their website details with you through the mandatory contact form, and respond with a customized report within 2-hours of the process initiation?

Perhaps, offer a week of consulting at no charge to fix the top two weaknesses of the website that the report brings out.

Securing qualified leads, making the process efficient

The efficiency of sales teams takes a hit when they have to sift through numerous leads to identify a few who will land the company real business opportunity. Let’s call the latter “qualified leads.” With the white label SEO report, most of the engaged prospects would either be serving their set of clients or looking to understand the state of how friendly their website is, according to Google’s search engine parameters.

Not only does a report make the process more feasible to capture leads and go after them, but it also creates a level of trust among potential customers, who would be assured that being able to generate a report automatically would mean the company knows a thing or two about optimizing web SEO. Those are additional brownie points to ensure an increase in engagement and eventual conversions.

The ‘automation’ moment has genuinely reached the world of marketing and lead generation. Today, powerful computing coupled with intelligent analysis has made crawling a website on SEO parameters, matching them to analyze their SEO proficiency and generating visually appealing reports, realities for the wider market.

With content marketing now being so pervasive that it only delivers diminishing marginal returns, marketing can take a leaf out of the tech startup’s books, by using features like the white label SEO report to disrupt the industry and make it more useful and customer-driven.

RoboAuditor tool is a comprehensive package that scans your website for 70+ factors, generates reports instantly, and gives you the option to position the tool as your own if you provide SEO services to clients. Reach out to us, and we will connect to gauge your requirements.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

A small business owner understands the importance of digital presence and invested a lot of time and money in building a fantastic bakery website. Excellent content and Jaw-dropping images, Design, User-friendly navigation.

However, she quickly realizes that her website does not feature on the first or second page of the search engine, even if someone searches for a bakery in her area.

When she explains this to her friend over a cup of coffee, she suggested her to look for a digital marketing agency to optimize her website and make it search engine-friendly.  

Now the bakery owner started looks for digital marketing agencies in her area, and almost everyone promises to optimize her website. The business owner was looking for someone who can tell her the issues on the website upfront.

Unable to differentiate between agencies, she eventually chooses the first agency that she finds on the Internet.

Sounds familiar?

As a digital marketing agency, you must be aware that people realize the importance of having an optimized website. They understand that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technical and long-term exercise that requires the attention of a digital marketing agency or an SEO expert.

That’s why they do not hesitate to hire a digital marketing agency to help them in their endeavor of improving their ranking and growing the business.

“However, with digital marketing and SEO agencies mushrooming in every part of the globe, providing a differentiation has become more important than ever.”

To add to the competition, Google recommends business owners to select the agency based on their search and technical audit prowess. Which essentially means that

Google advises businesses to ask SEO agencies to provide recommendations to improve the search and technical performance of the website to help them choose the right agency.

This, in a way, spells good news for you as you can leverage this opportunity and become one of the most sought-after digital marketing agencies in this booming industry.

White Label SEO Audit – Your Secret to Success

Every business would want to know their site’s performance and understand how it can be improved. While other digital agencies ask business owners to pay a small fee upfront and take over a week to analyze the website, you can do it for them free of cost using white label SEO AuditTool. You can even give them the power to analyze their website themselves and receive a report almost immediately.

This makes it a reliable and trustworthy tool.

Why Are White Label SEO Audit Tools So Popular?

White label SEO Audit Tools is getting a strong foothold in the digital marketing industry, and there are two primary reasons for it.

1. Helps in Generating Leads

Let’s take an example of a Hyderabad-based digital marketing agency called Fractional CMO that offers digital marketing services to SaaS, Manufacturing, and Real Estate companies.

Fractional CMO was highly dependent on different lead channels such as eBooks, whitepapers, and blogs to generate leads. The entire exercise proved to be time-consuming and cost-intensive for them.

Fractional CMO signed up for a free trial version of 
RoboAuditor, a white label SEO tool, and added it to their website (screenshot is given below). So, whoever visited their website had the option to analyze their website for free instead of paying $500.

Within one week of embedding the white label code, Fractional CMO was able to see an increase in qualified leads by 2x times. As of today, Fractional CMO has been able to increase their leads by 400% and reduce the marketing spend by 75% by using white label SEO.

And Fractional CMO is not the only digital marketing agency to have benefited from it. Even HubSpot, the 5th ranking website in the online marketing space, has successfully used a tool called Website Grader is one of the methods to generate leads for their website.

In one of the articles in 
Forbes, the author, Joe Escobedo, made a valid point – “To stand out in a crowded marketplace, your lead magnet needs to be great. When every business is giving away free e-books, give out a free software tool that helps solve your customer’s pain point so you can set your business apart from your competitors.”

This is precisely what makes white label SEO tools so popular.

2. Helps in Winning Clients

So, your website visitor has received a detailed report on the improvements they can make to their website. Do you think they will implement it? Neil Patel believes they wouldn’t. In his article ‘How I Built a 7 Figure SEO Agency’, Neil Patel suggests that the visitor will most likely ask you to fix the issues found on their website because they would rather trust your sensibilities to fix the problem than spending their time and resources on it.

If you were a business owner, you would ask the digital agency to fix it, won’t you?

So, you see, by using white label SEO and sending the website health report in advance, you will be able to win the trust of the visitor and eventually convert them into a client.

RoboAuditor – A Perfect Partner for Your Growth

Selecting the right white label SEO audit tool is essential from your business growth perspective, because if the tool is below par and misleading, then there is a chance that your website visitors might not trust your business at all.

However, with RoboAuditor by your side, you need not worry about it. Here are a few reasons that make RoboAuditor a perfect partner for your business.

  • Easy to use: Growth Robotics’ RoboAuditor is a ready-to-use tool that can be used by a non-technical person too. All you need to do is, embed the code to your website, and you are ready!

  • White-label reports: A lot of white label SEO tool developers do not offer the option to publish white-label reports. This can be a disadvantage for those who want the reports to be sent under their name. RoboAuditor offers white-label reports that give you the complete freedom to use your brand in the report.

  • Integration: Integration with various tools enables you to offer value-add service to the client. RoboAuditor offers integration with MailChimp, WordPress Plugin, HubSpot CRM, Chrome Extensions, and much more.

  • Customization: All of us love customization. Customized white-label reports will help you offer unique services to your customers. RoboAuditor offers customizations such as reports in multiple languages and empowers you to choose what you want to display in the report.

White label SEO audit tool is worth an investment to generate good quality leads at a minimal cost. If you are toying with the idea of trying it out, then do not hesitate to contact us. We are always ready to help :).

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Firm

According to a recent survey, 83% of agencies believe digital marketing to be one of the fastest-changing industries in the present era because of its association with the rapidly evolving online world.

Technology comes and goes, and it’s not just a matter of sites that emerges and vanishes. However, 91% of business owners believe that the growth highly depends on the way people interact online, the software they use, the devices in use, and many more.

According to research conducted by Hubspot, there exist many challenges but the top three challenges that every digital agency needs to conquer to stay on top of all. Here are some of the top growth challenges that every digital marketing agency follows:

1. Generating Leads

Why Is It Considered to be the Top Challenge?

According to recent research conducted by the Hubspot Inbound report, 63% of the world’s best digital agencies strongly agree that lead generation is the most onerous task on their hand.

Does that mean, Agencies are unable to eat their dog food?

Absolutely NO. Every industry has its challenges, and so is with digital agencies.  

All marketers can generate traffic for their website through blogs, social media, link building-related activities, but converting traffic to leads is the biggest problem.

Let’s get a little deeper now and understand how it is done till now?

a. Contact Us Forms:

The most common method, which is by default on every website, is “CONTACT US FORM.”

But it may come out as a big shock for most marketers that only 2.5% of users visiting the website fill-up the static signup form. This clearly shows that the website visitors don’t feel that contact us forms are worth filling.

Contact form

With the cyber world cramming with hackers and spammers, web visitors don’t want to share their digital currency – Email Address for free.

b. Ebooks & White Papers:

The second most common practice for generating leads is through ebooks and white papers. But there are two significant issues surrounding ebooks and white papers.

White paper E Book

Unique Topics to write:

Identifying the topic of eBook brings marketers back to square one. Every year 600,000 to 1,000,000 books are published in the US alone, and counting the number of the eBook being published across the globe is way too huge to count.

In a nutshell, it won’t be wrong to say that there exist far too many eBooks on the internet to find a fresh topic and write an exciting eBook for the world to read.

A recent survey by HubSpot proves this, wherein the interest in the ebooks and white papers have been reduced to just single digits.


The topic is not the only constraint that stops the marketers from publishing the eBooks; finances are the other constraint that prevents them. Publishing an eBook is expensive. It costs you around $3000 to make the ebook publish-ready.

And compared to the biggies of the industry, even if a newly established business publishes an eBook, there exist only 0.3% chances that people will take notice of it.

So What’s the way out? Interactive Tools:

In place of following these boisterous paths to look for ways of turning traffic to leads, you can use the interactive tools which your prospects would love. Growth Robotics’ RoboAuditor is a tool that your prospects would love.

RoboAuditor is an embeddable white label SEO Audit tool that can be put on any website within a few minutes. It’s the same as Hubspot’s Website Grader, which you can have on your website:). Growth Robotics helps marketers in finding the solution to the most crucial and important question that all marketers face, the problem of generating leads at a reasonable cost with minimal effort.

2. Less time to focus on administrative tasks

Why It’s considered as a Challenge?

According to a recent survey by Hubspot 43%, marketers feel, with so many responsibilities hanging on their heads, they lose focus on administrative tasks such as staffing plans, new business investments, onboarding, etc.

Though not the top challenge but 14% of digital marketers say that recruiting talent is the biggest challenge standing in the face of their business, though it has fallen to half compared to the preceding year.

Getting lesser and lesser time to focus on administrative tasks like staffing plans, finding the ‘right fit’ employee, new business investments stop the digital agencies from discovering the new clients, creating the perfect recipe for stagnation.

What Can Be Done?

Make time slots and use various assessment tools that can help in finding the best fit employee for your company. Use marketing automation software for automating the team’s marketing efforts in some form or another. According to 40% of marketers, marketing automation is a must-have for the upcoming year.

The various assessment tool can help in evaluating your team and distinguish between the employees from the one who needs recognition and who needs coaching.

For new talent recruitment, employers should look for marketers with a diverse skill set, including content marketing, digital marketing, social media marketing, and SEO. The employers should be clear on the tasks and responsibilities to be entrusted to the new employee.

3. Managing the Website

Why It’s considered as a Challenge?

Almost 26% of agencies believe that managing a website is the biggest challenge they face. With the agencies focusing on inbound marketing, it came entirely as a shock that the sites are generating only 18% leads.

Sites are the backend Editor assets that work as your personally trained salesperson working round the clock, drawing visitors, converting them to lead, hence eventually helping you hit your goal. The issues related to website management comprises a vast list depending on various factors ranging from beautifully designed website and web pages to writing and optimizing the content.

What Can Be Done?

With over a billion websites available on the internet, no-one will give a second thought to a site that is not well maintained. It is an essential step to analyze the health of the website, and a thoroughly analyzed SEO audit report can help in realizing the drawbacks and shortcomings of the website.

It also includes an in-depth analysis focusing on the four most demanding necessities, design, and performance of the site, its loading time, security of the website, and its mobile-friendliness with the SEO.

If your foremost problem while managing a website has anything to do with the skills and resources available at your disposal, then be assured that you are not alone in this. This is the most fundamental problem that all start-ups, as well as newly growing companies, face.

The most basic solution is to hire freelancers or get services from some agency partners. 
A well-integrated and managed website always attracts the attention of the audience, enticing them to turn from traffic to lead.

Though there are many auditing tools available online but for a swift check, you can try out your hands on RoboAuditor. The easy to use RoboAuditor works as the one-stop destination to all your digital agency problems.


Generating leads from SEO isn’t as easy as it seems to be and requires a fair amount of dedication on your end.

A business that thinks about their audiences first and takes proper steps to improve the value of their service will indubitably rise on the scales on all digital marketing channels. And the best way to take care of your audiences is by offering them what they crave the most, offer them the gift of their website health.

Try RoboAuditor for free before letting your audiences know how important their websites’ health is.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

Every Marketer should ask this question to himself every day until you get the answer.

Is there something interesting available on your website, which will give people a reason to keeping coming back to your site?

As John Mueller says, adding appropriate keywords onto the title tags or improving bad inbound links are all very important but ‘short-term thinking’ but the larger goal: driving business by converting visitors to leads and convert leads to sales.

Sadly, most of the websites don’t have a lead magnet. However, marketers who have cracked the above puzzle have generated hundreds and thousands of visitors leading to a very high visitor to conversion ratio.

Don’t believe it? Let’s look at some of the very prominent examples. 

Mozbar from Moz is a popular chrome extension (insufficient results though) provided for free to its visitors, and it is a top lead generation engine for years.

Website Grader from Hubspot is a free website grading tool and has been a very crucial source of lead generation for almost a decade and is still the top lead gen source for HubSpot.

SEO Analyzer on is a free SEO Audit tool that generates thousands of leads every day 🙂

Wouldn’t you love to have something similar on your website and how to generate more leads like them? Of course, right? And that’s precisely the problem SiteAuditor – An Embeddable White Label SEO Audit Tool solves – Generating Leads at low cost.   



The prospects visiting your website have to enter their website URL and email address. SiteAuditor gives an inside-out view of the state of their sites in the form of an SEO Audit report, which as an agency marketer, you can white label. Besides, it recommends improvements to garner leads and sales.

 WithSiteAuditor, you get a tool and the reports in your custom branding, i.e., White Label SEO Audit Tool as well as White Label SEO Audit Reports. 

6 Ways our current users as using SiteAuditor as their favorite Lead Magnet 


1. Place SiteAuditor On Home Page

Drawing an analogy to real estate, your homepage is the Monaco of your entire web state, where each square centimeter must be valued the highest you’d give to your entire webpage portfolio. It doesn’t mean that it has to be cramped with many links or appealing buttons and pop-up marketing your services, but has to be laid out in an optimum fashion.

Placing SiteAuditor as the peak of your entire business strategy gives it the best seat in the house, through a section or a standout button. It makes the SiteAuditor tool visible for all your audience to see and can become your biggest sales tool.

2. Make SiteAuditor A Prominent CTA On The Header

SiteAuditor gives you elaborate insights into the inner workings of your prospects’ websites, adding value to them. Now that’s reason enough to create an essential call-to-action on your site header, as its value demands the prime position. Alternatively, if it is one of your business strategies, add it as a header side-section that still captures users landing onto your website.

3. Place SiteAuditor As A Footer On High-Traffic Pages

Thanks to your web strategy working right, pages with high traffic must be leveraged to the fullest. Studies show that regardless of the length of the page with long-form content, visitors will scroll to the end in their curiosity to probe for anything value-worthy. It’s the best gateway to place SiteAuditor, perhaps beside your newsletter subscription box.

Webmasters are always looking at ways to optimize their site, and this will help you on your way to sealing your first set of 100 leads, thanks to this 
fantastic SEO audit tool.

4. Put SiteAuditor as a Footer or a Widget in your WordPress blogs

Content marketing is central to the strategies of businesses like you, and blogs are an evergreen space for killing multiple birds with one stone. Add in your shiny new web auditor to it, by subtly integrating it into the footer, or as an appealing widget that blends into the related sections of your blog layout.

For example, if you have a conversion tactic through a banner of offering a white paper in line with category topics, add another CTA of a quick web check of how their website compares to other peers in their domain. Being smart and coherent is the secret behind capitalizing on a SiteAuditor.

5. Share The Page In Social Media Regularly

Integrating your social with your web strategy is fundamental and appeals to human nature: we all want to socialize, share, and learn from each other.

Offering this invaluable tool on social media, along with your regular posts should become a practice that accelerates the leads you generate through the landing page created.

It elucidates the advantages of SiteAuditor and helps create a mindshare of the gamut of benefits for end-users. Planning site audit social campaigns is another way to open up further possibilities of quality leads.

6. Initiate An Email Campaign For Funnel Thrust

Emails campaigns are another valuable possibility for brand awareness and engagement, propelling targets towards conversion. Thoughtfully crafted emails that bring out the uniqueness of your solutions usually lack an essential connector: giving prospects an immediate reason to engage and move up the sales funnel. SEO audit tools like SiteAuditor fill that gap, and when prospects click on the email link and arrive at the tool to evaluate their website, they are compelled to inquire how you can plug their site deficiencies.


7. Monetizing Key Elements Like Linking Email Signatures

Marketers are always looking at attention-grabbing initiatives or large projects to continue the lead generation pipe, but occasionally forget ‘sales hotspots’ right at the core of their daily business functions.

They might not deliver 2x or 3x growth, but when leveraged across the spectrum of a business, they can. One way to begin is by adding a thumbnail promoting the ‘free SEO audit tool to evaluate prospect’s websites. In your email campaigns or the companies your sales teams target, you are very likely to see interest, all of which can be channeled into your sales strategy until the point of revenue realization.

8. Try a Budget Facebook campaign  

Social media allows you to filter and target your audience, unlike other advertising or marketing mediums like search or email.

If you can identify the website performance of your target audience, create custom campaigns that position SiteAuditor as the solution for their web and marketing challenges, you can save a considerable portion of your current marketing budget. LinkedIn and Twitter are great platforms to generate traction around your web auditor campaigns and continue delivering quality leads.

Marketers like Neil Patel or digital marketing organizations like Hubspot have researched, tested, and identified a lot of ways to generate leads and close conversions. But one of their top weapons is the SEO auditor toolThat is the adequate inspiration for you to get started on scaling up your marketing efforts, using the site auditor tool as a powerful weapon in your sales strategy.

SiteAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, Uncategorized

The internet has left no aspect of life untouched, and the time has come where we can’t live a single day without the internet. While everything is turning digital and internet becoming an integral part of life, the dark clouds of security breach have started getting darker, bringing a headache to every internet user and digital marketer, beginning GDPR into the frame.

For every web user and consumer, personal data is the currency that opens the door to infinite service and operations. Similarly, for the marketers, information is the key to run a successful campaign leading the steps to the company’s growth. These data, if get hold on, helps companies to target the right audience for their business. Hence it’s the responsibility of the companies to hold the data entrusted to them by the user safely and responsibly. But if like all, you have also been active on the Internet in the past couple of months, then you most certainly have seen plenty of notices and advertisements explaining about the new privacy policy that all companies need to abide by.

The European Union (EU) took it on its shoulder to devise a new rule book regarding the privacy policy of the users so that no data goes misused. With the ubiquity of the internet, the nature of the personal data has changed remarkably, generating the need for the new Data Privacy Regulation.

Before we move to discuss how this new General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) has impacted the world of Digital Marketing, let’s first understand what GDPR is.

On May 25th, 2018, GDPR came into effect in 28 countries in Europe, but there exists no country that has been left unaffected by this new rule. The new regulation agreed by the European Union seeks to improve the transparency and the effectiveness of data protection activities. The new regulation affects how businesses acquire the consent of users and customers to submit their data that is stored within the CRM or other storage units of the company.

Whereas, from the users’ point of view, the status of lawfully processing the users’ data has become fairer and more transparent.

The primary motive behind the establishment of GDPR policy and the punishment associated with it is to build the trust between technology providers and the users.

Even though, the GDPR legislation around data privacy and protection was adopted in the month of April 2016 but it was officially be enforced two years later, i.e., from 25th May 2018, replacing the 1995 data protection directive, hence modernizing the data regulation by monitoring the ways in which businesses collect and use from the people stumbling on their website as well as the customers taking on their services in present era.

Even though it’s a common myth that GDPR affects only the European nations, but the truth stands high with the fact that any company that has a European customer will have to abide by the GDPR regulations. GDPR focuses on standardizing the EU data directives and provide the best usage of regulations on data handling as well as compliance.

With the motive to strengthen individual’s rights and for creating better transparency and control, GDPR was designed to ensure web users are aware of as well as have the right to control their data that is being shared with the companies.

So the next question to bug our mind is, what data gets affected with GDPR?

The answer is pretty simple, as defined by the EU legislation, any personal data that can be used to identify an individual, whether directly or indirectly, will come under the GDPR. Hence, whether it’s a simple email ID, an IP address, and available online photo, or any information connecting the data to the person, everything is bound by the GDPR regulations.

With the change in the rule, the next question arises, what are the main areas GDPR legislation will cover?

There are 6 main areas covered by GDPR legislation.

1. Right to access: According to GDPR legislation, any company holding any form of personal data is bound to provide a free copy of the individual’s data, if requested, so that the individual can look at what data has been stored and will be processed by the data holder. The user also holds the liberty to ask the company where and why their data is being used.

2. Right to erasure: The user holds the right to be forgotten, i.e., the user can request their personal data to be deleted, preventing the company and any related third parties from accessing or processing that users’ information.

3. Data portability: Under GDPR regulation, an individual is allowed to request access to their personal data, which can be later transferred to another data controller according to their wish and need

4. Data breach notification: If the data has been leaked or any form of the data breach has taken place, such as data hacked or lost, it is compulsory that both, the customer as well the data controller has to be informed with the time span of 72  hours.

5. Privacy by design: It is compulsory for the data holding companies to integrate data compliance and data protection from the starting phase of any new system being designed.

6. Data protection officers: It is compulsory that the company whose main activity includes data processing and monitoring to appoint a data protection officer, in place of notifying the local Data Protection Authorities about their activities.

After discussing GDPR in greater depth and realizing how crucial it is to abide by the GDPR legislation, let’s see how GDPR has impacted Digital Marketing.

One of the most impactful ways in which GDPR has affected Digital Marketing is that B2C companies will no longer have access to ‘implied consent’ or ‘soft opt-in’ for the data collection. According to GDPR legislation, it is crucial that the consent should be explicit, and the companies should be able to provide proof of explicit consent when demanded to present.

As well ‘implied consent’ means that marketers can send the emails to someone as long as the person wants, once the person chooses the option to opt-out of emails, the email should be stopped. Hence impacting email marketing greatly.

Hence, if your database contains any form of personal data, like email address, phone number, etc. its best to remain as docile as possible.

Marketing automation is the biggest boon for marketers, but with GDPR in the frame, it can turn into a nightmare if not set correctly. To avoid any penalties, you must have permission to send emails to all the names listed in your CRM database.

It works as miracles for Digital Marketers by placing an empty opt-in checkbox at the end of forms through which the users can choose to receive future marketing from the company. It also helps in improving the quality of the lead scoring as these people have genuinely expressed their interest in the company.


GDPR has brought a significant change in the world of marketing, and the attempt to grasp the whole concept in a single go can prove to be pretty daunting. This article presents just a simple framework explaining the GDPR. Hence if you are facing any difficulties with GDPR legislation, it would be best advised to get in touch with your legal team and avoid any hassle in the future.

RoboAuditor, the best white label SEO audit tool, also provides you with the option of making your audit form GDPR compliant in just one click.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Firm, Uncategorized, Website Audit

Website properties are as essential as businesses’ physical properties, and in some cases, there is no latter element. Think about Uber or Amazon, which are web-based services. Compare today’s information or knowledge economy that is based on information on your fingertips, to the ’90s when the web was ironically called WWW(World Wide Wait). This is where the topic of speed comes into the picture. Page speed is a critical factor that can add or shave off millions for certain businesses overnight.

Page speed should not be confused with page loading time. Although both are parameters regularly used, and sometimes interchangeably, there is a distinction. The amount of time taken by web pages or media content to download from hosting servers of websites, and displayed on the target web browser is page speed. This is in contrast to page load time, which entails the entire duration from clicking a link to when the webpage has loaded in its entirety.

Among the many web and mobile searches we undertake during a day, Google sets the benchmark in page speed: a scorching 0.5 to 0.9 seconds to load a search results page. However, with the capabilities of the teams at Google to keep the page size down to a sheer minimum, owing to showing only weblinks for search queries, it sits in a league that can rarely be matched.

Page speed for SEO is one of the essential reasons pages should be light and agile, as well. To talk of numbers, results by Pingdom showed that a desktop page weighing around 3 MB in size took 5 seconds to load. On mobile, it takes a whopping 22 seconds to load. This is contradictory to user’s expectations that mobile pages should be lighter, and hence load faster. Google suggests the web fraternity target average speed of 2 to 3 seconds to ensure seamless user connectivity.

But more than just user experience, there must be further reasons for rallying all the forces you can to optimize the page speed of your website. We quote it as ‘optimize’ because there can be instances where website content is trimmed to the bare minimum, and that goes against providing a complete branding experience. Let’s dive into the reasons to help you towards optimizing your page speed.

Does page speed really matter for SEO Ranking?

As Google is the most widely used global search engine, conversations in web optimization or SEO inevitably turns to the search giant. Google, in a survey on 900,000 mobile landing ad pages across 126 countries, found most of the website(70%) took around 7 seconds to load, albeit the fact that it has focused on site speed as a critical parameter since 2010.

Google keeps updating its evolving criteria for ranking websites, and the onus is on web-optimizers or marketers to ensure they align and maximize their page speed. Not only would it help it accelerates your search engine rankings, but provide higher brand recall too. Other search engine giants have criteria that are similar to Google’s. However, the general sentiment of the user’s changing requirements, increasing dependence on digital-enabled means like shopping online, must be the Holy Grail for web marketers.

Using techniques like A/B testing or page speed testing can help evaluate where the website is, and where it needs to get to.


How important is page speed to attract visitors?

The user of today, typically millennials, encompass current user, and purchase habits. And this is nothing like what we have seen in the past. They shun brand loyalty, want the user experience to be on their terms, or are happy to vent out their concerns on social media. Page speed in SEO in this era must evolve, and the focus on streamlining your website delivery strategy is vital to cater to these requirements.

Forrester recently surveyed online shopping expectations and found 88% of users chose online retailers who consistently succeeded in web performance, while around 50% would close websites that weren’t. Page speed must be a key KPI in your performance arsenal that could also experiment and incorporate new trends like voice or home speaker based searches, which could be the next battleground of SEO.

Attract visitors

How can you enhance the page speed?

There are high chances that your website might be hosted on different servers, or run on a platform like WordPress. Or you might have built it from the ground up, incorporating the most of what you had intended to place to showcase your entire product or service portfolio.

That exercise would have built a lot of flab into your website, as studies show that when your potential audience queries your website, the browser has to download an average of 110 resources to render your page. Or think of all the extra code that might have come along with the web theme selected, or images not optimized for faster downloads, while retaining the quality. The key is to go behind the scenes and identify all the excess segments that can be skipped, so your page size becomes smaller, and page speed in SEO quicker. Now that’s putting your website on a balanced diet.

enhance the pagespeed

How important is page speed for Mobile Platforms?

Statistics around the world prove that mobile is the dominant platform already, taking away significant portions of interactions from the desktop platform. Since the handheld supercomputer, also called the smartphone had become an indispensable part of our lives, it is more convenient and readily available to solve and assist during moments of curiosity or need.

Google has made its intentions clear with experiments to launch a mobile-first index, where the website’s algorithms will evaluate and rank a site based on a website’s mobile version, rather than the desktop version. Improving page speed cannot happen if the mindset is still set on seeing mobile as a supplement to desktop efforts.

This is an update that shows how keenly web proprietors must drastically reduce the 22-second average page loading time. Statistics from Similar Web in 2017 showed how 90% of the traffic surveyed go online via mobile, and how 74% would terminate the web tab of sites that do not load in 5 seconds. Getting your page speed in SEO right will help you cater better to the current user demographic.

Mobile Platforms

Is your page ready for what’s coming next?

The world is changing quickly, and it is up to you to stay current and gear up for a changing environment. Technical aspects of cutting down on bloated Javascript or using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) are means to reduce clutter and cut the numerous elements the browser has to encounter to load your website. Moreover, look at how hardware and new software innovations are steering the market towards better productivity for the end-user.

Home speaker solutions or home-integrated things (related to the Internet of Things) are making voice searches more mainstream. Keeping a tab on new trends during page speed testing will help you stay relevant and leverage emerging technologies.


Ever-expanding technological advancements, increasing customization for web versatility and expertise among web and SEO professionals are bringing a level-playing platform for even new web owners to experiment and not be laggards compared to more significant players, in their online growth strategies.

Evaluating and signing up with proper web development and marketing vendors is a great way for their expertise to be translated into success for your business, and page speed must be a key performance indicator for business progress. While their expertise grows your online business, you can focus on key business functions that are eventually marketed through the website.

How can you check your page speed?

Pagespeed is the most important factor which helps you in attracting and converting more traffic. So it is important that your page loads fast. You can easily check the page speed of your website with our RoboAuditor. RoboAuditor is a White Label SEO Audit Tool that generates SEO reports in just 60 secs on 70 parameters.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, Uncategorized

Webmasters and marketers around the world realize the pot of gold lies in their mobile strategy. With Moore’s law playing out every year that sees an increase in computing power for every square inch of a circuit, the smartphone today is much faster than all the computers combined, that took Apollo to the moon. Consumers are increasingly moving to a mobile-first mindset, and Google is pushing this agenda of mobile-friendliness that goes even beyond its pervasive search business via text and clicks.

For enterprises and search engineers, mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor is going to become critical, with Google announcing a change in its algorithms before fall 2018. The whole mobile ecosystem, including apps and supporting technologies like virtual reality, is in Google’s sight. Let’s understand why
Google is moving away from its focus on the desktop and pushing the market towards mobile-friendliness.

  • Why is Google giving more importance to Mobile Friendliness?

Just last year, for the first-ever time in history, StatCounter reported how smartphones and tablets now account for more than 51% of internet consumption, while desktop consumption is waning, at 48.7% at the time of the research. Many desktop metrics that track mobile site visits and engagement would reflect this trend, as customers up to their mobile maturity, and want businesses to meet them at their moments of concern, increasing being called micro-moments by Google. Google is working on updating its algorithms to match this, and one shouldn’t miss out on shoring up the mobile-friendliness quotient of their website.

  • Can we inculcate a Mobile-first culture that is Performance-Based?

While customers thinking mobile-first are increasing being matched with developers who match this mobile-friendliness with a mobile payment or productivity apps that can match a desktop version any day, typical businesses are still stuck in their desktop efforts, although the figures show otherwise.

This is the time for the well-placed search giant to pivot incumbents towards a mobile-first mindset that translates into real results. Webmasters need to adapt to the mobile experience where users have shorter time-spans, are viewing information on a much smaller screen mandating crisp content, and targeted towards the mobile-friendly Googlebot that promotes and demotes websites more promptly today. Tracking user data and KPIs is far better versus desktop, helping websites understand performance, and fine-tune their strategies better than before.

  • Does Mobile allow better interaction and user engagement when compared to desktops?  

The success ratio of click-through rates in mobile search pages is more than that of desktops, and apart from the technological advancements you might think, it comes down to the user experience offered. One of the reasons Google has been successful with mobile-friendliness is due to its inherent ability to leverage the mobile platform and come up with new programs or plans that accelerate its adoption across the world.

Benefits include touch sensitivity, gestures, and even possibilities like a carousel for rotating news items or products that make it convenient for the user to identify and complete his search. Google wants to set a benchmark in mobile-friendliness by being a user’s eternal guide for any possible topic.

  • Are we geared up For A Mobile-Centric Operating era?

The smartphone in each one of our hands represents the shift in computing power and hardware evolution. The recent Internet Trends Report by Mary Meeker mentions ‘mobile’ multiple times, in fact, as the first trend shaping the future of the internet. The report covered its overwhelming impact, showing how this is just the start of a burgeoning era.

New technologies like ledger keeping on a commonly accounted platform, called blockchain or mesh technologies that allow big data, machine learning and related technologies to work in unison on the mobile platform are all factors that will play out in ramping up the mobile-friendliness factor among the market, and the mobile will be the center on which websites or apps are built and marketed.

  • What’s the Base for Future Mobile-First or Mobile-Only Features?

Compare the capabilities of the first iPhone or Android released just over ten years ago to the super-phones we have today, and you would know the kind of hardware and software innovations that have become a part of our everyday lives. In the context of mobile-friendliness and search criteria, the most significant recent release has been the launch of Google’s AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, the weblinks accompanied by lightning symbols.

Loading such pages indeed matches the speed of a lightning strike: the pages load instantaneously. By convincing the market to take the mobile-first route, AMP will be one of the many such features that the search engine adopts or incorporates in its search criteria. Like AMP, they are bound to go only the mobile route, sometimes without a parallel application for desktops.

But what are the requirements to move up the mobile-friendliness ladder?

For Google to count your website as mobile-friendly, web pages must display ‘correctly’ on any mobile device. Much of this entails how well your audience can load all the content on your website, read it without having to scroll or zoom too much, and easily interact with the available buttons. Now that doesn’t seem like a tough job to get in their good books, does it? While we await and gear up for Google’s mobile-friendly ranking update to roll out, it has already made a start by launching its mobile-first index.

Indexing is the process of Google creating a catalog of all the websites that it crawls and includes in search results (quite literally, most of the existing websites today). Mobile-friendliness must now become a culture shift in your organization, and not as a piecemeal approach, to be able to stay abreast in this fast-moving market.

  • How to check if your website is mobile-friendly or not?

Mobile Friendliness of your website not only ensures that the pages are performing well on all the devices but plays a crucial role in page ranking as well. There are several tools available online which can help you check if your website is google mobile-friendly website or not. One of those tools is RoboAuditor.

RoboAuditor can audit any website on 70 parameters and generate an SEO Audit report with actionable insights. And the good news is, you can generate the report for FREE!!

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable White label SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Uncategorized

Recently, I was at an event, and I heard an executive talk about how his sales force was the oxygen to his company. While you might have a great product or an interesting quarter strategy to push your firm’s market share up, your marketing team is what gives you wind in your sails. And the lead generation is where it all starts.

That’s where the story of HubSpot fits in perfectly. The company invented inbound marketing, the science of creating content that appeals and engages target consumers, generates quality leads, and makes prospects come back for more.


More importantly, the tool that stars for the company in a burgeoning market is the Website Grader – A Website Audit Tool.


It was created back in the day by the co-founder to help assess various aspects of any website, and ascertain its marketing effectiveness. This simple, automated tool has been one of the reasons behind the company’s explosive growth, not only making it one of the few billion dollars valued companies, but also getting it listed on NASDAQ.



The Inside-the-Box Approach:



For marketing software companies, you cannot miss the obvious. Rather than taking three days to draw out a performance report on a prospect’s website, why not create a simple tool that can do the job? That’s thinking inside the box. Think small, and think about the fundamentals.



If you run a marketing automation agency, take a look at your sales strategy. You could resort to a high-budget, visual campaign which brings out your agency’s unique capabilities and that ‘x-factor’ that you hope would floor your prospect. However, that generally involves a huge spend and nominal ROI.


Move to inbound marketing. You could again hire an expert content team to work and dish out quality blogs and whitepapers, publishing them with call-to-action. This route has chances of higher leads and ROI because your target audience is now more relevant and engaged.



HubSpot took the inbound methodology to even higher. They created Website Grader, a simple and free website audit tool that everyone needed and would vouch for. What started as a bold idea back in 2007 is now the world’s leading site audit tool. HubSpot got it right from Day 1.



How did the website grader generate lead organically:

Just enter the website domain and your “Email Address” to get the Website Audit report for free. The Hubspot team not only understood the power of a robust lead generation strategy but demonstrated to the world with the right application.



Back in the day when technologies and tools like automated marketing apps were still considered a luxury in the market, the team went the freemium way by opening up the website Grader for anyone to audit their website.



That was a game-changer and exemplified growth hacking in its nascent stages. Website Grader was a very simple tool that anyone could use. However, go behind the scenes, and anyone would notice that creating the tool would be far from ordinary.



The software had to be fed with a lot of data and signals emanating from the website, for which prior access was available by default. Then, it had to evaluate data against the threshold parameters for an effective site, and finally generate a visual report for the user to decipher and act on unqualified parameters.



All of this had to happen in a few seconds, and the tool made it happen, showcasing the power of marketing automation software.



Dharmesh goes on to describe in one of his company presentations about how the tool was a great freemium hack, where you don’t make part of your solution free, but provide a tool that diagnoses the problem.



The tool was killer and Hubspot generated thousands of leads through the tool.


They went public, achieved annual revenues of around $375 million, and secured multiple investments from the likes of Salesforce.



Can you have one website grader for your business?



Of course, yes, RoboAuditor is similar in nature. It audits your website in a few seconds on multiple parameters that influence the success of your website, be in terms of web visitors, engagement, or conversions.


But where we go the extra mile is you can now embed that tool onto your website in a few minutes, so you could analyze your prospect’s websites when they send in a request.


And interested prospects can share their contact information for you to build top-of-funnel leads, and pitch them your complete product, increasing reach, engagement, and sign-ups.


Sign up with RoboAuditor today and start generating leads like Hubspot.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, Uncategorized

A simple Google search is how you might have chanced upon our website. We could have been ranked somewhere near the top (we’d be delighted if you found us at #1 or #2 of the results page), but the way to the top is always hard. It takes more than sheer optimization-oriented efforts, and the process has to be aided with the right, if not the best SEO tools.

But the market is crowded with hundreds of providers providing ‘the best SEO tools and options’ either providing cost or marginal feature advantages, as diverse as the Panda SEO update was from Possum. Besides the existing mainstream tools like Google Analytics or Moz Listing, let’s understand the parameters you must consider before you shortlist potential vendors for the best SEO tool for you:

1. Comprehensive SEO Audit:

You might have gotten wind of how your competitors are racing ahead by acquiring quality leads and increasing conversions, thanks to the best SEO tools helping optimize their website. Studies show that 95% of clicks happen on Page #1 of search result pages.

The optimal way for you to get started and match up, just like any other domain, is to perform an audit on the state of your current SEO state. Some of the best SEO tools available, help you get this done before you draw a blueprint of how to execute your strategy for the next quarter.

The tools are automated and multi-functional, which scours your website, analyzing and presenting reports on what’s missing and what’s not. Essential parameters like the on-page SEO performance of your web pages, or how quickly your page loads (page speed) are key factors.

An increasing shift to mobile browsing mandates website responsiveness on mobile must be determined and actioned to improve SEO performance. Besides, the best SEO tools must evaluate the quality of links, and social media performance must be evaluated.

2. White Label SEO Report:

White labeling is a cross-industry term used in a brand relationship involving a couple of brands, where one foregoes its display to front-facing customers for the other to benefit. Don’t fret, and this isn’t brand exploitation for the brand giving up its ‘branding’ at the mercy of the other, but an intentional agreement both parties come into.

It’s more like a B2B term, where an apparel brand contracts a textile supplier to manufacture clothes attaching the latter’s brand on them — transition to SEO.

What if you could take a look at the best SEO tools and find one that allows you to embed its audit tool onto your website, thereby making it look like it was your tool? In the proprietary world we live in, RoboAuditor stands out as one of the best SEO tools, thanks to its open nature, which allows it to be embedded anywhere.

3. Lead Generation Tool:

Similarly, we know your business is always looking out for quality leads. Today, companies adopt a variety of strategies to accumulate and convert leads through the best SEO tool. Whether it’s hiring an expert SEO agency or a myriad of freelancers, the reality is they don’t always provide the silver bullet to your business challenges.

Then, after onboarding the systems and what agencies would have termed ‘the best SEO tool,’ they end up sharing performance reports, not proactive reports. No lead generation tool would be able to read, analyze, and suggest actions to improve the lead generation process.

Additionally, lead generation warrants a host of efforts like cold calling, campaign marketing, or content creation like whitepapers that takes considerable time and effort.

What if there was an appropriate, maybe even the best SEO tool around, that was able to cut to the chase of identifying clients’ requirements directly, eliminated costly efforts like case studies and whitepapers, and gave your clients insights into what’s missing in their SEO efforts? And what if you could embed it directly into your website?

4. App & Feature Integrations:

Today, the market has grown so vast and diverse that there are market opportunities that a plethora of agencies have plugged. The agencies with the best SEO tools wouldn’t have been able to deliver without adequate integrations with services tailor-made to suit or solve certain requirements.

This is the age of the application programming interface, acting as multiple gateways that open enormous possibilities for developers and marketers.

An authoritative piece on Moz back in 2012 predicted how the next ten years would see a decline in people visiting websites. How accurate is an app-first era we live in today. The best SEO tools that would almost certainly fit your requirements will have to be agile in their structure, and diverse in their integration possibilities.

They should be able to augment your business goals by allowing your existing initiatives like email marketing through MailChimp or workflow automation through Zapier.

5Language Support:                 

Google Translate is a tool that works flawlessly. There have been multiple occasions language integrations are becoming imperative for companies catering to a quickly widening market. Language integration rationalization must become mainstream, especially those who claim to offer the best SEO tools around.

Companies who are finding new markets in new geographies insist their marketing partners like you must be fast-moving and cross-geographically neutral like them, and the start must happen with multiple language support. This feature might be the primary distinguishing factor that will help you filter out the best white label SEO audit tool and the most relevant one for your SEO investment.


You can put your Agency’s Sales Process on Auto-Pilot mode if you have the above features in your free SEO Tool. It’s not an easy task to find all the above features in one tool at a very competitive price. RoboAuditor is one of the very few tools that provide all the above features at the most competitive price.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Uncategorized, Website Audit

Before getting into the need to have a White Label SEO Audit Tool in your kitty, let us understand what this term ‘White Label SEO Audit Tool’ actually means!!


An SEO Audit Tool is like what a thermometer is to a doctor. It helps the marketers know the health of a website in just a few seconds.


White Label is all about making website health report (popularly known as Website Audit report or SEO Audit Report)  as yours, i.e. without any third party branding 🙂


Every Agency which works in the field of inbound marketing, website design, or improving business through digital channels,  do SEO Audits / Website Audits of the client’s website multiple times to make sure the best practices of On-Page and Technical SEO are followed.

Now, as we have a brief idea of what White Label SEO Audit Tool is all about, Let’s understand how it can help marketers and digital agencies in improving their business.

What Makes White Label SEO Audit Tool So Important !!

1. Start Generating Leads Now:

As a business owner, you, of course, want to have a lot of leads and keep your Top of the Funnel full :). Gated content is an excellent way of generating leads, but it needs at least a couple of months and a team of 4 experts (content writer, graphics designer, website expert, SEO expert to make a wonderful ebook or a white paper. (you can find a detailed blog on this topic herethis where White Label SEO audit tool comes handy.

With RoboAuditor,  you can embed the SEO Audit Tool yourself by just adding a couple of lines code on your web page and start generating the leads from day 0 onwards. Now you no longer have to wait for months as you do for your gated content.

2. Reduce Cost per Lead:

Lets us first understand what Cost per Lead exactly is!

Well, Cost Per Lead (CPL) is the total cost that is induced while developing, publishing, and sharing the offers amongst various channels to that of the number of leads generated.

It’s always essential to differentiate the costs over different offers so that you can know which offer or content gives more profit, in short, it is generating clients at a much lesser price.  

Consider this example, now suppose your marketing team spends around $1000 to generate say 10 leads, the cost per lead would become $100. But now you increase the sales by doubling the number of leads to say $20 and spend the same $1000, but soon your cost per lead would come down to $50. This sounds amazing, isn’t it?

A Site Audit reduces your cost per lead by more than 75% if it’s executed properly.

With the money you save on the lead generation, you can have drinks with your team (every week 🙂 )

3. More Personalized Content:

White papers and e-books provide the users with detailed information, but they do not focus on particular information which your prospects would be looking for.

A recent study by Hubspot shows that the long form of content, i.e. ebooks, white papers, etc. is least popular among all age groups across the world.

For Example, you wrote a wonderful ebook on SEO Audit Checklist, but your prospects still have to digest this information and apply it to the website manually and then analyze the output.

Wouldn’t your prospect be super HAPPY if you directly do the SEO Audit and give the exact pointers which should be worked upon? Of course, yes. The prospects would love this. That’s exactly what your SEO Audit Tool should do.

4. Immediate Actionable Insights:

Actionable Insights can be defined as an analytical result that provides sufficient data to the organizations and managers to make an up-to-date decision. In short, it is about giving the right recommendations based on a certain logic.

Who doesn’t love recommendations? If an SEO Audit Report not only tells me the issues but also tells me what to do to fix it, would I love it? Of course, I will, and I am sure the same is the case with most of the business owners worldwide.

An SEO Audit Tool that gives you not only the list of issues but also the recommendation on how to fix it would make the real difference. RoboAuditor provides detailed recommendations based on the website audit information.

5. Make your Sales team look awesome before clients:

As a business owner, wouldn’t you would want to look the best for your clients? This can only be possible if and only if your sales team has done proper research about the clients.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if your sales team walks into a client meeting with a comprehensive website audit report (with your business branding, of course) and start the discussion from there? This, for sure, will leave a good impression on the client, and your agency will have an extra edge to win the deal.



SEO Audit Tool is one of the best lead generation tools your business should invest it. RoboAuditor is the only White Label SEO Audit Tool which not only provides downloadable comprehensive SEO Audit reports but also lets you Embed the SEO Audit tool on to your website in just a few clicks.

Start Using RoboAuditor today and automate your agency’s sales and marketing.


RoboAuditor is an Embeddable Technical SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Uncategorized

Before getting into how to perform an SEO audit, lets us first understand what correctly SEO Audit is!

There are around 140,000 websites created every day, and on average, Google processes around 40,000 search queries per second, which means over 3.5 billion searches per day- that’s a lot.

So being on Page 1 is very critical to generating business from online channels.

But now the question arises- How do you land on Page 1?

Well, there are various factors that decide your position on Page 1, and to check these factors, it’s important to perform an SEO Audit.

An SEO Audit can be termed as a process of analyzing the search engine compatibility of a website on various parameters.

In other words, it’s about knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your website on a list of best practices laid by popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, etc.

Now, since you have a gained a fair idea about SEO audit, let’s get started.

Key Parameters for SEO Audit:

There are more than 100 signals/parameters which popular search engines like Google looks while ranking your website.

Interesting Fact20% of the SEO Parameters make an impact of more than 80% on your website.

Sounds quite interesting, isn’t it?

Let’s have a detailed look at these parameters.

Check the Title Tag:

A title tag defines the title of a webpage; it is used in the HTML code. For instance, if you were searching for SEO on Google, then these are the results which search engine might come up with. The clickable headline for a given result is known as the title tag.


The title tag not only specifies the heading of your webpage but also gives a brief portrayal of the content of the page.

Title tags play a critical role in determining the ranking of your web-page as they are significantly displayed on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).  Also, when your webpage is shared on social media, the title tag is displayed as an anchor text.

You should always check and make sure that your title tag is not very long and should not have more than 70 characters. Always try and use the long-phrase keyword in the title tag, and most importantly, the title you choose should be according to your page.

Check for Meta Description:

The meta description tag gives a summary of the content present on your webpage. It gives an outline to the readers about what the page is exactly about. The Meta description appears right below the title tag.

It acts as an advertisement for the readers. A useful, precise, and relevant meta description can help you increase users’ click-through rate.


Although Google algorithm does not consider meta description as a parameter for search result rankings, the meta description is an essential aspect of your SEO audit since it gives a clear picture to your visitor about the product/service they can expect from your website. A proper meta description will ensure more people can buy your product/service, which in turn boosts your ranking.

The social media networks define the posts based on the meta description. If the meta description is not defined, then social network by default display the first two lines as a description for your web page. So always include a meta description for your webpage.

The meta description gives actual meaning to your website. It should not have more than 320 characters and should be in an active voice. The meta description should always be unique and make sure it has structured content with your focus Keyword, and this will help your site links to be automatically shown in SERPs.


Check for Heading:

As it is said, the first impression is the most essential and ever-lasting impression, and I am sure you would like to give the best impression to your website visitors.


The first line mentioned here is the Heading of the webpage.

A good, crisp, clear, short heading is the best option to get the interest of the website visitor. It’s about explaining what all you do in just a few words.


Mobile Responsiveness:

Mobile responsiveness means that your website is designed in such a way that it adapts itself to any kind of screen, be it- phone, tablet, desktop, laptop, or anything.

With the rapid growth of smartphone usage, website traffic has significantly been changing over the years. More than 50% of the users surf the sites through their mobile phones, and also one-quarter of the online searches are mobile-based searches,  so it is essential to have a website that adapts and looks good on all devices regardless of its shape and size.


It is imperative that your website is mobile-friendly, as it is one of the ranking factors. Also, complete mobile-friendly pages are given more traffic by Google. So make sure you have created Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMPs) for your website.

Page Speed:

The page speed signifies how quick the visitors can see the content, images of the page, and interact with it.


Page speed is one of the important factors to attract more traffic and conversions on a landing page.


As per the researchers, it is believed that in just 5 seconds, the online buyers close the landing page. So it is important that the pages you create are faster, which in turn will help you get more sales, leads, and traffic. Pages that have a long time generally have a higher bounce rate too.

Make sure your website always loads faster than your competitors.


Hyperlinks, commonly known as Links, are present on most of the WebPages and allow you to hop to a new page consisting of the reference data when you just tap or click on them. You can attach links to images, HTML elements, or texts.

You can provide internal as well as external links on your website (i.e., within your webpage or to the other WebPages). The number of quality links on your website can help in attracting traffic to your site, which can help you increase your rankings.

Google and other search engines give due credits for your links, so include an accurate amount of links on your website/page.

Make sure you put proper internal & external links on your website. The links should not be broken.


Structured Data / Snippets:

A structured snippet, commonly known as a rich snippet, is the additional information that is present just below the search results. It briefs the users about the link and content provided in the link. That additional information can be ratings of the products/services, date of issue of the articles, etc.

Snippets quickly draw the user’s attention. They are the only way in which your webpage can stand out against the different competitors.  


For instance, when you want to buy a book online, you choose it probably by better rating. The same is the case with your users. They check the ratings and only then opt for your website.


How to check all the above parameters in < 10 mins?

If you do it manually, it might take hours, and you might not also get the recommendations/list of action items to fix the issues.

RoboAuditor is an SEO Audit tool, which can do the website audit report pdf on all of the parameters, as mentioned earlier, and many more ( more than 70 Parameters) in < 60 seconds.

With RoboAuditor, you get not only a comprehensive SEO Audit but also White Label Audit Reports and also White Label SEO  Audit Tool (Lead Gen Tool), which you can embed on your website and let your website visitor do their audits by sharing their email address with you.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO Audit, SEO Firm

When Formstack – a data management company specializing in online forms, surveyed 400,000 users to understand the conversion of contact forms, they realized that only 3% of the users filled the form. It was even worse for digital agencies, with only 1% of the users filling the form.

This was a surprising trend considering that for long, marketers have considered forms to be the best method to generate leads. They use forms to gate unique and well-researched content such as ebooks and white papers and use the information entered by the lead as the first point of connecting with them. We are not undermining the potential of the form. Of course, it is still one of the widely used strategies to generate new leads.

However, there are many reasons why contact forms are dying a slow death.

Forms could be a good way of collecting information, but people find it tedious to fill long forms with an endless number of questions. It becomes a time-consuming process, especially when your leads are hard-pressed for time.

Intrusive format:
In a bid to get more information, some forms have fields that ask people to enter personal details, income details, or social numbers. This could become intrusive, especially for people who are uncomfortable sharing such details on a public platform even when the website looks secure or has a trust seal.

One-way communication: The decline in the popularity of static forms is it’s a one-way and impersonal form of communication with the lead. Once the lead fills and submits the form, there is no action from either side until the sales representative calls them. The lack of action and the uncertainty of having a conversation are some of the reasons that discourage prospects from filling the boring static contact forms.

Rise of the bots and interactive forms

The decline in the static forms, however, has led to the rise in popularity of bots and interactive forms.

Take Drift, for instance. The leading conversational-marketing platform recently replaced its forms with live chat and chatbot campaign.  The approach was meant to make content free, but most importantly, to convert leads quickly through two-way, live interaction.

The two-way communication enabled interested leads to resolve their queries in real-time instead of waiting for an e-mail or a call and make a decision quickly. The result? Drift was able to increase the number of leads by 15% and drive the business by 50%. It led to a higher conversion rate compared to the form method that has a slow response time.

Another method of lead generation that has taken over the static form is the interactive form.  These forms are usually found on financial websites. For example, you may have answered interactive questions on budget, monthly income, and family details to find out your eligibility for availing the loan.

Once you fill the interactive form, the tool automatically calculates your eligibility and tells you the exact amount that you can avail of. This method of filling the forms and the immediate solution provided by the tool keeps the users engaged and boosts the process of lead generation.

Tools – the third and effective way of generating leads

Sure, bots and interactive forms are a great way of generating leads. But, marketing agencies are slowly warming up to the idea of creating customized tools to generate leads. These tools are specifically created to provide solutions to specific problems of the prospective lead in a click of the mouse, and then push them down the sales funnel. Take, for instance, RoboAuditor’s  SEO Audit Tool.

It can be plugged on to any website in just a few minutes. Any website visitor can only enter his domain and email address to generate a detailed SEO Audit report along with actionable insights.

This way, the digital businesses not only start generating leads but also leave an excellent impression on the lead’s mind.

RoboAuditor helped businesses like Znetlive generate more than 400 leads in just a couple of months. The exciting part here is that these SEO Audit Tools start generating leads from day 1.

What makes these tools a popular means of generating leads?

Immediate insights:
When a prospect comes to the website to get a solution to their problem, the free tool available on the website gives them an insight into their problem in just a click of the mouse.


Personalized solutions: When a prospect enters the URL of their website or a heading of their blog, they are assured of receiving personalized solutions on areas of improvement rather than a generic solution. It helps in building trust with the client and prompts them to visit the website repeatedly for more personalized solutions.


Solutions worth hundreds of dollars delivered free of cost: Companies usually spend hundreds of dollars to get their websites analyzed. However, with tools like website grader and Growth Robotic’s RoboAuditor at its disposal, companies can get a similar kind of report free of cost.


Actionable insights: Unlike ebooks and white papers that provide theoretical knowledge on industry trends and the challenges faced by the companies, tools such as website grader and RoboAuditor provide practical solutions to address specific problems on the website. This makes it simpler for the organization to prioritize and fix the problems immediately.

With so many benefits of using a tool, the prospect does not mind sharing their e-mail ID with the agencies, which they were hesitant to provide earlier. This is a positive trend by itself, considering that the agencies can now focus on converting the leads rather than generating them.

It is also a better method of engaging with the leads considering that organizations look for more actionable insights than generic solutions provided by gated content such as ebooks, which are useful but do not address the problem of the prospect immediately.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


We strongly feel that in the year 2018, we will see an immense rise in the popularity of chatbots, calculators, and interesting tools like Coshechdule’s Headline Analyzer or RoboAuditor’s White Label SEO Audit Tool.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Firm

When Google PageRank was created, it opened doors for the search engines to capitalize on search methods. A web page is essential to a user – based on interests, business, or attitude. On the World Wide Web, there are thousands of web pages with varying significance for one person or another.

Web pages are designed in a way that they are ranked based on their significance to their target audience. Thus, when Larry Page and Sergey Bin invented Google PageRank, they created a world of endless possibilities where search terms can have an impact on your business.

keep reading


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit

In this article, we will explain about 6 ideas about how to generate SEO Leads. Today, top SEO agencies of the world thrive on business from multiple locations. 

The agencies that top the charts have worked days and nights to achieve this status, while the beginners in the industry are just gearing up.

When starting on the SEO services journey, you always ask yourself this question: where to generate SEO leads?

The answer lies in the SEO itself. 93 percent of business owners will use SEO and content marketing as a primary tool, whereas 92 percent believe that SEO is a surefire way to generate SEO leads

Generate SEO Leads

As long as there are search engines, SEO services will be required. There are people out there desperately waiting to pay you money to optimize their site for search! But how do you look for these leads?

We have compiled a list of ideas and tips explaining how to generate SEO leads. Let’s take a look:

6 Ideas To Generate SEO Leads For Your Agency

Generate SEO Leads Idea #1. Get Google Listing

If you are a digital agency a freelance marketer or an SEO expert, you should be present somewhere on the first page of Google’s listings.

Google business listings are ideal for businesses because they are the smoothest route to lead your customers to your agency. 
You can achieve this goal without any fishy SEO techniques and by following ethical SEO practices.

If you use unethical means, Google will find out, and your agency may be barred from being listed as a business on the most popular search engine on the web.

Not to mention, it will lead to a bad reputation and loss of customers, etc.

If you are an agency providing multiple services to your customers, it is essential to dedicate a top-level page to each service on your website. 
It will avoid confusion, and the search engine will be able to sort out the ranks by your services.

Do not put the same keyword for various pages or only a single keyword on the home page. You have to put keywords in moderation so it doesn’t confuse the search engine.

Generate SEO Leads #2. Offer Something for Free

If you are a digital agency or a freelance marketer or an SEO expert, people will ask one big question: why should we trust you? Why would anyone trust an agency out of the blue?

Dismiss this fear by offering a free tool on your website to your customers. It is the perfect building ground for you and your customers, and your credibility will be cemented by offering something of value.

You can use the tool to collect lead data and many other key insights.

You may get a lot of traffic from places like Google listings, but this traffic may never interact with your website because of a lack of trust in your services [because you’re new]

Offering a free tool is the best way to turn traffic into valuable leads.

Formstack reports that the average conversion rate for traffic on any website comes out to be 1 percent. The remaining 99 percent of traffic has no clue how to interact with your website.
Generate SEO Leads

You need to make this traffic stay and interact with your site. It can be through any tool which is relevant to the services your agency offers.  

For example, a Website Auditing Tool powered by your agency. Your visitors can scan their website using this tool, and you will gain leads who would have experienced your agency’s services.

Generate SEO Leads Idea #3. Free Resources

You can establish your presence as an industry leader in your field by providing free resources to your customers. These resources will educate your audience and nurture leads at the same time.

Take the time out to brainstorm and decide what will be the best free resource for your leads. Will your target audience be willing to provide their contact details in exchange for the free resource?

If yes, your job is done because you understood the first link to a solid lead nurturing strategy. You can use these contact details to interact and engage with your leads and send them targeted messages, so they stay inside the conversion funnel.

If you are not sure of the free resource or the mode of exchange of the free resource, you can test all these options one by one until you land on one option that suits your website and users perfectly. Common free resources include:

  • PDFs
  • Whitepapers
  • Tutorials
  • Video tutorials
  • Webinars
  • Training manuals
  • Checklists

These are very resource-intensive, and the cost per lead from these channels is very high.

Generate SEO Leads Idea #4. Partnerships

Another excellent way to secure more leads is by building strategic partnerships with the top influencers and businesses in your niche. You can find the best influencer search Tools to help you find the perfect match.

The best way to go about this is to offer the companies, within your niche, a free trial of your SEO services or any services they like to avail. It will build your reputation and secure you some solid leads for the future.

Your nature of business relies mostly on trust and partnerships hint at building trust with key players within your niche. It will work great if you portray your business as a problem-solver.

Cody Miles, Founder of an SEO agency, tells his success story. He grew his business via referrals and strategic partnerships with key players in the industry.

As a fresh agency, they targeted traffic by creating good content and sharing it with key influencers in their niche:

Like any SEO strategy, it really took about 6-8 months before we began seeing any real return — but it paid off. After the initial work, it became a snowball effect.

Those initially hard-earned clients recommended us to their peers, and those peers recommended us to their peers, etc.

You can give a 10% discount to existing customers for referring a new one to your agency.

The other party will enjoy a profit simply by referring you to a customer while you will get a new customer on board who will enjoy your services via word of mouth.

Generate SEO Leads Idea #5. Stay Active on Quora

Chadwick Martin Bailey, an expert market research firm, reported that up to 51 percent of Facebook users and 67 percent of Twitter fanatics would most likely purchase recommendations from brands they are fans or followers of.

Such is the impact of Social Media on lead generation and sales and revenues are expected to go up exponentially in the coming years.

Social media are great for generating SEO leads and forwarding them to your website. Quora is one of the most relevant social mediums out there for an SEO agency. It is also a very active discussion site on the internet.

If you have been to the site, you know the drill. People are dropping in to ask questions about their issues, which cover every topic under the sun.

There are tags that can lead you to the topic of your niche, like SEO, lead generation, etc. Find these questions that people ask about SEO and answer them with your personal or company profile.

The personal answer is preferable because your profile will have a name and a photo of credibility. There is an option to include your profession in the description as well, so people can click on the link to go to your agency’s website and check their services.

You won’t imagine the traction you can get simply by answering questions on Quora. It is a wonderful place for businesses like yours. Solve someone’s problem, and they may end up becoming a loyal customer of your agency.

There used to be a time when LinkedIn Answers used to be this helpful, but it doesn’t exist anymore, so focus your efforts on Quora. You can even assign a person to do this job for a few hours every day.

6. Revamp Someone’s Site for Free

This sounds like an old-school sales technique, but it works well. You must have seen dozens of websites on the internet, of companies and individuals, with horrible SEO. Those sites really look like they could use some help.

Try this cool lead generation tip and contact the owners of these websites. Your pitch needs to be top-notch, so it doesn’t look like spam.

Target websites that are on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th page of Google. There is no limit to the industry, so you can be free to choose the website of your choice.

Tell those site owners how terrible it is to be on #4 and how you can help them attain a first-page ranking for free! Here is an example of the mail you can send:


Bonus idea: lead generation tools

In 2016, companies globally spent $613 Billion on SEO and Digital Marketing, three times what was spent in 2008.

In the US alone, companies spent as much as $65.26 billion on search engine optimization in 2016, and this spending is expected to increase to $79.27 billion by 2020.

Companies can get more leads through tools that are widely available in the market.

For digital agencies, what can be a better tool than a Website Audit Tool that can be easily embedded on your website to generate personalized, comprehensive white-label SEO reports for your prospects by just sharing their domain and email address?

These tools can start generate SEO leads immediately and reduce the cost per lead dramatically. With real-time analytics, you can improve areas of your campaign that may be becoming a hurdle in attaining more leads.

The demands of today’s digital world can be met by keeping a few active lead generation tools handy, which not only automates but also increases conversions.

Best SEO Audit tool

Last word

Countless websites are live on the internet today. A study calculated that 3.5 Billion searches are performed on Google every day, which lists one trillion online websites.

If you are a digital agency or a freelance marketer or SEO expert, you have ample opportunities to grow your business via the web. Don’t limit your business to one city or area, because SEO is like a universal language.

You and your salespeople need to come up with creative ways to target leads and attract them to the sales funnel. The tips mentioned above will be beneficial to you in this process.

Have you tried something else? Let us know in the comments below.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable White label SEO Audit Tool, which generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get Google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Global Seo

A Search Engine Optimization Specialist (SEO Specialist) is responsible for implementing SEO and social media strategies for clients. He/she understands and supports initiatives that will contribute to the goals and success of a client’s campaigns.

Search Engine Optimization is a specialized task and needs to be performed by experts in the field. Search engines regularly update their policies and algorithms, and it can be a daunting task to stay up-to-date with the changes.

An SEO expert not only keeps an eye on the changes but also ensures to update a website, according to them regularly.

 Ask the following questions, when you consider hiring an SEO Specialist and make sure you hire the person giving answers as close to those provided, as possible:

1. Ask him what he/she thinks of a Manual Vs. Automatic SEO audit.

Although it can be tedious and time-consuming, manual SEO has a few advantages, which you need to consider. Some of the pros of using manual SEO (both on-page and off-page SEO) on a website:

a) You have 100% control over your search engine optimization strategies.

b) You can certify that an SEO task has been handled according to the plan.

c) You can improve your off-page SEO by handpicking backlinks.

You are able to choose where your site is linked – the quality of those sites and the quality of content surrounding the backlinks.

Some of the reasons why you should avoid manual SEO at all costs are:

a) Manual SEO is extremely time to consume. An SEO expert/assistant can take hours to submit 10 websites to search engines.

b) It involves a high-level dedication and effort on behalf of your SEO team. This dedication could be channeled to areas that cannot be automated.

c) It isn’t cheap. Since the tasks are manual, you are forced to hire a big team of SEO experts.

d) It is utterly slow. Manual SEO strategies take a lot of time to implement. In the fast-changing SEO world, a day wasted could lead to huge losses: the opportunity cost of missed traffic.

e) For large websites (with thousands of pages), doing SEO manually would take you years.


You may want to consider an Automated SEO that uses fully or semi-automated SEO software or platforms to implement SEO Strategies, with little effort on your part.

The following are some of the reasons you should consider automating some of your SEO tasks:

a) Automated SEO is quite economical. It is relatively cheaper, not to mention faster.

b) You can easily handle the tedious and time-consuming tasks like Site Audits. You can check for broken links or Keyword Density, tags, and Meta content on large websites.

c) You are able to get accurate and up-to-date data on your keyword rankings.

d) You can quickly analyze your competitors’ backlinks, keyword density, tags, and Meta content and replicate what is working.

e) You schedule SEO tasks, which saves you time.

f) You won’t need to hire a huge SEO team, thus increasing your ROI.


While at the same time, you may want to be wary of Automated SEO for the following reasons:

a) When not used properly, SEO software can create low-quality backlinks, which can get your site penalized.

b) Most SEO software focuses on quantity over quality, which could lead to problems in the long run.

c) Most links created through automation can never be a source of the traffic to your site.


Whichever you choose, it’s essential to consider your options carefully. You need to feel confident that you’re making the right choice for your business both in the long-term and short-term and not just choosing the cheapest or easiest option.

You will likely find that a mixture of both automated and manual SEO will work for you and will be dependent on the tasks at hand.

A successful SEO campaign should be built out over time, where far-sighted decisions will pay dividends in the long run.

2. Why is keyword research important for SEO?

It is important to turn a group of phrases into the living, breathing pieces of content designed to rank highly in search engines. They also help you figure out the thoughts, fears, and desires of your target market.

With the right set of keywords, one will be able to understand the behavior of the target audience, tap into their interests and finally, convert them into either customers or brand followers. Keyword research is important in link building.

Targeted keywords are used as anchor texts for internal linking and link building from other websites to help certain pages rank on search engines.

One has to find related keywords that can be used as secondary anchor texts to build high-quality backlinks to your internal pages. One can also check their Google Webmaster Tools account to discover more profitable terms.

  • What are “backlinks”?


Backlinks are links that are directed towards your website. These are also known as Inbound links (IBL’s). The number of backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of that website.

Backlinks are important for SEO because some search engines, especially Google, will give more credit to websites that have a good number of quality backlinks, and consider those websites more relevant than others in their results pages for a search query.

There are a few things to consider when beginning your backlink building campaign. It is helpful to keep track of your backlinks, to know which sites are linking back to you, and how the anchor text of the backlink incorporates keywords relating to your site.

3. How would you measure the success of the SEO project?

It takes a combination of several quantitative and qualitative measurements to get a good grasp on the state of your SEO.

There are many variables at play in an SEO campaign. Successful campaigns rely on a control system to ensure the work undertaken delivers results.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) act as this control system and allow you to identify what is working.

When you understand the customer’s real objectives behind ranking for a given keyword, you can provide more value and better service. Most importantly, you can tie KPIs to these business objectives, allowing you to talk in a language the decision-makers can understand.

Click share is a good indicator as to how well your site is doing and how much traffic you can possibly expect from ranking keywords. From here, you can decide where to put your effort. It’s important to remember that while monitoring rankings is a nice way to show your progress, it is not the end goal of the SEO.

Ensure your SEO Specialist is one who does not lean too much to one end of the spectrum, but one who believes in the middle path! Proper search engine optimization (SEO) is a necessity for businesses to gain greater visibility with search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

An SEO expert has the skill to help clients vault their way up the search engines, all the while focusing on things like customer engagement and conversion rates.

Additionally, an SEO expert is a lifelong student of their craft since the rules and requirements are in a state of constant evolution.

To generate optimum leads which move down the funnel with ease and greater visibility for your website log onto

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit Tool, which generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo

Running a small business is no easy feat as resources, staff and time for marketing are limited. However, having a small business does not mean that you need to have a small online presence too.

A website, while being low cost, can help promote your business through online marketing.

To make an impact in the industry, you need to utilize SEO marketing. Search engine optimization helps drive traffic to your site, by improving your rankings. 4 easy but effective you can do it are:

1. Constant updates of the Webpage with effective content

The relevance of the content of the business is most important. Search engines like to see that the information posted is up to date and will pick a more recent article over an outdated one.

In order to stay ahead of the competition, you need to keep writing new content based on your keywords.

Find subjects that are related to your product or service and write new articles that give information that your target consumer or customer is interested in.

2. Strategic use and placement of keywords

You need to use 1-4 keywords in every 100 of your written content.  More importantly, what is relevant is where you use them.

Keywords should be incorporated into the title tag of your blog or article, in the subtitle and the rest should be spread out evenly throughout.

This way search engines will notice that your content is highly relevant to the keyword since it is used not just in the header but throughout the content.

3. Smart use of Graphics

To break the monotony of the written word and to capture the reader’s attention, use pictures that convey the same message.

It is important to use pictures that are relevant to the subject. Try and use keywords in the image URL and the caption of the picture.

So, if customers do an image search with a keyword, you will have an additional method of directing them to visit your site.

4. Regular SEO Audits

SEO Audit is one of the most important tools that can provide detailed insight and an overview of your website’s current standing.

Often described as a process of altering and strengthening a website’s online relevancy, an SEO Audit typically covers important components of a website, such as content-related issues, site architecture, indexing, backlink analysis, and social media engagement.

Understanding these components and how they work is an important part of identifying the strength, weaknesses, and potentials a website has in natural search.

Below are some benefits of a Site Audit that businesses can take advantage of.

1. Know your competition and learn how to stay ahead of them.
2. Know the current health of your website and issues that hinder your business’s online visibility.
3. Increase your domain authority by applying the right SEO strategy.
4. Optimize your website for search engines and fix identified on-page issues.
5. Maximize the prospect of generating volumes of targeted online traffic.
6. A better understanding of the factors that affect your website’s search engine ranking.
7. Find if all your web pages are crawled and indexed by search engines.

An auto website audit tool like Growthrobotics is ideal for a small business to start the journey to be Search Engine Optimized and to being a successful business.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit Tool which generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo

Search engine optimization (SEO) has long been considered the most effective way to drive traffic and generate leads.

In 2016, companies globally spent $613 billion on SEO and digital marketing, three times what was spent in 2008.

In the US alone, companies spent as much as $65.26 billion on search engine optimization in 2016, and this spending is expected to increase to $79.27 billion by 2020.

Two-third of the spending came from small companies and startups.

SEO is Growing Fast mainly because of the prevalence of smartphones, which has lowered the cost of using the internet, increased user base, and consequently increased the number of searches per user.

There are Over 100 Billion Searches on Google in a month. Also, traditional ads are now dying and are expected to fade away eventually. Once that happens, businesses will turn to unconventional ways of advertising.

More companies are now trying to grab a bigger share of the pie. Hence, the only way to survive this battle is to generate more revenue.

While SEO companies are experts at generating leads for their clients, here are some ways they can generate leads for themselves.

1. Referral Program

When Neil Patel, the New York Times’ Best-Selling Author and the owner of a 7-figure SEO company, started his SEO venture, referrals were his primary source of revenue.

“The best clients you will ever get as an agency is from previous customers, friends, or even family members.”

According to him, the chances of you scoring a deal get higher when someone refers you. He also believes that you need to work with the referred client with diligence and care even when it is challenging because this where you’ll make the most of your revenues from.

Your business is like a web of relationships; every person can connect you with another person. However, referrals don’t just happen.

Having a referral strategy in place is the best way to go forward.  First things first, you need to make sure that you ask for referrals.

Often people think asking for referrals would make them look desperate. However, that is not the case.

If you have provided great service to your client, you should feel proud of asking about other people you could help.

Also, you need to help your clients refer you. Your existing clientele should know how to communicate your value proposition to potential clients.

You can give your clients some printed newsletters with information about your company, or you could give them your business card and ask them to share it with others.

Your job doesn’t end here. You need to keep in touch with your existing clients and remind them about referrals. Moreover, once they refer someone to you, you can do something for them in return, like giving them a referral. 

You can also start guest blogging on relevant industry websites. It’s a very effective strategy that has generated millions of dollars for businesses globally. This article outlines how you can build effective links via guest posting.

2. Partnership with other companies

Today, more companies are looking to outsource some of their functions to other companies so that they can focus on their core functions and expand.

According to research conducted by Hubshout, 68% of agencies outsourced SEO to a White Label SEO Provider, while 48% outsourced PPC services and 28% outsourced content marketing services.

The quickest way, perhaps to generate more leads, is to partner with related companies. You can call up other big and established ad agencies and propose them to outsource their SEO departments to your company.

There are many large and agencies that you can cold call and offer help. If you’re only just starting, you can provide your services for free to your first few clients.

You might lose out a bit by doing it for free in the short run, but it would help you in the longer run.

Bigger agencies are mostly looking for smaller agencies since the latter are willing to handle everything on their own.

While pitching to companies, you can show them how you’ll help them reduce costs by outsourcing SEO to your company.

3. Market your company

You can only rely on referrals only till the time your marketing efforts are established because, after that, you need to start generating leads on your own.

There are two ways you can do that. One is inbound marketing, and the other is outbound marketing.

While outbound marketing is more traditional and focuses on email blasts, trade shows, and cold calling, inbound marketing is when customers find you through blogging, social media, or search engines. 

Email marketing can be a great way to generate leads. While sending emails, you need to ensure that the subject line is enticing, the content is short and engaging and that a call-to-action button is present.

Another effective way is to develop product videos. MailChimp is a great software to create and send out personalized, effective emails.

According to the Social Science Research Network, 65 Percent of us are visual learners, which means that videos are a better way to explain your product. Also, product videos keep users engaged, thereby increasing the chances of conversion.

You can always harness the power of social media to entice users. Twitter can prove to be a useful tool in this regard.

Kellog’s study found that customers are 12 percent more likely to convert if they are exposed to tweet promotions. You need to ensure that your tweets are engaging and add value and do not just come off as the advertisement.

Also, you need to link your relevant tweets to your website, which increases the chances of conversion.

Here are some nuggets of wisdom you can learn from these 6 companies that thrive on Twitter.

Blogging can also help you considerably in generating leads. You can blog specifically about social media and SEO.

Try to share as much information as possible to keep your potential customers engaged. Neil Patel observed that content marketing costs 62% Less than Traditional Marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads for your business.

4. Networking

It is a long-term strategy that doesn’t immediately yield results but is essential for your business.  You can look out for networking events such as conferences of your interest and go there equipped with a pitch and business cards to build future business relationships.

Always be on the lookout to speak at industry conferences. These conferences have a significant impact and help you generate qualified leads for your business.

Neil Patel used to speak at conferences, and within a matter of two years, he, along with co-founders, was able to generate over 100,000 new leads.

Trade shows are another example of offline events that can help you get more business. Well-established companies prefer networking with their customers and partners via trade shows instead of just relying on advertising.

Even if you don’t get leads immediately, you get a chance to learn from the leaders in the industry.

Remember that face-to-face interaction helps your customers associate a face with your product or service, which makes your offering more credible.

Networking is not about selling your service or product, and it is more about cultivating lasting relationships that you can capitalize on in the future.

The success of your business ultimately depends on how profitable and sustainable it is. You could have a great product, but if you are unable to sell it, then your business will suffer.

In a competitive market, businesses are fighting tooth and nail for their share. The most effective way is to stand out from the crowd and tell your customers how your offering is different from that of others in the market.

If you are a startup, initially, you will have to rely on your contacts and referrals to get your first few clients.

While you cater to your initial clients, make sure that you develop your marketing efforts to the extent that they can generate business for you. Advertising your product effectively to the right audience will yield results.


However, you cannot solely rely on that. You need to invest in long-term lead generation methods and strategies
such as networking and building relationships.

Also, you need to make sure that you remain in touch with your previous clients. They will not only help you regarding referrals but also in the form of repeat purchases.

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