Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit

6 best Ideas To Generate SEO Leads For Your SEO Agency

In this article, we will explain about 6 ideas about how to generate SEO Leads. Today, top SEO agencies of the world thrive on business from multiple locations. 

The agencies that top the charts have worked days and nights to achieve this status, while the beginners in the industry are just gearing up.

When starting on the SEO services journey, you always ask yourself this question: where to generate SEO leads?

The answer lies in the SEO itself. 93 percent of business owners will use SEO and content marketing as a primary tool, whereas 92 percent believe that SEO is a surefire way to generate SEO leads

Generate SEO Leads

As long as there are search engines, SEO services will be required. There are people out there desperately waiting to pay you money to optimize their site for search! But how do you look for these leads?

We have compiled a list of ideas and tips explaining how to generate SEO leads. Let’s take a look:

6 Ideas To Generate SEO Leads For Your Agency

Generate SEO Leads Idea #1. Get Google Listing

If you are a digital agency a freelance marketer or an SEO expert, you should be present somewhere on the first page of Google’s listings.

Google business listings are ideal for businesses because they are the smoothest route to lead your customers to your agency. 
You can achieve this goal without any fishy SEO techniques and by following ethical SEO practices.

If you use unethical means, Google will find out, and your agency may be barred from being listed as a business on the most popular search engine on the web.

Not to mention, it will lead to a bad reputation and loss of customers, etc.

If you are an agency providing multiple services to your customers, it is essential to dedicate a top-level page to each service on your website. 
It will avoid confusion, and the search engine will be able to sort out the ranks by your services.

Do not put the same keyword for various pages or only a single keyword on the home page. You have to put keywords in moderation so it doesn’t confuse the search engine.

Generate SEO Leads #2. Offer Something for Free

If you are a digital agency or a freelance marketer or an SEO expert, people will ask one big question: why should we trust you? Why would anyone trust an agency out of the blue?

Dismiss this fear by offering a free tool on your website to your customers. It is the perfect building ground for you and your customers, and your credibility will be cemented by offering something of value.

You can use the tool to collect lead data and many other key insights.

You may get a lot of traffic from places like Google listings, but this traffic may never interact with your website because of a lack of trust in your services [because you’re new]

Offering a free tool is the best way to turn traffic into valuable leads.

Formstack reports that the average conversion rate for traffic on any website comes out to be 1 percent. The remaining 99 percent of traffic has no clue how to interact with your website.
Generate SEO Leads

You need to make this traffic stay and interact with your site. It can be through any tool which is relevant to the services your agency offers.  

For example, a Website Auditing Tool powered by your agency. Your visitors can scan their website using this tool, and you will gain leads who would have experienced your agency’s services.

Generate SEO Leads Idea #3. Free Resources

You can establish your presence as an industry leader in your field by providing free resources to your customers. These resources will educate your audience and nurture leads at the same time.

Take the time out to brainstorm and decide what will be the best free resource for your leads. Will your target audience be willing to provide their contact details in exchange for the free resource?

If yes, your job is done because you understood the first link to a solid lead nurturing strategy. You can use these contact details to interact and engage with your leads and send them targeted messages, so they stay inside the conversion funnel.

If you are not sure of the free resource or the mode of exchange of the free resource, you can test all these options one by one until you land on one option that suits your website and users perfectly. Common free resources include:

  • PDFs
  • Whitepapers
  • Tutorials
  • Video tutorials
  • Webinars
  • Training manuals
  • Checklists

These are very resource-intensive, and the cost per lead from these channels is very high.

Generate SEO Leads Idea #4. Partnerships

Another excellent way to secure more leads is by building strategic partnerships with the top influencers and businesses in your niche. You can find the best influencer search Tools to help you find the perfect match.

The best way to go about this is to offer the companies, within your niche, a free trial of your SEO services or any services they like to avail. It will build your reputation and secure you some solid leads for the future.

Your nature of business relies mostly on trust and partnerships hint at building trust with key players within your niche. It will work great if you portray your business as a problem-solver.

Cody Miles, Founder of an SEO agency, tells his success story. He grew his business via referrals and strategic partnerships with key players in the industry.

As a fresh agency, they targeted traffic by creating good content and sharing it with key influencers in their niche:

Like any SEO strategy, it really took about 6-8 months before we began seeing any real return — but it paid off. After the initial work, it became a snowball effect.

Those initially hard-earned clients recommended us to their peers, and those peers recommended us to their peers, etc.

You can give a 10% discount to existing customers for referring a new one to your agency.

The other party will enjoy a profit simply by referring you to a customer while you will get a new customer on board who will enjoy your services via word of mouth.

Generate SEO Leads Idea #5. Stay Active on Quora

Chadwick Martin Bailey, an expert market research firm, reported that up to 51 percent of Facebook users and 67 percent of Twitter fanatics would most likely purchase recommendations from brands they are fans or followers of.

Such is the impact of Social Media on lead generation and sales and revenues are expected to go up exponentially in the coming years.

Social media are great for generating SEO leads and forwarding them to your website. Quora is one of the most relevant social mediums out there for an SEO agency. It is also a very active discussion site on the internet.

If you have been to the site, you know the drill. People are dropping in to ask questions about their issues, which cover every topic under the sun.

There are tags that can lead you to the topic of your niche, like SEO, lead generation, etc. Find these questions that people ask about SEO and answer them with your personal or company profile.

The personal answer is preferable because your profile will have a name and a photo of credibility. There is an option to include your profession in the description as well, so people can click on the link to go to your agency’s website and check their services.

You won’t imagine the traction you can get simply by answering questions on Quora. It is a wonderful place for businesses like yours. Solve someone’s problem, and they may end up becoming a loyal customer of your agency.

There used to be a time when LinkedIn Answers used to be this helpful, but it doesn’t exist anymore, so focus your efforts on Quora. You can even assign a person to do this job for a few hours every day.

6. Revamp Someone’s Site for Free

This sounds like an old-school sales technique, but it works well. You must have seen dozens of websites on the internet, of companies and individuals, with horrible SEO. Those sites really look like they could use some help.

Try this cool lead generation tip and contact the owners of these websites. Your pitch needs to be top-notch, so it doesn’t look like spam.

Target websites that are on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th page of Google. There is no limit to the industry, so you can be free to choose the website of your choice.

Tell those site owners how terrible it is to be on #4 and how you can help them attain a first-page ranking for free! Here is an example of the mail you can send:


Bonus idea: lead generation tools

In 2016, companies globally spent $613 Billion on SEO and Digital Marketing, three times what was spent in 2008.

In the US alone, companies spent as much as $65.26 billion on search engine optimization in 2016, and this spending is expected to increase to $79.27 billion by 2020.

Companies can get more leads through tools that are widely available in the market.

For digital agencies, what can be a better tool than a Website Audit Tool that can be easily embedded on your website to generate personalized, comprehensive white-label SEO reports for your prospects by just sharing their domain and email address?

These tools can start generate SEO leads immediately and reduce the cost per lead dramatically. With real-time analytics, you can improve areas of your campaign that may be becoming a hurdle in attaining more leads.

The demands of today’s digital world can be met by keeping a few active lead generation tools handy, which not only automates but also increases conversions.

Best SEO Audit tool

Last word

Countless websites are live on the internet today. A study calculated that 3.5 Billion searches are performed on Google every day, which lists one trillion online websites.

If you are a digital agency or a freelance marketer or SEO expert, you have ample opportunities to grow your business via the web. Don’t limit your business to one city or area, because SEO is like a universal language.

You and your salespeople need to come up with creative ways to target leads and attract them to the sales funnel. The tips mentioned above will be beneficial to you in this process.

Have you tried something else? Let us know in the comments below.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable White label SEO Audit Tool, which generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get Google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.

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Rahul M

A geek who loves Digital Marketing and CRM. Enjoying building tools for helping businesses and marketers generate growth