Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Website SEO

Online marketing is the new norm. With about 4.66 billion people using the internet as of 2020, it’s a no-brainer to want to craft a home for yourself in this space. After all, this is where your customers are.

Therefore, if you are engaged in digital marketing, and yet you aren’t making sales, there’s a missing bridge between you and your customers- visibility.

SEO STrategy

To get this visibility, you’d need SEO.

Really, there’s no need to state the importance of inculcating the best SEO practices into your online business model. It speaks for itself- if you want more sales, have a good SEO strategy. Every entrepreneur knows this.

However, we know how frustrating sourcing for a good strategy could be. That’s why we’ve put together an extremely simple, easy-to-comprehend, and yet, effective DIY SEO checklist that’d give your online business a boost in 2021.

Let’s go on a jolly ride!

How Does the Search Work?

google search

Let’s begin with the basics.

Search engines are answer machines; where you input a query and get an answer. Superficially, it might look straightforward. However, there’s a process going on underneath. There are three main steps involved in the optimization of search results.


Here, search engines send out ‘crawlers’ to scour the internet for fresh and new content. These crawlers work in the spider web form. Each hyperlink on the page they are crawling initiates a new crawling request and so on (no wonder they are called spiders sometimes ).


The search engine then organizes the contents found during the crawling process into a huge database. Google’s index is trillions of GB. Refer to their official documentation on it here: 


The search engines store content in order of relevancy within their servers. Websites that are most relevant to a particular query rank highest. Several unknown factors are considered when deciding which website is most appropriate and which one is not. Here is a reference to their guidelines for anyone who wants to read more about these:

As a website owner, you must ensure your content is visible to crawlers- as well as indexable. If it isn’t, you won’t get your deserved spot on SERP (Search Engine Ranking Page ). 

Basics You Should Know 

To begin running your own SEO campaign, here are some of the most basic tools and information you should know about.

Google Search Console/ Bing Webmaster Tool Account

google search console

The Google Search Console is a free tool by Google that helps you manage, maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot your website’s presence on Google’s Search Engine Result Page. Many people are confused about this- be assured, the tool isn’t mandatory to rank. Google has made it available to communicate with website owners. Signing up for a search console account will help you understand how Google looks at your website- and sometimes recommends what improvements to make.
Bing also offers a similar tool with little change in UI; they call it Bing Webmaster Tool.  

One or both of these tools is the number one step to begin.

Google Analytics Account

Google Analytics helps to look at what kind of traffic your website is getting. It provides details like the number of total visitors, their location, time, how many pages they visited, etc. It even facilitates setting up goals and conversions to focus on pages that get you the most business. Google Analytics (often abbreviated as GA) can also help you optimize your website for better conversions. Metrics such as user behavior, site performance, traffic flow, drop-offs, bounce rate, etc., are convenient when looking at how the website has been over some time (daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly). Though GA is a complete subject and how it can help is a list that is countless, some other features that can be useful include:

  • Traffic comparison both year over year and month over month
  • Social-media stats
  • Which part of your webpage was clicked the most
  • Website’s conversion rates
  • The overall effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy from different channels.
  • How many users are present on the website, a real-time view

Generally, Google Analytics helps you understand your customer’s journey and improve it, an essential aspect of SEO.

Keyword Research

A vital part of the SEO process includes the use of words and phrases which resonate with what users are typing in their query- as well as what your content is all about.

The process is about selecting the potential keywords that your customers will type in Google (or other search engines) use your service or buy your products.

While many paid tools help with detailed Keyword research, to begin with, we are just concerned about the free ones that can give us some objective. To start, just list down a few keywords or phrases that you think a user could type in Search. Then take the keywords from the list one by one and check them on Google Trends to see how many people have searched for it in the past and how the trends look. Pick the ones that have some demand and leave the rest. 

You can also use a free plugin that has recently become very popular called “keywords anywhere”. It is free for several searches so install it in your browser. Now the way this works is, type the terms from your list in the Search engine the plugin will display an estimated volume along with more suggested keywords.

diy seo google search

Bonus Tip: Try sticking to 7- 8 terms for each page as too many keywords can dilute the on page optimization.

Keyword Focused Content

The goal of keyword-focused content would be to cause an intersection between the words users are inputting into the search engine and the message your content is passing across.

Google uses this information to determine the relevant content- concerning each query. This is part of what gives a page a higher page ranking- relevancy. Using the appropriate keywords would ensure this.

So, do your keyword research before creating content- as keywords give you a sketch of what users want to see on your site.

Robots.txt File


Do you recall the crawling process of search engines? With a  robots.txt file, you can request web robots which page not to crawl on your site. This helps keep pages that could hurt your SEO- such as duplicate web pages and private web pages- away from search engines. So add all the unnecessary pages to your rbot.txt and mark them for not indexing or crawling. You may need a developer’s help if you are not so familiar with your website’s backend.

With not going into too much technical on-page, sitemaps are useful. They help in enhancing the crawling and indexing of a webpage- hence, giving your SEO efforts the needed boost. If using a popular CMS like WordPress, setting up an XML sitemap can be really quick using SEO plugins for WordPress. Read more details about sitemaps: 

What is On-page SEO Optimization?

Also known as on-site SEO factors, these are practices that help in optimizing a web page, with the end goal of improving a site’s search engine rankings and earning a flow of traffic from organic searches.

On-page SEO is important because it helps search engines to know what your website and content are all about, as well as its importance to user’s queries.

If you miss these factors, your SEO efforts won’t yield much gain.


Quick On-page SEO Checklist

Here’s a run-through list of various elements of on-page SEO you should include in your campaign:

  • Perform adequate keyword research before writing a word. The keyword must be relevant to your content, adequately searched, and should be within your website’s competitive power. When including keywords, avoid keyword stuff by including it 2-3 times per 100 words (a 2-3% keyword density).
  • Pick a primary keyword. Use the primary keyword in at least one subheading, and the first and last paragraph of your content. Since your primary keyword is a word or phrase users use in a query, including it in your content would show how relevant your content is.
  • Craft a title with your primary keyword(s). Include your primary keyword around the start of the headline. Also, make sure your title serves the audience by being descriptive and compelling enough.
  • Use proper keywords and phrases to write a meta description that not only is treated well by search engines but gets you a better CTR when it shows in the SERP. Follow rules and create a nice description that can get you more clicks.
  • Wrap your title in an H1 Tag. Basically, an H1 tag is a piece of HTML code that tells a search engine that the text in question describes what the body of content tries to communicate.
  • Make sure your content is about 300 words. Attaining the 800-word mark would be great for your SEO, as detailed posts have a higher probability of ranking higher.
  • Your content must be unique and original.
  • Wrap your subheadings in H2 tags. Search engines recognize H2 tags as subheadings. Similar to H1 tags, H2 tags communicate to the search engine that the text is very important and related to the main topic discourse.
  • Add links to relevant sites. This helps add context to your content.


Technical SEO

This involves server and website optimization that helps search engine bots to crawl and scour through your sites effectively.

Here’s a checklist for your technical SEO campaign:

  • Use SSL: Secure Sockets Layer technology means high site security. If your site has ‘HTTPS://’, then you have SSL active on it. Hence, Google would give you preferential treatment.
  • Check for Duplicate versions of your site on Google’s index. Google’s algorithm hates duplicate content. As a result, it lowers the performance of all versions of the duplicate content.
  • Find and Fix crawl errors.
  • Improve your site’s speed. Page speed is considered by search engines during ranking.
  • Fix broken outbound and internal links.
  • Find and fix all HTTP links that are on HTTPS pages.
  • Create a mobile-friendly website. A responsive site- that adjusts based on the devices being used to view it- is considered a high-ranking signal by most search engine algorithms.
  • Add structured data.
  • Check the page depth of your site. At maximum, your most important content should be four clicks away.

SEO Optimization for Location-Specific Businesses

In this aspect of SEO, your goal is to be visible in local search results on search engines. If you have a physical location where customers can come and take your service or product, you can benefit from local SEO Optimization.

Do Local citations

A local citation is any mention of the name, phone number, and address of any local business. Citations are important for high local search engine rankings. The intention is to submit your business to the popular local business directories with consistency in the NAP (name address and phone number). Don’t fall for low-quality business directories as they are a part of old SEO techniques and are considered as “link farms” by Google. Watch your step and only submit your business on genuine business directories for your area.

Optimize the Google My Business Listing

google my business

In simple terms, here’s a free tool that lets you add valuable information about your business on Google’s listings. Such info includes your office hours, name, and location of your business. Signing up can give your local SEO a boost.

While signing up, here’s to optimize your Google Business profile:

  • Be very meticulous with your contact information. Fill in as much as possible.
  • Form an enticing description for your business.
  • Choose a category, select applicable attributes and add photos.
  • If you have, include Google reviews.
  • Add products and services.
  • Set up messaging. Answer questions regularly.


E-commerce SEO

This is the process of optimizing your online store and making it more visible on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). The strategy should involve optimizing the “category” and “product” pages with a focus to get more sales.


E-Commerce SEO checklist

Here are tips for optimizing your eCommerce site:

  •     Optimize your titles and meta descriptions. Make use of action words such as ‘buy’. Engage in proper keyword research and placement.
  •       Improve your page load time. The best load time would be between 2-3 seconds.
  •       Keep the site structure simple.
  •       Don’t forget to make use of HTTPS.
  •       Make use of a responsive, mobile-friendly site.
  •       Create quality, relevant content often.


Quick YouTube SEO Checklist

Follow these steps to rank high in YouTube:

  • Keyword research is where we always begin. Make use of a keyword tool and find the relevant keywords for your video.
  • Include your keywords in your video as you speak.
  • Create relevant content that’d command likes and shares. The algorithm loves that!
  • After recording and editing your video, rename the file of your video to include the most relevant keyword phrase.
  • Create an optimized and enticing SEO title.
  • Fill up your video descriptions. Make sure the first sentence contains your keyword. Don’t engage in keyword stuffing.

Wrapping it Up

We’ve tried to cover too many aspects in a single post, we will cover each topic in detail in separate posts so that you can benefit from it and do your own basic SEO as far as possible. Be sure to take action on what you’ve learned, and we assure you- the internet is yours to conquer!


Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

I feel sad when I see many small business owners who have started with SEO as their business is moving away into different fields like real estate, social media, paid media, etc.

This is how I always felt when I saw great guys leaving the field of SEO

SEO Audit tool

But I never had the right way to explain why SEO is still impressive. Suddenly one day, I read an article from Eli Schwartz, Growth Advisor, Former Director – Growth & SEO @Survey Monkey, and it made my day.

He did an extensive survey on the SEO Jobs vs. SEO professionals in different parts of the USA. I am sure anyone can apply the same logic to any country across the world ?

Let me put some interesting points I read in the post.

1. There is a massive gap between SEO Professionals and SEO Jobs.

The demand for SEO is vast. Every organization needs an SEO team to take things forward, but the availability of SEO    professionals is minimal

For every SEO requirement, only three people are fighting for it.

SEO business.

2. There is really a significant shortage of Experienced SEO Professionals

This is just wonderful to hear. It means there is a massive demand for experienced professionals!! This graph is lovely and clearly explains the gap ?

In short, if you are in the SEO business and have the experience, this is a seller’s market. Don’t underprice yourself.
SEO Professionals
So, where is the problem then?
The problem lies in the way you approach the business and generate leads for your business competing against the giants like Moz, Neil Patel, Backlinko, who are already getting millions of website visitors.

It’s not surprising to see a recent Survey by HubSpot which states that

Getting new clients is one of the most significant challenges today.

HubSpot Servey

So what is the solution?

The question now is not the market size but how you use interesting growth hacks in this noisy internet world to attract leads to your business.

After carefully studying the marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Neil Patel & Moz, we found one thing in common 

Use of right tools to convert the website visitors to leads
RoboAuditor is an embeddable & white label SEO Audit Tool. By just putting it up on your website and blogs, you let your website visitors themselves get a Free SEO Audit in just a few clicks and return you generate leads ?

Don’t you think you should add “free SEO checker” and do the lead generation for your business?

Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Leads, Website SEO

Lead generation is quite important for any business. After all, leads are the ones that can get converted to potential clients. As much as it is important, it is equally challenging to generate SEO leads because it takes lots of time and effort to build a lead generating channel and operate it.

Which is why many prefer to buy SEO leads from third party sources, but is this sustainable in the long run? And is buying SEO leads actually doing more harm than good? Find out answers to these questions and much more in our blog.

How Can You Buy SEO Leads?

These are the SEO leads generated by certain companies by ranking in google search, these companies than bundle up those leads and sell them to other companies who in turn work on these leads to turn them into customers.

This way you are getting SEO leads without much effort and quickly, so, this could be like Aladdin’s magic lamp? Not exactly! Read on to find out why?

Drawbacks Of Buying SEO Leads

We are not going to plainly say buying SEO leads is a bad idea, here is a comparison between buying leads and generating on your own.

Impacting FactorBuying SEO LeadsGenerating Your Own Leads
The exclusivity of the leadYou have no idea if these leads are being sold exclusively to your companyThese leads are generated by you, so they are exclusive
Demographics of the leadLittle is known about the lead’s demographics such as their interests, why they need your productYour website and ad campaigns are designed after understanding the requirements of the audiences, and how your product or service can help them.
CompetitionVery high as the same leads could be sold to your competitors and you could end up calling the same customer whom your competitor has already called.Relatively less, as these leads are exclusive and you have background information about their requirements.
Cost per acquisitionSince you are buying leads the company can double the rates monthly. Thus increasing your cost per acquisition.As you are generating your leads the cost per acquisition is under your control.
Long term sustainabilityLow because the moment you stop buying, the leads stop coming inHigh, because once your lead generating channels are up and running, they continuously generate leads for your business.

Before deciding to buy leads make sure you are aware of all these factors, which could affect your business. So, if buying leads is not an option to consider then how can you generate leads?

While the traditional SEO practices and Google Adwords still hold the ground as the best practices for lead generation, they require patience and effort to start with. But, once you pass this stage you will witness a flow of quality leads. To know more about the various techniques of generating SEO leads, check out our blog here.

However, do you know there is another way using which you can generate quality leads quickly? Yes! This technique is easy to install and also generates authentic leads.

Generating Leads Through Lead Generating Tools

SEO Leads

Many SEO experts such as Neil Patel have tried this and succeeded. These are the tools when once installed on to your website they will provide a free site auditing report to your viewers when they enter their mail id.

This way you are helping your viewers as well as generating leads. This will create a positive impact on your viewers.

For example, if a viewer has come to your website and checked his website health using your SEO tool. He then enters his mail id to get the full report, impressed by the report he signs up to your newsletter or leaves an inquiry.

Roboauditor is one such SEO audit tool which is easy to install, generates website’s audit report within minutes as well as generates leads. All of this at a very reasonable price.

Explore all the other options before going for buying SEO leads. As there are many easier and cost-effective ways to generate quality SEO leads.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

Digital Marketing Agencies are the ones who take the bulls by its horns. They work with customers of different industries, locations, and in their various stages like Startup, growth, expansion, etc. The agencies face a lot of complex challenges in real-time and have very minimal time to resolve and move on. 

Agencies understand the problems much better because not only they have experienced it first hand. The Agency team has also found multiple ways to get around so they know exactly how they wish it can be solved. They are not daydreaming about a problem or a solution. They are efficient and reasonable. 

Identifying the right problem and then working towards the right way of solving it is the most critical factor for every product company. Most of the products fail because of this mismatch. 

There are quite a few successful product companies that were digital marketing agencies themselves earlier. 

1. Type Form: 


Type Form

TypeForm helps companies build beautiful forms and surveys. It is in a crowded space of ways but then also could create a niche and is very popular among its customers. 

How Did the Idea of TypeForm Born: 

In an AMA with the TypeForm Joint CEO & Co-Founder, David Okuniev

Typeform was born out of a client project when my co-founder, Robert, and I were running our digital agencies and joined forces. The project required us to build a lead generation form that would sit inside an exhibition space for a toilet company (Roca). Competing for attention in a crowded area, we had to create something more inspiring to collect data than just a plain-old vanilla form, so we tried something completely different.

The issues we encountered were mainly from going from a proof of concept that we created for the exhibition into a form that we would eventually turn into a product. We iterated during almost an entire year in our spare time (while still running our agencies) to get the balance of design and usability perfectly aligned. It was essential for us that this didn’t end up being a gimmick, so we wanted to put a lot of extra effort into the mechanics into the way the form works, iterating numerous times.

2. RoboAuditor: 



RoboAuditor is one of the most effective lead magnets build for digital businesses. Just embed the white label SEO Audit tool on to your website and generate 4X more visitors to leads conversion. 

How did the Idea of RoboAuditor Born: 

In words of Rahul, CEO and Founder of RoboAuditor, 

RoboAuditor was born out of the need for generating leads for their agency. 

The submission on the contact forms was hardly 1% and to produce the ebooks and white papers, the cost of acquiring leads, and the time to acquire leads was going very high. 

We then studied the different marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Neil Patel, Moz, and found out that they all have one thing in common – Their SEO Audit Tool,  which is generating millions of leads. 

We then created one SEO Audit tool for ourselves and saw that the website visitor to leads conversion was more than 4X. After polishing it more, we released into the market as a product, and today it is one of the most popular products on HubSpot Ecosystem and also on MailChimp

3. NeverBounce: 

Nevera Bounce

NeverBounce is a real-time email verification service. It helps you keep your leads clean all the time. It is very critical to have clean email addresses as the issues of emails landing in spam are alarmingly high. 

How did the Idea of NeverBounce Born: 

In the words of Bard Owen, CEO of NeverBounce, 

For nearly ten years, and before creating NeverBounce, we were a digital marketing agency. We struggled day in and day out to find a better way to verify emails and ultimately reach the inbox for our customers. We tried many products and solutions, but were eventually displeased with the accuracy, speed, support, and price; so we built our own! These four attributes became our core values here at NeverBounce.


Every agency should start thinking of building products, which not helps them solve a problem for themselves but also to many marketers like themselves. 


Global Seo, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Website Audit, Website page load speed

Website Page Load Speed

Need to know whether updates?

Want to check out the news headlines or the cricket score quickly?

All we need to do is ask Google.

We all like to get things done faster, for example, if we need to know a recipe for chocolate cake? Search engines will populate hundreds of results within a few seconds. Speed is probably one of the alluring forces for people to come to search engines for almost all their queries.

No wonder, all the search engines take website page loading speed as a top criterion while ranking the sites for a user’s query. So, if you own a website, along with the right SEO efforts, you also need to take care of the website page load speed aspects.

In this post, we will explain why website speed is critical and ways to achieve it.

Some numbers to back the importance of website page load speed

According to various sources

What Google Has To Say About Page Load Speed


Website Page Load Speed


On July 9th, 2018, Google rolled out an update that is famously known as ‘the speed update,’ which made page load speed as a significant ranking factor for mobile searches. With mobile traffic surpassing the desktop traffic, this update has brought page speed into the limelight.

This speed update brought negative impact to those websites that deliver a slower user experience when compared to the competitors in SERP’s. However, the intent still plays a significant role in ranking, the pages having the exact content might rank higher even though it may have slow page speed. But, to rank higher than your competitors along with the right intent, your page also needs to load faster.

So, Google updates, and the users are pointing towards website page load speed. So, how can you know if your website is loading within the prescribed time?

Things To Take Care To Improve Your Website Page load Speed.


Website page load speed


1.Server response time: This is the time taken for an HTML page to load from the server so that the user can render that page. If the server takes more time to respond, then it takes more time for the HTML page to load, thus increasing the page load time. Using legacy software/hardware to host your website might increase the server response time.

How to fix it?

To improve your website’s server response time, you need to host it with a reliable hosting service. It is best to take up a dedicated server rather than shared hosting. Also, the latest technological advancements such as cloud hosting and a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that caches most of the static assets of the website geographically. Selecting a quality hosting can help in reducing your server response time. Cloud services also have an auto-scale policy that can expand and shrink the server capacity as per the traffic fluctuations.

53% of the visits are likely to abandon the site if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load.

2. Images and videos: High-quality Images and videos take up most of the server bandwidth and increase the response time, in turn, increasing the website page loading time.

How can you fix it?

It is always smart to optimize images and videos such that they occupy less space. Use third-party tools which can resize the image and set them to 72 dpi. Take the help of various image optimization tools to reduce its size further. It is always wise to stick to standard image formats such as JPG, PNG, and GIF. Also, massive text files must be compressed using Gzip compression (take care to configure the server so that it returns zipped content.

46% of people say waiting for pages to load is what they dislike the most.

3. Website code: Sometimes, the source code of the website might contain unnecessary characters and variables which can increase its size and subsequently increases the website page load time.

How to fix it?

Through a process called minification, the source code can be simplified by removing unnecessary spaces and renaming variables to shorter names. Minification helps the code transformation over a network efficiently.

A two-second delay in website page load time increases the bounce rate by 103 percent

4. Redirects and Plugins: Each redirection creates additional HTTPs requests to the server, thus increasing its speed. Also, excessive usage of plugins may increase the page load time.

How to fix it?

Until unless required, avoid redirects as much as you can, also if there are any broken links identify and fix them. Use only those plugins which are necessary.

Sites that load in five seconds see 70% longer average sessions.

5. Caching: Every time an HTTP request is raised, all the components (both static and dynamic) of a particular webpage have to be rendered from the server, which increases the load time. Although the dynamic content has to provide with every HTTP request, loading of the static content unnecessarily increases the website page load time

How to fix it?

By using Expires headers for static content and Cache-control headers for dynamic components, you can make various components of the web page cache, thus reducing the HTTP requests to the server and decreasing the page load time.

Website page load speed has now become a significant criterion for the users, and hence, the search engines are also emphasizing over it. So, always keep these aspects in mind while designing and maintaining your website. Checking of page load time must be an ongoing process, and, from time to time, adjustments have to be made to keep up the least load time.

79% of visitors who experienced web page performance issues are never to return to the site again.

Tools To Evaluate Web Page Performance

Website page load speed


Try some of the popular SEO Audit Tools to analyze your website speed in just a few clicks. RoboAuditor’s SEO Report is famous not only for giving you the page speed but also giving you recommendations on how to fix it.

Report Download

After evaluating your website’s performance, the next course of action is to take steps to make sure your website loads in the least time possible. Here are a few aspects you must take care, to ensure your web page will load faster.

It is wise to take these factors while designing the website and also while adding content and creating new webpages.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Firm, Website Audit

Does your website have an aesthetic design with all the functionalities?

Do you plan to market it and generate leads for your business?

Before planning to invest in marketing your website, there is one more thing you need to make sure of, and that is to check if your website is up to the standards prescribed by the search engines.

All the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., work based on complex algorithms that function on specific criteria, and the websites that fall within these criteria rank first among the search engine results.

So how to know whether your website ticks the prescribed checklist of the search engines? One word Site audit! In this post, we bring to you what is a site audit, key features of a site audit, and much more.

What is a site audit?what is the website audit

The search engines decide website ranking factors based on the user experience. A site audit is a detailed website analysis of your website’s performance against these factors.

Search engines have automated search agents known as search engine bots. These bots crawl the websites, analyze the content, and store it in their databases. When a user enters a search query, these bots then search their database and retrieve the results that are most relevant to the user’s query and serve them on their search engine results page (SERP’s)

So by doing a site audit, you will come to know in which areas your website is falling behind in these factors, which are essential for the search engines to rank it first in its SERP’s.

Key Factors To Consider While Performing Site Audit


Site Audit 


1. Page speed: Page speed is one of the key factors most search engines consider while ranking web pages in their SERPs. Hence it is necessary to find out whether your website has all it takes to load quickly than your competitors. Through site audit, you can find critical points that are affecting your page load time.

2. On-page SEO: On the page, SEO helps in easy identification of the page by the search engine bots while performing a site audit, the following must be checked.

  • Each page must have a unique topic
  • Each page must have a primary keyword included in its page title, related meta descriptions. Check the images, anchor texts.
  • Check the H1 and H2 headings, redirections, duplicate pages
  • Also, check the page crawl errors and indexation errors
  • Check for page not found and server errors
  • Have SEO friendly URL’s for all the pages
  • Activate bread crumb and have structured data inserted

3. Mobile-friendliness: Mobile compatibility will increase your page rankings and will give you an edge over the competitors. While performing site audit make sure you cover the following aspects
  • The site must have a responsive design
  • Youtube video links must be embedded
  •  All the images must be compressed

4. Check the robots.txt file: If all you realized that all the pages on your website are not being indexed, then the first place to look at is the robots.txt file. Sometimes, a few pages are blocked, which prevents Google from indexing those pages so while performing a site audit search if there any page has been ‘disallowed.’

5. Check for broken links: Broken links lead to bad user experiences and, therefore, low site rankings, so always check for broken links on your website and fix them.

6. Check your website’s XML sitemap: The XML page of your website serves as a guide for the search engine bots to crawl and index the pages of your website. Hence it is essential to make sure the XML file is in the correct format and follows the XML sitemap protocol. All your website pages must be updated on the site map, and the sitemap must be submitted to all the search engines.

7. Social media: Another channel for lead generation channel is social media, so it is necessary to make sure your website is connected to your social media channels. Check if you have included the social media icons on every page, ensure you have social media share buttons where users can share your content on social media, place your social media icons on the header for easy access for the users.

8. Image SEO: Images SEO also plays a significant role in improving your page ranking, check for the following 
  • Make sure the image file names match the image, you can also use keywords in the filenames
  • Check if the Alt tags are defined for all the images
  • If you are using many images, consider using a content delivery network

9. Check for user-friendliness: The ultimate goal is to attract traffic to your website, but what if you can get traffic onto your website, and are leaving abruptly? To ensure the users stay on your webpage, check for the user-friendliness of your website. Here is how you can do it
  • Check if the users can find what they are looking for within 3 clicks.
  • Track the user journey through the search engine console and see where the dropouts are occurring.
  • Check if you have clear navigation in place and have a 404 error page.
  • Ensure your site has the contact us, about us and privacy policy in place
  • Maintain consistent interface throughout the website

These are some of the aspects you need to look for while performing a site audit, however, a site audit is not a simple task, there are many aspects to take care of, and manually checking every detail might require lots of time as well as technical knowledge.

Do you know? You can check on all the SEO mentioned above Parameters through popular SEO Checker tools like RoboAuditor.


How RoboAuditor Makes Site Auditing Easy?

RoboAuditor does a detailed website analysis of any given website on 70+ parameters and gives you an SEO Report in less than 60 seconds.

Roboauditor SEO Report



Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Firm
You must have read about how sending an audit report of the prospect’s website while writing a cold email pitch to them can increase your chances of conversion.

It’s true; a website audit report can be a great icebreaker between you and the prospect. It shows the amount of research and the level of commitment you have towards the prospect’s company.

However, all those efforts could go in vain if the report does not carry your logo and instead carries the logo of the SEO tool you used to audit the website. The prospect would not be able to distinguish between your agency and the SEO tool that you used.

That’s where a white label SEO audit tool comes to your rescue. 
What is a white label SEO audit tool?
The white label SEO audit tools are similar to the free SEO tools you find on the internet, except they are more comprehensive, sophisticated, secure, and, most importantly, anonymous.

Let’s explore these features in detail.

1. More Comprehensive

Your prospect would want to know everything that’s wrong with their website before engaging with you. A preview of the report would not likely help them make a decision. White label SEO tools offer a comprehensive report on the health of the website. It covers everything right from on-page SEO to technical SEO parameters.

Free SEO audit tools, on the other hand, include just the basic parameters, which the prospect might already be aware of.

2. More Sophistication

So, you have sent your prospect the audit report. What’s next? What if the prospect considers the report but does not respond to you? How are you going to push them further down the funnel? The role of a free SEO audit tool ends at generating the SEO report. A few white label SEO tools help you further until the conversion process is completed.

RoboAuditor, for example, offers integration with tools such as MailChimp, HubSpot, Zapier, etc. to make it easier for digital marketers to push the leads further into the funnel. They also support more than 6500 languages. If you plan to target prospects from other countries, a customized report in a particular language can give you an edge over your competitors.

3. More secure

At a time when companies are conscious about how their data is used, a report with a third-party branding might not go well with your prospect. You also don’t know how those free tools use your prospect’s data.

With White Label SEO Audit Tool, you will have more control over the data. You will also be able to instill faith in your prospects by stating that their data is secure and will not be sold or used in the wrong way.

4. Carries your branding

White label SEO tools are developed by another company, but their identity can be masked by adding your logo to the top of the report. It is a win-win situation for both you and the prospect.

You can save cost on developing a tool from scratch and time on analyzing and generating SEO reports manually, and your prospect can get an understanding of the gaps they need to fill to improve the website.

What to look for while choosing a white label SEO audit tool?

Does it help in generating leads?

The primary purpose of auditing a website is to generate leads. If the white label SEO audit tool does not help in generating leads, you may want to look for a tool that enables you to do that. Check if it offers integration with other tools that will aid you in your lead nurturing process.

Does it audit all the SEO parameters?

Check if your white label audit tool analyzes all the SEO parameters on the website. As we mentioned above, your prospect would want to know the health of their website in detail. If your tool offers just a preview or skips auditing some of the important parameters, it might not be worth the investment.

Opt for a tool that checks for all the parameters. Compare the best available white label SEO audit tools before making a decision.

Does it comply with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework?

The SEO audit tool will be capturing the data of your prospect’s website. Before you add a disclaimer on your website, stating that you will safeguard the data of the user, ensure that your white label SEO audit tool complies with it. Growth Robotics, for example, has clearly mentioned how it will process the data of the customer.

Is it easy to install?

The purpose of having a white label SEO tool is to save cost and money on building a tool of your own. So, if you need a team to install the white label SEO tool, it might not be a feasible investment for you. Look for a white label SEO tool that is not dependent on an IT team for installation. RoboAuditor, for example, is so simple to add on your website, that even a non-technical user would be able to do it.
SEO Audit tool Work
White label SEO audit may require you to make a small investment of as low as $10 per month, but the results that you will derive from it are amazing. Our clients, such as Fractional CMO and ZNetLive, have managed to increase their leads with the help of a white label SEO audit tool.
Thinking of giving it a try? You can begin with a 14-day Free Trial of RoboAuditor and see the results for yourself before subscribing to it.

Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

A small business owner understands the importance of digital presence and invested a lot of time and money in building a fantastic bakery website. Excellent content and Jaw-dropping images, Design, User-friendly navigation.

However, she quickly realizes that her website does not feature on the first or second page of the search engine, even if someone searches for a bakery in her area.

When she explains this to her friend over a cup of coffee, she suggested her to look for a digital marketing agency to optimize her website and make it search engine-friendly.  

Now the bakery owner started looks for digital marketing agencies in her area, and almost everyone promises to optimize her website. The business owner was looking for someone who can tell her the issues on the website upfront.

Unable to differentiate between agencies, she eventually chooses the first agency that she finds on the Internet.

Sounds familiar?

As a digital marketing agency, you must be aware that people realize the importance of having an optimized website. They understand that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technical and long-term exercise that requires the attention of a digital marketing agency or an SEO expert.

That’s why they do not hesitate to hire a digital marketing agency to help them in their endeavor of improving their ranking and growing the business.

“However, with digital marketing and SEO agencies mushrooming in every part of the globe, providing a differentiation has become more important than ever.”

To add to the competition, Google recommends business owners to select the agency based on their search and technical audit prowess. Which essentially means that

Google advises businesses to ask SEO agencies to provide recommendations to improve the search and technical performance of the website to help them choose the right agency.

This, in a way, spells good news for you as you can leverage this opportunity and become one of the most sought-after digital marketing agencies in this booming industry.

White Label SEO Audit – Your Secret to Success

Every business would want to know their site’s performance and understand how it can be improved. While other digital agencies ask business owners to pay a small fee upfront and take over a week to analyze the website, you can do it for them free of cost using white label SEO AuditTool. You can even give them the power to analyze their website themselves and receive a report almost immediately.

This makes it a reliable and trustworthy tool.

Why Are White Label SEO Audit Tools So Popular?

White label SEO Audit Tools is getting a strong foothold in the digital marketing industry, and there are two primary reasons for it.

1. Helps in Generating Leads

Let’s take an example of a Hyderabad-based digital marketing agency called Fractional CMO that offers digital marketing services to SaaS, Manufacturing, and Real Estate companies.

Fractional CMO was highly dependent on different lead channels such as eBooks, whitepapers, and blogs to generate leads. The entire exercise proved to be time-consuming and cost-intensive for them.

Fractional CMO signed up for a free trial version of 
RoboAuditor, a white label SEO tool, and added it to their website (screenshot is given below). So, whoever visited their website had the option to analyze their website for free instead of paying $500.

Within one week of embedding the white label code, Fractional CMO was able to see an increase in qualified leads by 2x times. As of today, Fractional CMO has been able to increase their leads by 400% and reduce the marketing spend by 75% by using white label SEO.

And Fractional CMO is not the only digital marketing agency to have benefited from it. Even HubSpot, the 5th ranking website in the online marketing space, has successfully used a tool called Website Grader is one of the methods to generate leads for their website.

In one of the articles in 
Forbes, the author, Joe Escobedo, made a valid point – “To stand out in a crowded marketplace, your lead magnet needs to be great. When every business is giving away free e-books, give out a free software tool that helps solve your customer’s pain point so you can set your business apart from your competitors.”

This is precisely what makes white label SEO tools so popular.

2. Helps in Winning Clients

So, your website visitor has received a detailed report on the improvements they can make to their website. Do you think they will implement it? Neil Patel believes they wouldn’t. In his article ‘How I Built a 7 Figure SEO Agency’, Neil Patel suggests that the visitor will most likely ask you to fix the issues found on their website because they would rather trust your sensibilities to fix the problem than spending their time and resources on it.

If you were a business owner, you would ask the digital agency to fix it, won’t you?

So, you see, by using white label SEO and sending the website health report in advance, you will be able to win the trust of the visitor and eventually convert them into a client.

RoboAuditor – A Perfect Partner for Your Growth

Selecting the right white label SEO audit tool is essential from your business growth perspective, because if the tool is below par and misleading, then there is a chance that your website visitors might not trust your business at all.

However, with RoboAuditor by your side, you need not worry about it. Here are a few reasons that make RoboAuditor a perfect partner for your business.

  • Easy to use: Growth Robotics’ RoboAuditor is a ready-to-use tool that can be used by a non-technical person too. All you need to do is, embed the code to your website, and you are ready!

  • White-label reports: A lot of white label SEO tool developers do not offer the option to publish white-label reports. This can be a disadvantage for those who want the reports to be sent under their name. RoboAuditor offers white-label reports that give you the complete freedom to use your brand in the report.

  • Integration: Integration with various tools enables you to offer value-add service to the client. RoboAuditor offers integration with MailChimp, WordPress Plugin, HubSpot CRM, Chrome Extensions, and much more.

  • Customization: All of us love customization. Customized white-label reports will help you offer unique services to your customers. RoboAuditor offers customizations such as reports in multiple languages and empowers you to choose what you want to display in the report.

White label SEO audit tool is worth an investment to generate good quality leads at a minimal cost. If you are toying with the idea of trying it out, then do not hesitate to contact us. We are always ready to help :).

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

Every Marketer should ask this question to himself every day until you get the answer.

Is there something interesting available on your website, which will give people a reason to keeping coming back to your site?

As John Mueller says, adding appropriate keywords onto the title tags or improving bad inbound links are all very important but ‘short-term thinking’ but the larger goal: driving business by converting visitors to leads and convert leads to sales.

Sadly, most of the websites don’t have a lead magnet. However, marketers who have cracked the above puzzle have generated hundreds and thousands of visitors leading to a very high visitor to conversion ratio.

Don’t believe it? Let’s look at some of the very prominent examples. 

Mozbar from Moz is a popular chrome extension (insufficient results though) provided for free to its visitors, and it is a top lead generation engine for years.

Website Grader from Hubspot is a free website grading tool and has been a very crucial source of lead generation for almost a decade and is still the top lead gen source for HubSpot.

SEO Analyzer on is a free SEO Audit tool that generates thousands of leads every day 🙂

Wouldn’t you love to have something similar on your website and how to generate more leads like them? Of course, right? And that’s precisely the problem SiteAuditor – An Embeddable White Label SEO Audit Tool solves – Generating Leads at low cost.   



The prospects visiting your website have to enter their website URL and email address. SiteAuditor gives an inside-out view of the state of their sites in the form of an SEO Audit report, which as an agency marketer, you can white label. Besides, it recommends improvements to garner leads and sales.

 WithSiteAuditor, you get a tool and the reports in your custom branding, i.e., White Label SEO Audit Tool as well as White Label SEO Audit Reports. 

6 Ways our current users as using SiteAuditor as their favorite Lead Magnet 


1. Place SiteAuditor On Home Page

Drawing an analogy to real estate, your homepage is the Monaco of your entire web state, where each square centimeter must be valued the highest you’d give to your entire webpage portfolio. It doesn’t mean that it has to be cramped with many links or appealing buttons and pop-up marketing your services, but has to be laid out in an optimum fashion.

Placing SiteAuditor as the peak of your entire business strategy gives it the best seat in the house, through a section or a standout button. It makes the SiteAuditor tool visible for all your audience to see and can become your biggest sales tool.

2. Make SiteAuditor A Prominent CTA On The Header

SiteAuditor gives you elaborate insights into the inner workings of your prospects’ websites, adding value to them. Now that’s reason enough to create an essential call-to-action on your site header, as its value demands the prime position. Alternatively, if it is one of your business strategies, add it as a header side-section that still captures users landing onto your website.

3. Place SiteAuditor As A Footer On High-Traffic Pages

Thanks to your web strategy working right, pages with high traffic must be leveraged to the fullest. Studies show that regardless of the length of the page with long-form content, visitors will scroll to the end in their curiosity to probe for anything value-worthy. It’s the best gateway to place SiteAuditor, perhaps beside your newsletter subscription box.

Webmasters are always looking at ways to optimize their site, and this will help you on your way to sealing your first set of 100 leads, thanks to this 
fantastic SEO audit tool.

4. Put SiteAuditor as a Footer or a Widget in your WordPress blogs

Content marketing is central to the strategies of businesses like you, and blogs are an evergreen space for killing multiple birds with one stone. Add in your shiny new web auditor to it, by subtly integrating it into the footer, or as an appealing widget that blends into the related sections of your blog layout.

For example, if you have a conversion tactic through a banner of offering a white paper in line with category topics, add another CTA of a quick web check of how their website compares to other peers in their domain. Being smart and coherent is the secret behind capitalizing on a SiteAuditor.

5. Share The Page In Social Media Regularly

Integrating your social with your web strategy is fundamental and appeals to human nature: we all want to socialize, share, and learn from each other.

Offering this invaluable tool on social media, along with your regular posts should become a practice that accelerates the leads you generate through the landing page created.

It elucidates the advantages of SiteAuditor and helps create a mindshare of the gamut of benefits for end-users. Planning site audit social campaigns is another way to open up further possibilities of quality leads.

6. Initiate An Email Campaign For Funnel Thrust

Emails campaigns are another valuable possibility for brand awareness and engagement, propelling targets towards conversion. Thoughtfully crafted emails that bring out the uniqueness of your solutions usually lack an essential connector: giving prospects an immediate reason to engage and move up the sales funnel. SEO audit tools like SiteAuditor fill that gap, and when prospects click on the email link and arrive at the tool to evaluate their website, they are compelled to inquire how you can plug their site deficiencies.


7. Monetizing Key Elements Like Linking Email Signatures

Marketers are always looking at attention-grabbing initiatives or large projects to continue the lead generation pipe, but occasionally forget ‘sales hotspots’ right at the core of their daily business functions.

They might not deliver 2x or 3x growth, but when leveraged across the spectrum of a business, they can. One way to begin is by adding a thumbnail promoting the ‘free SEO audit tool to evaluate prospect’s websites. In your email campaigns or the companies your sales teams target, you are very likely to see interest, all of which can be channeled into your sales strategy until the point of revenue realization.

8. Try a Budget Facebook campaign  

Social media allows you to filter and target your audience, unlike other advertising or marketing mediums like search or email.

If you can identify the website performance of your target audience, create custom campaigns that position SiteAuditor as the solution for their web and marketing challenges, you can save a considerable portion of your current marketing budget. LinkedIn and Twitter are great platforms to generate traction around your web auditor campaigns and continue delivering quality leads.

Marketers like Neil Patel or digital marketing organizations like Hubspot have researched, tested, and identified a lot of ways to generate leads and close conversions. But one of their top weapons is the SEO auditor toolThat is the adequate inspiration for you to get started on scaling up your marketing efforts, using the site auditor tool as a powerful weapon in your sales strategy.

SiteAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Uncategorized

Recently, I was at an event, and I heard an executive talk about how his sales force was the oxygen to his company. While you might have a great product or an interesting quarter strategy to push your firm’s market share up, your marketing team is what gives you wind in your sails. And the lead generation is where it all starts.

That’s where the story of HubSpot fits in perfectly. The company invented inbound marketing, the science of creating content that appeals and engages target consumers, generates quality leads, and makes prospects come back for more.


More importantly, the tool that stars for the company in a burgeoning market is the Website Grader – A Website Audit Tool.


It was created back in the day by the co-founder to help assess various aspects of any website, and ascertain its marketing effectiveness. This simple, automated tool has been one of the reasons behind the company’s explosive growth, not only making it one of the few billion dollars valued companies, but also getting it listed on NASDAQ.



The Inside-the-Box Approach:



For marketing software companies, you cannot miss the obvious. Rather than taking three days to draw out a performance report on a prospect’s website, why not create a simple tool that can do the job? That’s thinking inside the box. Think small, and think about the fundamentals.



If you run a marketing automation agency, take a look at your sales strategy. You could resort to a high-budget, visual campaign which brings out your agency’s unique capabilities and that ‘x-factor’ that you hope would floor your prospect. However, that generally involves a huge spend and nominal ROI.


Move to inbound marketing. You could again hire an expert content team to work and dish out quality blogs and whitepapers, publishing them with call-to-action. This route has chances of higher leads and ROI because your target audience is now more relevant and engaged.



HubSpot took the inbound methodology to even higher. They created Website Grader, a simple and free website audit tool that everyone needed and would vouch for. What started as a bold idea back in 2007 is now the world’s leading site audit tool. HubSpot got it right from Day 1.



How did the website grader generate lead organically:

Just enter the website domain and your “Email Address” to get the Website Audit report for free. The Hubspot team not only understood the power of a robust lead generation strategy but demonstrated to the world with the right application.



Back in the day when technologies and tools like automated marketing apps were still considered a luxury in the market, the team went the freemium way by opening up the website Grader for anyone to audit their website.



That was a game-changer and exemplified growth hacking in its nascent stages. Website Grader was a very simple tool that anyone could use. However, go behind the scenes, and anyone would notice that creating the tool would be far from ordinary.



The software had to be fed with a lot of data and signals emanating from the website, for which prior access was available by default. Then, it had to evaluate data against the threshold parameters for an effective site, and finally generate a visual report for the user to decipher and act on unqualified parameters.



All of this had to happen in a few seconds, and the tool made it happen, showcasing the power of marketing automation software.



Dharmesh goes on to describe in one of his company presentations about how the tool was a great freemium hack, where you don’t make part of your solution free, but provide a tool that diagnoses the problem.



The tool was killer and Hubspot generated thousands of leads through the tool.


They went public, achieved annual revenues of around $375 million, and secured multiple investments from the likes of Salesforce.



Can you have one website grader for your business?



Of course, yes, RoboAuditor is similar in nature. It audits your website in a few seconds on multiple parameters that influence the success of your website, be in terms of web visitors, engagement, or conversions.


But where we go the extra mile is you can now embed that tool onto your website in a few minutes, so you could analyze your prospect’s websites when they send in a request.


And interested prospects can share their contact information for you to build top-of-funnel leads, and pitch them your complete product, increasing reach, engagement, and sign-ups.


Sign up with RoboAuditor today and start generating leads like Hubspot.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Uncategorized, Website Audit

Before getting into the need to have a White Label SEO Audit Tool in your kitty, let us understand what this term ‘White Label SEO Audit Tool’ actually means!!


An SEO Audit Tool is like what a thermometer is to a doctor. It helps the marketers know the health of a website in just a few seconds.


White Label is all about making website health report (popularly known as Website Audit report or SEO Audit Report)  as yours, i.e. without any third party branding 🙂


Every Agency which works in the field of inbound marketing, website design, or improving business through digital channels,  do SEO Audits / Website Audits of the client’s website multiple times to make sure the best practices of On-Page and Technical SEO are followed.

Now, as we have a brief idea of what White Label SEO Audit Tool is all about, Let’s understand how it can help marketers and digital agencies in improving their business.

What Makes White Label SEO Audit Tool So Important !!

1. Start Generating Leads Now:

As a business owner, you, of course, want to have a lot of leads and keep your Top of the Funnel full :). Gated content is an excellent way of generating leads, but it needs at least a couple of months and a team of 4 experts (content writer, graphics designer, website expert, SEO expert to make a wonderful ebook or a white paper. (you can find a detailed blog on this topic herethis where White Label SEO audit tool comes handy.

With RoboAuditor,  you can embed the SEO Audit Tool yourself by just adding a couple of lines code on your web page and start generating the leads from day 0 onwards. Now you no longer have to wait for months as you do for your gated content.

2. Reduce Cost per Lead:

Lets us first understand what Cost per Lead exactly is!

Well, Cost Per Lead (CPL) is the total cost that is induced while developing, publishing, and sharing the offers amongst various channels to that of the number of leads generated.

It’s always essential to differentiate the costs over different offers so that you can know which offer or content gives more profit, in short, it is generating clients at a much lesser price.  

Consider this example, now suppose your marketing team spends around $1000 to generate say 10 leads, the cost per lead would become $100. But now you increase the sales by doubling the number of leads to say $20 and spend the same $1000, but soon your cost per lead would come down to $50. This sounds amazing, isn’t it?

A Site Audit reduces your cost per lead by more than 75% if it’s executed properly.

With the money you save on the lead generation, you can have drinks with your team (every week 🙂 )

3. More Personalized Content:

White papers and e-books provide the users with detailed information, but they do not focus on particular information which your prospects would be looking for.

A recent study by Hubspot shows that the long form of content, i.e. ebooks, white papers, etc. is least popular among all age groups across the world.

For Example, you wrote a wonderful ebook on SEO Audit Checklist, but your prospects still have to digest this information and apply it to the website manually and then analyze the output.

Wouldn’t your prospect be super HAPPY if you directly do the SEO Audit and give the exact pointers which should be worked upon? Of course, yes. The prospects would love this. That’s exactly what your SEO Audit Tool should do.

4. Immediate Actionable Insights:

Actionable Insights can be defined as an analytical result that provides sufficient data to the organizations and managers to make an up-to-date decision. In short, it is about giving the right recommendations based on a certain logic.

Who doesn’t love recommendations? If an SEO Audit Report not only tells me the issues but also tells me what to do to fix it, would I love it? Of course, I will, and I am sure the same is the case with most of the business owners worldwide.

An SEO Audit Tool that gives you not only the list of issues but also the recommendation on how to fix it would make the real difference. RoboAuditor provides detailed recommendations based on the website audit information.

5. Make your Sales team look awesome before clients:

As a business owner, wouldn’t you would want to look the best for your clients? This can only be possible if and only if your sales team has done proper research about the clients.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if your sales team walks into a client meeting with a comprehensive website audit report (with your business branding, of course) and start the discussion from there? This, for sure, will leave a good impression on the client, and your agency will have an extra edge to win the deal.



SEO Audit Tool is one of the best lead generation tools your business should invest it. RoboAuditor is the only White Label SEO Audit Tool which not only provides downloadable comprehensive SEO Audit reports but also lets you Embed the SEO Audit tool on to your website in just a few clicks.

Start Using RoboAuditor today and automate your agency’s sales and marketing.


RoboAuditor is an Embeddable Technical SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Uncategorized

Before getting into how to perform an SEO audit, lets us first understand what correctly SEO Audit is!

There are around 140,000 websites created every day, and on average, Google processes around 40,000 search queries per second, which means over 3.5 billion searches per day- that’s a lot.

So being on Page 1 is very critical to generating business from online channels.

But now the question arises- How do you land on Page 1?

Well, there are various factors that decide your position on Page 1, and to check these factors, it’s important to perform an SEO Audit.

An SEO Audit can be termed as a process of analyzing the search engine compatibility of a website on various parameters.

In other words, it’s about knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your website on a list of best practices laid by popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, etc.

Now, since you have a gained a fair idea about SEO audit, let’s get started.

Key Parameters for SEO Audit:

There are more than 100 signals/parameters which popular search engines like Google looks while ranking your website.

Interesting Fact20% of the SEO Parameters make an impact of more than 80% on your website.

Sounds quite interesting, isn’t it?

Let’s have a detailed look at these parameters.

Check the Title Tag:

A title tag defines the title of a webpage; it is used in the HTML code. For instance, if you were searching for SEO on Google, then these are the results which search engine might come up with. The clickable headline for a given result is known as the title tag.


The title tag not only specifies the heading of your webpage but also gives a brief portrayal of the content of the page.

Title tags play a critical role in determining the ranking of your web-page as they are significantly displayed on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).  Also, when your webpage is shared on social media, the title tag is displayed as an anchor text.

You should always check and make sure that your title tag is not very long and should not have more than 70 characters. Always try and use the long-phrase keyword in the title tag, and most importantly, the title you choose should be according to your page.

Check for Meta Description:

The meta description tag gives a summary of the content present on your webpage. It gives an outline to the readers about what the page is exactly about. The Meta description appears right below the title tag.

It acts as an advertisement for the readers. A useful, precise, and relevant meta description can help you increase users’ click-through rate.


Although Google algorithm does not consider meta description as a parameter for search result rankings, the meta description is an essential aspect of your SEO audit since it gives a clear picture to your visitor about the product/service they can expect from your website. A proper meta description will ensure more people can buy your product/service, which in turn boosts your ranking.

The social media networks define the posts based on the meta description. If the meta description is not defined, then social network by default display the first two lines as a description for your web page. So always include a meta description for your webpage.

The meta description gives actual meaning to your website. It should not have more than 320 characters and should be in an active voice. The meta description should always be unique and make sure it has structured content with your focus Keyword, and this will help your site links to be automatically shown in SERPs.


Check for Heading:

As it is said, the first impression is the most essential and ever-lasting impression, and I am sure you would like to give the best impression to your website visitors.


The first line mentioned here is the Heading of the webpage.

A good, crisp, clear, short heading is the best option to get the interest of the website visitor. It’s about explaining what all you do in just a few words.


Mobile Responsiveness:

Mobile responsiveness means that your website is designed in such a way that it adapts itself to any kind of screen, be it- phone, tablet, desktop, laptop, or anything.

With the rapid growth of smartphone usage, website traffic has significantly been changing over the years. More than 50% of the users surf the sites through their mobile phones, and also one-quarter of the online searches are mobile-based searches,  so it is essential to have a website that adapts and looks good on all devices regardless of its shape and size.


It is imperative that your website is mobile-friendly, as it is one of the ranking factors. Also, complete mobile-friendly pages are given more traffic by Google. So make sure you have created Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMPs) for your website.

Page Speed:

The page speed signifies how quick the visitors can see the content, images of the page, and interact with it.


Page speed is one of the important factors to attract more traffic and conversions on a landing page.


As per the researchers, it is believed that in just 5 seconds, the online buyers close the landing page. So it is important that the pages you create are faster, which in turn will help you get more sales, leads, and traffic. Pages that have a long time generally have a higher bounce rate too.

Make sure your website always loads faster than your competitors.


Hyperlinks, commonly known as Links, are present on most of the WebPages and allow you to hop to a new page consisting of the reference data when you just tap or click on them. You can attach links to images, HTML elements, or texts.

You can provide internal as well as external links on your website (i.e., within your webpage or to the other WebPages). The number of quality links on your website can help in attracting traffic to your site, which can help you increase your rankings.

Google and other search engines give due credits for your links, so include an accurate amount of links on your website/page.

Make sure you put proper internal & external links on your website. The links should not be broken.


Structured Data / Snippets:

A structured snippet, commonly known as a rich snippet, is the additional information that is present just below the search results. It briefs the users about the link and content provided in the link. That additional information can be ratings of the products/services, date of issue of the articles, etc.

Snippets quickly draw the user’s attention. They are the only way in which your webpage can stand out against the different competitors.  


For instance, when you want to buy a book online, you choose it probably by better rating. The same is the case with your users. They check the ratings and only then opt for your website.


How to check all the above parameters in < 10 mins?

If you do it manually, it might take hours, and you might not also get the recommendations/list of action items to fix the issues.

RoboAuditor is an SEO Audit tool, which can do the website audit report pdf on all of the parameters, as mentioned earlier, and many more ( more than 70 Parameters) in < 60 seconds.

With RoboAuditor, you get not only a comprehensive SEO Audit but also White Label Audit Reports and also White Label SEO  Audit Tool (Lead Gen Tool), which you can embed on your website and let your website visitor do their audits by sharing their email address with you.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Firm

When Google PageRank was created, it opened doors for the search engines to capitalize on search methods. A web page is essential to a user – based on interests, business, or attitude. On the World Wide Web, there are thousands of web pages with varying significance for one person or another.

Web pages are designed in a way that they are ranked based on their significance to their target audience. Thus, when Larry Page and Sergey Bin invented Google PageRank, they created a world of endless possibilities where search terms can have an impact on your business.

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SEO, SEO Audit Checklist, Website Audit

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.” Mark Twain

There is no optimal keyword density out there.

There is, however, a lot of room for original, quality, and valuable content.

Having said this at the very outset, is there more to be said?

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