Push leads from GrowthRobotics to MailChimp instantly

MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing tools. By Integrating GrowthRobotics with Mailchimp, you can push your leads instantly and reach them faster.

Follow these 3 simple steps to enable GrowthRobotics Integration to Mailchimp.

Step 1:
Login to GrowthRobotics and click on Integrations.

Step 2:
In the MailChimp section, click Enable.

Step 3:
Enter the Username and Password of your MailChimp Account.

Step 4:
Hit Allow to be able to run a GR Test.

Step 5:
Once you hit Allow in step 4, you will be redirected to the integrations settings page. From here, select your Audience ID of your MailChimp Account.

Step 6:
After Selecting your Audience ID click Save.

That’s it! You’re ready to go! Your MailChimp Integration with GrowthRobotics Tool is all set up. 🙂


Direct Leads from SiteAuditor to any application using Zapier

We have integrated Zapier into the CRM tools. Using which you can send all the leads created in SiteAuditor to CRM tools effortlessly!

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a tool that is used to connect applications to save time.

Why Zapier in SiteAuditor?

  • To improve your experience when using CRM tools in marketing automation and throughout your lead nurturing process. 
  • To send leads that you generate on your website to CRM tools like HubSpot, Active Campaign, MailChimp, etc.

Log in with your SiteAuditor Account and click on Integrations. Here, you’ll find the “Zapier integration block”. Click on it.

Log in with the email address and password associated with your Zapier account, or click “Sign Up!” to start your free trial of a Premium Zapier account.

Click on this link to access SiteAuditor in your Zapier account.

Scroll down the page and click “Login to Accept Invite” (if you’re not logged in.) Otherwise, click “Accept Invite & Build a Zap.”

Step 1: 
You’ll see a page where you can create a Zap. Click “Make a new Zap.”

Step 2: 
You’ll see a trigger modal. Search for “SiteAuditor” app and click on it

Step 3: 
On the opened page, choose the trigger and click “Continue.”

Step 4: 
Click “Sign in to SiteAuditor.” 

You’ll see the authentication page.

To get your API key just log in to your SiteAuditor account and click on the user profile.

Copy-paste your API key. After that click “Yes, Continue.” 

Step 5: 

Click “Continue”

Step 6: 
Fill in the required information and click the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page.

Step 7: 
Click “Test trigger”

Step 8: 
Click “Skip test”

Step 9: 
Click “Continue”

Step 10:
You’re Done! Choose an app and set up the action.


If there are more than 6,500 known languages in the world, why should we restrict you to just a few!

We’ve been getting loads of requests to make GrowthRobotics reports available infrequently used languages like French, Spanish, etc.

Our first thought was to provide the report in 7-8 languages when one of our fellow geeks came up with the idea to integrate this feature with Google Sheets and give the freedom of choosing the language to the user. Awesome, right?

What you get with this feature
  • Generate SEO Audit report in ANY LANGUAGE you want
  • 100% Customisable Labels, Short Description, and Long Description
How to select the preferred language for your report

Step 1:
Log in to your GrowthRobitics account.

Step 2:
Go to Report Manager and locate the ‘Language’ tab and click.

Step 3:
From the option ‘Click here to download the template’, download the current report template in CSV format. If you’re a first-time user, the default report is in English.

Step 4:
Open a new Google Sheet and name it as you wish. This is the sheet where you will need to put all the Labels, Short Descriptions, and Long Descriptions in your preferred language and text.

Step 5:
In the Google Sheet, go to File > Import and import the downloaded CSV

Step 6:
Once you have the CSV data in Google Sheet, you can change the long description to your desired language in Column ‘B’.

Step 7:
Now you can put your short descriptions in column ‘C’

Step 8:
Following the short description, you’ll see the ‘Labels’ section. You can put your text in column ‘B’.

Step 9:
Once you’ve put all the fields in your language and text, go to the Share button on the top right-hand corner of Google Sheet. Click Share and a pop-up will open.

Step 10:
Once you’ve clicked on ‘Share’, you will find the option of ‘Specific people can access’ as the first choice, click the ‘Change’ tab in front of it.

Then, click the first option called “Anyone with the link’’. Select that option and click done.

Step 11:
Copy this Google Sheets link and paste it in GrowthRobotics and save.
Done! Your GrowthRobotics report is now available in the language you want.

Push leads from GrowthRobotics to HubSpot instantly.

HubSpot does not need an intro. It’s a world leader in marketing and sales software and helps companies in attracting visitors, converting them into leads, and eventually closing them as happy customers. HubSpot has thousands of agencies in their partner program.

With HubSpot and GrowthRobotics integration you can:
  • Push leads from GrowthRobotics to HubSpot
  • Trigger Campaigns and Workflows
  • View Audit Score of prospects directly in HubSpot
  • View Report URL directly in HubSpot
  • Follow these steps to enable GrowthRobotics to integrate with HubSpot:

Step 1:
Login to GrowthRobotics & click on Integrations.

Step 2:
In the HubSpot section, click Enable.

Step 3:
HubSpot will prompt you to log in if you aren’t logged in already.

If you have more than one account associated with your HubSpot login, choose an account.

Click on “Connect app.”

Wait for Growth Robotics to authenticate with HubSpot and redirect you back to Growth Robotics.

That’s it!! Your integration is done and you’re good to go. 🙂

Once the integration is complete, you’ll find your GrowthRobotics stats in the Contact Properties under the group ‘GrowthRobotics’.

A simple Google search is how you might have chanced upon our website. We could have been ranked somewhere near the top (we’d be delighted if you found us at #1 or #2 of the results page), but the way to the top is always hard. It takes more than sheer optimization oriented efforts, and the process has to be aided with the right, if not the best SEO tools.

But the market is crowded with hundreds of providers providing ‘the best SEO tools and options’ either providing cost or marginal feature advantages, as diverse as the Panda SEO update was from Possum. Besides the existing mainstream tools like Google Analytics or Moz Listing, let’s understand the parameters you must consider before you shortlist potential vendors for the best SEO tool for you:

1. Comprehensive SEO Audit :

You might have got wind of how your competitors are racing ahead by acquiring quality leads and increasing conversions, thanks to the best SEO tools helping optimize their website. Studies show 95% of clicks happen on Page #1 of search result pages.

The optimal way for you to get started and match up, just like any other domain, is to perform an audit on the state of your current SEO state. Some of the best SEO tools available, help you get this done before you draw a blueprint of how to execute your strategy for the next quarter.

The tools are automated and multi-functional in nature, which scours your website, analyzing and presenting reports on what’s missing, and what’s not. Essential parameters like the on-page SEO performance of your web pages, or how quickly your page loads (page speed) are key factors.

An increasing shift to mobile browsing mandates website responsiveness on mobile must be determined and actioned to improve SEO performance. Also, the best SEO tools must evaluate the quality of links, and social media performance must be evaluated.

2. White Label SEO Report :

White labeling is a cross-industry term used in a brand relationship involving a couple of brands, where one foregoes its display to front-facing customers for the other to benefit. Don’t fret, and this isn’t brand exploitation for the brand giving up its ‘branding’ at the mercy of the other, but an intentional agreement both parties come into.

It’s more like a B2B term, where an apparel brand contracts a textile supplier to manufacture clothes attaching the latter’s brand on them — transition to SEO.

What if you could take a look at the best SEO tools and find one that allows you to embed its audit tool onto your website, thereby making it look like it was your tool? In the proprietary world we live in, RoboAuditor stands out as one of the best SEO tools, thanks to its open nature, which allows it to be embedded anywhere.

3. Lead Generation Tool :

Similarly, we know your business is always looking out for quality leads. Today, companies adopt a variety of strategies to accumulate and convert leads through the best SEO tools. Whether it’s hiring an expert SEO agency or the myriad freelancers, the reality is they don’t always provide the silver bullet to your business challenges.

Then, after onboarding the systems and what agencies would have termed ‘the best SEO tool,’ they end up sharing performance reports, not proactive reports. No lead generation tool would be able to read, analyze, and suggest actions to improve the lead generation process.

Additionally, lead generation warrants a host of efforts like cold calling, campaign marketing, or content creation like whitepapers that takes considerable time and effort.

What if there was an appropriate, maybe even the best SEO tool around, that was able to cut to the chase of identifying clients’ requirements directly, eliminated costly efforts like case studies and whitepapers, and gave your clients insights into what’s missing in their SEO efforts? And what if you could embed it directly into your website?

4. App & Feature Integrations :

Today, the market has grown so vast and diverse that there are market opportunities that a plethora of agencies have plugged. The agencies with the best SEO tools wouldn’t have been able to deliver without adequate integrations with services tailor-made to suit or solve certain requirements.

This is the age of the application programming interface, acting as multiple gateways that open enormous possibilities for developers and marketers.

An authoritative piece on Moz back in 2012 predicted how the next ten years would see a decline in people visiting websites. How true in an app-first era we live in today. The best SEO tools that would almost certainly fit your requirements will have to be agile in their structure, and diverse in their integration possibilities.

They should be able to augment your business goals by allowing your existing initiatives like email marketing through MailChimp or workflow automation through Zapier.

5. Language Support :

Google Translate is a tool that works flawlessly. There have been multiple occasions language integrations are becoming imperative for companies catering to a quickly widening market. Language integration rationalization must become mainstream, especially those who claim to offer the best SEO tools around.

Companies who are finding new markets in new geographies insist their marketing partners like you must be fast-moving and cross-geographically neutral like them, and the start must happen with multiple language support. This feature might be the primary distinguishing factor that will help you filter out the best SEO tool and the most relevant one for your SEO investment.

Conclusion :

You can put your Agency’s Sales Process on an Auto-Pilot mode if you have the above features in your SEO Tool. It’s not an easy task to find all the above features in one tool at a very competitive price. RoboAuditor is one of the very few tools which provide all the above features at the most competitive price.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, Uncategorized

The internet has left no aspect of life untouched, and the time has come where we can’t live a single day without the internet. While everything is turning digital and internet becoming an integral part of life, the dark clouds of security breach have started getting darker, bringing a headache to every internet user and digital marketer, beginning GDPR into the frame.

For every web user and consumer, personal data is the currency that opens the door to infinite service and operations. Similarly, for the marketers, information is the key to run a successful campaign leading the steps to the company’s growth. These data, if get hold on, helps companies to target the right audience for their business. Hence it’s the responsibility of the companies to hold the data entrusted to them by the user safely and responsibly. But if like all, you have also been active on the Internet in the past couple of months, then you most certainly have seen plenty of notices and advertisements explaining about the new privacy policy that all companies need to abide by.

The European Union (EU) took it on its shoulder to devise a new rule book regarding the privacy policy of the users so that no data goes misused. With the ubiquity of the internet, the nature of the personal data has changed remarkably, generating the need for the new Data Privacy Regulation.

Before we move to discuss how this new General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) has impacted the world of Digital Marketing, let’s first understand what GDPR is.

On May 25th, 2018, GDPR came into effect in 28 countries in Europe, but there exists no country that has been left unaffected by this new rule. The new regulation agreed by the European Union seeks to improve the transparency and the effectiveness of data protection activities. The new regulation affects how businesses acquire the consent of users and customers to submit their data that is stored within the CRM or other storage units of the company.

Whereas, from the users’ point of view, the status of lawfully processing the users’ data has become fairer and more transparent.

The primary motive behind the establishment of GDPR policy and the punishment associated with it is to build the trust between technology providers and the users.

Even though, the GDPR legislation around data privacy and protection was adopted in the month of April 2016 but it was officially be enforced two years later, i.e., from 25th May 2018, replacing the 1995 data protection directive, hence modernizing the data regulation by monitoring the ways in which businesses collect and use from the people stumbling on their website as well as the customers taking on their services in present era.

Even though it’s a common myth that GDPR affects only the European nations, but the truth stands high with the fact that any company that has a European customer will have to abide by the GDPR regulations. GDPR focuses on standardizing the EU data directives and provide the best usage of regulations on data handling as well as compliance.

With the motive to strengthen individual’s rights and for creating better transparency and control, GDPR was designed to ensure web users are aware of as well as have the right to control their data that is being shared with the companies.

So the next question to bug our mind is, what data gets affected with GDPR?

The answer is pretty simple, as defined by the EU legislation, any personal data that can be used to identify an individual, whether directly or indirectly, will come under the GDPR. Hence, whether it’s a simple email ID, an IP address, and available online photo, or any information connecting the data to the person, everything is bound by the GDPR regulations.

With the change in the rule, the next question arises, what are the main areas GDPR legislation will cover?

There are 6 main areas covered by GDPR legislation.

1. Right to access: According to GDPR legislation, any company holding any form of personal data is bound to provide a free copy of the individual’s data, if requested, so that the individual can look at what data has been stored and will be processed by the data holder. The user also holds the liberty to ask the company where and why their data is being used.

2. Right to erasure: The user holds the right to be forgotten, i.e., the user can request their personal data to be deleted, preventing the company and any related third parties from accessing or processing that users’ information.

3. Data portability: Under GDPR regulation, an individual is allowed to request access to their personal data, which can be later transferred to another data controller according to their wish and need

4. Data breach notification: If the data has been leaked or any form of the data breach has taken place, such as data hacked or lost, it is compulsory that both, the customer as well the data controller has to be informed with the time span of 72  hours.

5. Privacy by design: It is compulsory for the data holding companies to integrate data compliance and data protection from the starting phase of any new system being designed.

6. Data protection officers: It is compulsory that the company whose main activity includes data processing and monitoring to appoint a data protection officer, in place of notifying the local Data Protection Authorities about their activities.

After discussing GDPR in greater depth and realizing how crucial it is to abide by the GDPR legislation, let’s see how GDPR has impacted Digital Marketing.

One of the most impactful ways in which GDPR has affected Digital Marketing is that B2C companies will no longer have access to ‘implied consent’ or ‘soft opt-in’ for the data collection. According to GDPR legislation, it is crucial that the consent should be explicit, and the companies should be able to provide proof of explicit consent when demanded to present.

As well ‘implied consent’ means that marketers can send the emails to someone as long as the person wants, once the person chooses the option to opt-out of emails, the email should be stopped. Hence impacting email marketing greatly.

Hence, if your database contains any form of personal data, like email address, phone number, etc. its best to remain as docile as possible.

Marketing automation is the biggest boon for marketers, but with GDPR in the frame, it can turn into a nightmare if not set correctly. To avoid any penalties, you must have permission to send emails to all the names listed in your CRM database.

It works as miracles for Digital Marketers by placing an empty opt-in checkbox at the end of forms through which the users can choose to receive future marketing from the company. It also helps in improving the quality of the lead scoring as these people have genuinely expressed their interest in the company.


GDPR has brought a significant change in the world of marketing, and the attempt to grasp the whole concept in a single go can prove to be pretty daunting. This article presents just a simple framework explaining the GDPR. Hence if you are facing any difficulties with GDPR legislation, it would be best advised to get in touch with your legal team and avoid any hassle in the future.

RoboAuditor, the best white label SEO audit tool, also provides you with the option of making your audit form GDPR compliant in just one click.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Firm, Uncategorized, Website Audit

Website properties are as essential as businesses’ physical properties, and in some cases, there is no latter element. Think about Uber or Amazon, which are web-based services. Compare today’s information or knowledge economy that is based on information on your fingertips, to the ’90s when the web was ironically called WWW(World Wide Wait). This is where the topic of speed comes into the picture. Page speed is a critical factor that can add or shave off millions for certain businesses overnight.

Page speed should not be confused with page loading time. Although both are parameters regularly used, and sometimes interchangeably, there is a distinction. The amount of time taken by web pages or media content to download from hosting servers of websites, and displayed on the target web browser is page speed. This is in contrast to page load time, which entails the entire duration from clicking a link to when the webpage has loaded in its entirety.

Among the many web and mobile searches we undertake during a day, Google sets the benchmark in page speed: a scorching 0.5 to 0.9 seconds to load a search results page. However, with the capabilities of the teams at Google to keep the page size down to a sheer minimum, owing to showing only weblinks for search queries, it sits in a league that can rarely be matched.

Page speed for SEO is one of the essential reasons pages should be light and agile, as well. To talk of numbers, results by Pingdom showed that a desktop page weighing around 3 MB in size took 5 seconds to load. On mobile, it takes a whopping 22 seconds to load. This is contradictory to user’s expectations that mobile pages should be lighter, and hence load faster. Google suggests the web fraternity target average speed of 2 to 3 seconds to ensure seamless user connectivity.

But more than just user experience, there must be further reasons for rallying all the forces you can to optimize the page speed of your website. We quote it as ‘optimize’ because there can be instances where website content is trimmed to the bare minimum, and that goes against providing a complete branding experience. Let’s dive into the reasons to help you towards optimizing your page speed.

Does page speed really matter for SEO Ranking?

As Google is the most widely used global search engine, conversations in web optimization or SEO inevitably turns to the search giant. Google, in a survey on 900,000 mobile landing ad pages across 126 countries, found most of the website(70%) took around 7 seconds to load, albeit the fact that it has focused on site speed as a critical parameter since 2010.

Google keeps updating its evolving criteria for ranking websites, and the onus is on web-optimizers or marketers to ensure they align and maximize their page speed. Not only would it help it accelerates your search engine rankings, but provide higher brand recall too. Other search engine giants have criteria that are similar to Google’s. However, the general sentiment of the user’s changing requirements, increasing dependence on digital-enabled means like shopping online, must be the Holy Grail for web marketers.

Using techniques like A/B testing or page speed testing can help evaluate where the website is, and where it needs to get to.


How important is page speed to attract visitors?

The user of today, typically millennials, encompass current user, and purchase habits. And this is nothing like what we have seen in the past. They shun brand loyalty, want the user experience to be on their terms, or are happy to vent out their concerns on social media. Page speed in SEO in this era must evolve, and the focus on streamlining your website delivery strategy is vital to cater to these requirements.

Forrester recently surveyed online shopping expectations and found 88% of users chose online retailers who consistently succeeded in web performance, while around 50% would close websites that weren’t. Page speed must be a key KPI in your performance arsenal that could also experiment and incorporate new trends like voice or home speaker based searches, which could be the next battleground of SEO.

Attract visitors

How can you enhance the page speed?

There are high chances that your website might be hosted on different servers, or run on a platform like WordPress. Or you might have built it from the ground up, incorporating the most of what you had intended to place to showcase your entire product or service portfolio.

That exercise would have built a lot of flab into your website, as studies show that when your potential audience queries your website, the browser has to download an average of 110 resources to render your page. Or think of all the extra code that might have come along with the web theme selected, or images not optimized for faster downloads, while retaining the quality. The key is to go behind the scenes and identify all the excess segments that can be skipped, so your page size becomes smaller, and page speed in SEO quicker. Now that’s putting your website on a balanced diet.

enhance the pagespeed

How important is page speed for Mobile Platforms?

Statistics around the world prove that mobile is the dominant platform already, taking away significant portions of interactions from the desktop platform. Since the handheld supercomputer, also called the smartphone had become an indispensable part of our lives, it is more convenient and readily available to solve and assist during moments of curiosity or need.

Google has made its intentions clear with experiments to launch a mobile-first index, where the website’s algorithms will evaluate and rank a site based on a website’s mobile version, rather than the desktop version. Improving page speed cannot happen if the mindset is still set on seeing mobile as a supplement to desktop efforts.

This is an update that shows how keenly web proprietors must drastically reduce the 22-second average page loading time. Statistics from Similar Web in 2017 showed how 90% of the traffic surveyed go online via mobile, and how 74% would terminate the web tab of sites that do not load in 5 seconds. Getting your page speed in SEO right will help you cater better to the current user demographic.

Mobile Platforms

Is your page ready for what’s coming next?

The world is changing quickly, and it is up to you to stay current and gear up for a changing environment. Technical aspects of cutting down on bloated Javascript or using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) are means to reduce clutter and cut the numerous elements the browser has to encounter to load your website. Moreover, look at how hardware and new software innovations are steering the market towards better productivity for the end-user.

Home speaker solutions or home-integrated things (related to the Internet of Things) are making voice searches more mainstream. Keeping a tab on new trends during page speed testing will help you stay relevant and leverage emerging technologies.


Ever-expanding technological advancements, increasing customization for web versatility and expertise among web and SEO professionals are bringing a level-playing platform for even new web owners to experiment and not be laggards compared to more significant players, in their online growth strategies.

Evaluating and signing up with proper web development and marketing vendors is a great way for their expertise to be translated into success for your business, and page speed must be a key performance indicator for business progress. While their expertise grows your online business, you can focus on key business functions that are eventually marketed through the website.

How can you check your page speed?

Pagespeed is the most important factor which helps you in attracting and converting more traffic. So it is important that your page loads fast. You can easily check the page speed of your website with our RoboAuditor. RoboAuditor is a White Label SEO Audit Tool that generates SEO reports in just 60 secs on 70 parameters.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, Uncategorized

Webmasters and marketers around the world realize the pot of gold lies in their mobile strategy. With Moore’s law playing out every year that sees an increase in computing power for every square inch of a circuit, the smartphone today is much faster than all the computers combined, that took Apollo to the moon. Consumers are increasingly moving to a mobile-first mindset, and Google is pushing this agenda of mobile-friendliness that goes even beyond its pervasive search business via text and clicks.

For enterprises and search engineers, mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor is going to become critical, with Google announcing a change in its algorithms before fall 2018. The whole mobile ecosystem, including apps and supporting technologies like virtual reality, is in Google’s sight. Let’s understand why
Google is moving away from its focus on the desktop and pushing the market towards mobile-friendliness.

  • Why is Google giving more importance to Mobile Friendliness?

Just last year, for the first-ever time in history, StatCounter reported how smartphones and tablets now account for more than 51% of internet consumption, while desktop consumption is waning, at 48.7% at the time of the research. Many desktop metrics that track mobile site visits and engagement would reflect this trend, as customers up to their mobile maturity, and want businesses to meet them at their moments of concern, increasing being called micro-moments by Google. Google is working on updating its algorithms to match this, and one shouldn’t miss out on shoring up the mobile-friendliness quotient of their website.

  • Can we inculcate a Mobile-first culture that is Performance-Based?

While customers thinking mobile-first are increasing being matched with developers who match this mobile-friendliness with a mobile payment or productivity apps that can match a desktop version any day, typical businesses are still stuck in their desktop efforts, although the figures show otherwise.

This is the time for the well-placed search giant to pivot incumbents towards a mobile-first mindset that translates into real results. Webmasters need to adapt to the mobile experience where users have shorter time-spans, are viewing information on a much smaller screen mandating crisp content, and targeted towards the mobile-friendly Googlebot that promotes and demotes websites more promptly today. Tracking user data and KPIs is far better versus desktop, helping websites understand performance, and fine-tune their strategies better than before.

  • Does Mobile allow better interaction and user engagement when compared to desktops?  

The success ratio of click-through rates in mobile search pages is more than that of desktops, and apart from the technological advancements you might think, it comes down to the user experience offered. One of the reasons Google has been successful with mobile-friendliness is due to its inherent ability to leverage the mobile platform and come up with new programs or plans that accelerate its adoption across the world.

Benefits include touch sensitivity, gestures, and even possibilities like a carousel for rotating news items or products that make it convenient for the user to identify and complete his search. Google wants to set a benchmark in mobile-friendliness by being a user’s eternal guide for any possible topic.

  • Are we geared up For A Mobile-Centric Operating era?

The smartphone in each one of our hands represents the shift in computing power and hardware evolution. The recent Internet Trends Report by Mary Meeker mentions ‘mobile’ multiple times, in fact, as the first trend shaping the future of the internet. The report covered its overwhelming impact, showing how this is just the start of a burgeoning era.

New technologies like ledger keeping on a commonly accounted platform, called blockchain or mesh technologies that allow big data, machine learning and related technologies to work in unison on the mobile platform are all factors that will play out in ramping up the mobile-friendliness factor among the market, and the mobile will be the center on which websites or apps are built and marketed.

  • What’s the Base for Future Mobile-First or Mobile-Only Features?

Compare the capabilities of the first iPhone or Android released just over ten years ago to the super-phones we have today, and you would know the kind of hardware and software innovations that have become a part of our everyday lives. In the context of mobile-friendliness and search criteria, the most significant recent release has been the launch of Google’s AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, the weblinks accompanied by lightning symbols.

Loading such pages indeed matches the speed of a lightning strike: the pages load instantaneously. By convincing the market to take the mobile-first route, AMP will be one of the many such features that the search engine adopts or incorporates in its search criteria. Like AMP, they are bound to go only the mobile route, sometimes without a parallel application for desktops.

But what are the requirements to move up the mobile-friendliness ladder?

For Google to count your website as mobile-friendly, web pages must display ‘correctly’ on any mobile device. Much of this entails how well your audience can load all the content on your website, read it without having to scroll or zoom too much, and easily interact with the available buttons. Now that doesn’t seem like a tough job to get in their good books, does it? While we await and gear up for Google’s mobile-friendly ranking update to roll out, it has already made a start by launching its mobile-first index.

Indexing is the process of Google creating a catalog of all the websites that it crawls and includes in search results (quite literally, most of the existing websites today). Mobile-friendliness must now become a culture shift in your organization, and not as a piecemeal approach, to be able to stay abreast in this fast-moving market.

  • How to check if your website is mobile-friendly or not?

Mobile Friendliness of your website not only ensures that the pages are performing well on all the devices but plays a crucial role in page ranking as well. There are several tools available online which can help you check if your website is google mobile-friendly website or not. One of those tools is RoboAuditor.

RoboAuditor can audit any website on 70 parameters and generate an SEO Audit report with actionable insights. And the good news is, you can generate the report for FREE!!

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable White label SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Uncategorized

Recently, I was at an event, and I heard an executive talk about how his sales force was the oxygen to his company. While you might have a great product or an interesting quarter strategy to push your firm’s market share up, your marketing team is what gives you wind in your sails. And the lead generation is where it all starts.

That’s where the story of HubSpot fits in perfectly. The company invented inbound marketing, the science of creating content that appeals and engages target consumers, generates quality leads, and makes prospects come back for more.


More importantly, the tool that stars for the company in a burgeoning market is the Website Grader – A Website Audit Tool.


It was created back in the day by the co-founder to help assess various aspects of any website, and ascertain its marketing effectiveness. This simple, automated tool has been one of the reasons behind the company’s explosive growth, not only making it one of the few billion dollars valued companies, but also getting it listed on NASDAQ.



The Inside-the-Box Approach:



For marketing software companies, you cannot miss the obvious. Rather than taking three days to draw out a performance report on a prospect’s website, why not create a simple tool that can do the job? That’s thinking inside the box. Think small, and think about the fundamentals.



If you run a marketing automation agency, take a look at your sales strategy. You could resort to a high-budget, visual campaign which brings out your agency’s unique capabilities and that ‘x-factor’ that you hope would floor your prospect. However, that generally involves a huge spend and nominal ROI.


Move to inbound marketing. You could again hire an expert content team to work and dish out quality blogs and whitepapers, publishing them with call-to-action. This route has chances of higher leads and ROI because your target audience is now more relevant and engaged.



HubSpot took the inbound methodology to even higher. They created Website Grader, a simple and free website audit tool that everyone needed and would vouch for. What started as a bold idea back in 2007 is now the world’s leading site audit tool. HubSpot got it right from Day 1.



How did the website grader generate lead organically:

Just enter the website domain and your “Email Address” to get the Website Audit report for free. The Hubspot team not only understood the power of a robust lead generation strategy but demonstrated to the world with the right application.



Back in the day when technologies and tools like automated marketing apps were still considered a luxury in the market, the team went the freemium way by opening up the website Grader for anyone to audit their website.



That was a game-changer and exemplified growth hacking in its nascent stages. Website Grader was a very simple tool that anyone could use. However, go behind the scenes, and anyone would notice that creating the tool would be far from ordinary.



The software had to be fed with a lot of data and signals emanating from the website, for which prior access was available by default. Then, it had to evaluate data against the threshold parameters for an effective site, and finally generate a visual report for the user to decipher and act on unqualified parameters.



All of this had to happen in a few seconds, and the tool made it happen, showcasing the power of marketing automation software.



Dharmesh goes on to describe in one of his company presentations about how the tool was a great freemium hack, where you don’t make part of your solution free, but provide a tool that diagnoses the problem.



The tool was killer and Hubspot generated thousands of leads through the tool.


They went public, achieved annual revenues of around $375 million, and secured multiple investments from the likes of Salesforce.



Can you have one website grader for your business?



Of course, yes, RoboAuditor is similar in nature. It audits your website in a few seconds on multiple parameters that influence the success of your website, be in terms of web visitors, engagement, or conversions.


But where we go the extra mile is you can now embed that tool onto your website in a few minutes, so you could analyze your prospect’s websites when they send in a request.


And interested prospects can share their contact information for you to build top-of-funnel leads, and pitch them your complete product, increasing reach, engagement, and sign-ups.


Sign up with RoboAuditor today and start generating leads like Hubspot.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO, SEO Audit, Uncategorized

A simple Google search is how you might have chanced upon our website. We could have been ranked somewhere near the top (we’d be delighted if you found us at #1 or #2 of the results page), but the way to the top is always hard. It takes more than sheer optimization-oriented efforts, and the process has to be aided with the right, if not the best SEO tools.

But the market is crowded with hundreds of providers providing ‘the best SEO tools and options’ either providing cost or marginal feature advantages, as diverse as the Panda SEO update was from Possum. Besides the existing mainstream tools like Google Analytics or Moz Listing, let’s understand the parameters you must consider before you shortlist potential vendors for the best SEO tool for you:

1. Comprehensive SEO Audit:

You might have gotten wind of how your competitors are racing ahead by acquiring quality leads and increasing conversions, thanks to the best SEO tools helping optimize their website. Studies show that 95% of clicks happen on Page #1 of search result pages.

The optimal way for you to get started and match up, just like any other domain, is to perform an audit on the state of your current SEO state. Some of the best SEO tools available, help you get this done before you draw a blueprint of how to execute your strategy for the next quarter.

The tools are automated and multi-functional, which scours your website, analyzing and presenting reports on what’s missing and what’s not. Essential parameters like the on-page SEO performance of your web pages, or how quickly your page loads (page speed) are key factors.

An increasing shift to mobile browsing mandates website responsiveness on mobile must be determined and actioned to improve SEO performance. Besides, the best SEO tools must evaluate the quality of links, and social media performance must be evaluated.

2. White Label SEO Report:

White labeling is a cross-industry term used in a brand relationship involving a couple of brands, where one foregoes its display to front-facing customers for the other to benefit. Don’t fret, and this isn’t brand exploitation for the brand giving up its ‘branding’ at the mercy of the other, but an intentional agreement both parties come into.

It’s more like a B2B term, where an apparel brand contracts a textile supplier to manufacture clothes attaching the latter’s brand on them — transition to SEO.

What if you could take a look at the best SEO tools and find one that allows you to embed its audit tool onto your website, thereby making it look like it was your tool? In the proprietary world we live in, RoboAuditor stands out as one of the best SEO tools, thanks to its open nature, which allows it to be embedded anywhere.

3. Lead Generation Tool:

Similarly, we know your business is always looking out for quality leads. Today, companies adopt a variety of strategies to accumulate and convert leads through the best SEO tool. Whether it’s hiring an expert SEO agency or a myriad of freelancers, the reality is they don’t always provide the silver bullet to your business challenges.

Then, after onboarding the systems and what agencies would have termed ‘the best SEO tool,’ they end up sharing performance reports, not proactive reports. No lead generation tool would be able to read, analyze, and suggest actions to improve the lead generation process.

Additionally, lead generation warrants a host of efforts like cold calling, campaign marketing, or content creation like whitepapers that takes considerable time and effort.

What if there was an appropriate, maybe even the best SEO tool around, that was able to cut to the chase of identifying clients’ requirements directly, eliminated costly efforts like case studies and whitepapers, and gave your clients insights into what’s missing in their SEO efforts? And what if you could embed it directly into your website?

4. App & Feature Integrations:

Today, the market has grown so vast and diverse that there are market opportunities that a plethora of agencies have plugged. The agencies with the best SEO tools wouldn’t have been able to deliver without adequate integrations with services tailor-made to suit or solve certain requirements.

This is the age of the application programming interface, acting as multiple gateways that open enormous possibilities for developers and marketers.

An authoritative piece on Moz back in 2012 predicted how the next ten years would see a decline in people visiting websites. How accurate is an app-first era we live in today. The best SEO tools that would almost certainly fit your requirements will have to be agile in their structure, and diverse in their integration possibilities.

They should be able to augment your business goals by allowing your existing initiatives like email marketing through MailChimp or workflow automation through Zapier.

5Language Support:                 

Google Translate is a tool that works flawlessly. There have been multiple occasions language integrations are becoming imperative for companies catering to a quickly widening market. Language integration rationalization must become mainstream, especially those who claim to offer the best SEO tools around.

Companies who are finding new markets in new geographies insist their marketing partners like you must be fast-moving and cross-geographically neutral like them, and the start must happen with multiple language support. This feature might be the primary distinguishing factor that will help you filter out the best white label SEO audit tool and the most relevant one for your SEO investment.


You can put your Agency’s Sales Process on Auto-Pilot mode if you have the above features in your free SEO Tool. It’s not an easy task to find all the above features in one tool at a very competitive price. RoboAuditor is one of the very few tools that provide all the above features at the most competitive price.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Global Seo, Lead Generation, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Uncategorized, Website Audit

Before getting into the need to have a White Label SEO Audit Tool in your kitty, let us understand what this term ‘White Label SEO Audit Tool’ actually means!!


An SEO Audit Tool is like what a thermometer is to a doctor. It helps the marketers know the health of a website in just a few seconds.


White Label is all about making website health report (popularly known as Website Audit report or SEO Audit Report)  as yours, i.e. without any third party branding 🙂


Every Agency which works in the field of inbound marketing, website design, or improving business through digital channels,  do SEO Audits / Website Audits of the client’s website multiple times to make sure the best practices of On-Page and Technical SEO are followed.

Now, as we have a brief idea of what White Label SEO Audit Tool is all about, Let’s understand how it can help marketers and digital agencies in improving their business.

What Makes White Label SEO Audit Tool So Important !!

1. Start Generating Leads Now:

As a business owner, you, of course, want to have a lot of leads and keep your Top of the Funnel full :). Gated content is an excellent way of generating leads, but it needs at least a couple of months and a team of 4 experts (content writer, graphics designer, website expert, SEO expert to make a wonderful ebook or a white paper. (you can find a detailed blog on this topic herethis where White Label SEO audit tool comes handy.

With RoboAuditor,  you can embed the SEO Audit Tool yourself by just adding a couple of lines code on your web page and start generating the leads from day 0 onwards. Now you no longer have to wait for months as you do for your gated content.

2. Reduce Cost per Lead:

Lets us first understand what Cost per Lead exactly is!

Well, Cost Per Lead (CPL) is the total cost that is induced while developing, publishing, and sharing the offers amongst various channels to that of the number of leads generated.

It’s always essential to differentiate the costs over different offers so that you can know which offer or content gives more profit, in short, it is generating clients at a much lesser price.  

Consider this example, now suppose your marketing team spends around $1000 to generate say 10 leads, the cost per lead would become $100. But now you increase the sales by doubling the number of leads to say $20 and spend the same $1000, but soon your cost per lead would come down to $50. This sounds amazing, isn’t it?

A Site Audit reduces your cost per lead by more than 75% if it’s executed properly.

With the money you save on the lead generation, you can have drinks with your team (every week 🙂 )

3. More Personalized Content:

White papers and e-books provide the users with detailed information, but they do not focus on particular information which your prospects would be looking for.

A recent study by Hubspot shows that the long form of content, i.e. ebooks, white papers, etc. is least popular among all age groups across the world.

For Example, you wrote a wonderful ebook on SEO Audit Checklist, but your prospects still have to digest this information and apply it to the website manually and then analyze the output.

Wouldn’t your prospect be super HAPPY if you directly do the SEO Audit and give the exact pointers which should be worked upon? Of course, yes. The prospects would love this. That’s exactly what your SEO Audit Tool should do.

4. Immediate Actionable Insights:

Actionable Insights can be defined as an analytical result that provides sufficient data to the organizations and managers to make an up-to-date decision. In short, it is about giving the right recommendations based on a certain logic.

Who doesn’t love recommendations? If an SEO Audit Report not only tells me the issues but also tells me what to do to fix it, would I love it? Of course, I will, and I am sure the same is the case with most of the business owners worldwide.

An SEO Audit Tool that gives you not only the list of issues but also the recommendation on how to fix it would make the real difference. RoboAuditor provides detailed recommendations based on the website audit information.

5. Make your Sales team look awesome before clients:

As a business owner, wouldn’t you would want to look the best for your clients? This can only be possible if and only if your sales team has done proper research about the clients.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if your sales team walks into a client meeting with a comprehensive website audit report (with your business branding, of course) and start the discussion from there? This, for sure, will leave a good impression on the client, and your agency will have an extra edge to win the deal.



SEO Audit Tool is one of the best lead generation tools your business should invest it. RoboAuditor is the only White Label SEO Audit Tool which not only provides downloadable comprehensive SEO Audit reports but also lets you Embed the SEO Audit tool on to your website in just a few clicks.

Start Using RoboAuditor today and automate your agency’s sales and marketing.


RoboAuditor is an Embeddable Technical SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Uncategorized

Before getting into how to perform an SEO audit, lets us first understand what correctly SEO Audit is!

There are around 140,000 websites created every day, and on average, Google processes around 40,000 search queries per second, which means over 3.5 billion searches per day- that’s a lot.

So being on Page 1 is very critical to generating business from online channels.

But now the question arises- How do you land on Page 1?

Well, there are various factors that decide your position on Page 1, and to check these factors, it’s important to perform an SEO Audit.

An SEO Audit can be termed as a process of analyzing the search engine compatibility of a website on various parameters.

In other words, it’s about knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your website on a list of best practices laid by popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, etc.

Now, since you have a gained a fair idea about SEO audit, let’s get started.

Key Parameters for SEO Audit:

There are more than 100 signals/parameters which popular search engines like Google looks while ranking your website.

Interesting Fact20% of the SEO Parameters make an impact of more than 80% on your website.

Sounds quite interesting, isn’t it?

Let’s have a detailed look at these parameters.

Check the Title Tag:

A title tag defines the title of a webpage; it is used in the HTML code. For instance, if you were searching for SEO on Google, then these are the results which search engine might come up with. The clickable headline for a given result is known as the title tag.


The title tag not only specifies the heading of your webpage but also gives a brief portrayal of the content of the page.

Title tags play a critical role in determining the ranking of your web-page as they are significantly displayed on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).  Also, when your webpage is shared on social media, the title tag is displayed as an anchor text.

You should always check and make sure that your title tag is not very long and should not have more than 70 characters. Always try and use the long-phrase keyword in the title tag, and most importantly, the title you choose should be according to your page.

Check for Meta Description:

The meta description tag gives a summary of the content present on your webpage. It gives an outline to the readers about what the page is exactly about. The Meta description appears right below the title tag.

It acts as an advertisement for the readers. A useful, precise, and relevant meta description can help you increase users’ click-through rate.


Although Google algorithm does not consider meta description as a parameter for search result rankings, the meta description is an essential aspect of your SEO audit since it gives a clear picture to your visitor about the product/service they can expect from your website. A proper meta description will ensure more people can buy your product/service, which in turn boosts your ranking.

The social media networks define the posts based on the meta description. If the meta description is not defined, then social network by default display the first two lines as a description for your web page. So always include a meta description for your webpage.

The meta description gives actual meaning to your website. It should not have more than 320 characters and should be in an active voice. The meta description should always be unique and make sure it has structured content with your focus Keyword, and this will help your site links to be automatically shown in SERPs.


Check for Heading:

As it is said, the first impression is the most essential and ever-lasting impression, and I am sure you would like to give the best impression to your website visitors.


The first line mentioned here is the Heading of the webpage.

A good, crisp, clear, short heading is the best option to get the interest of the website visitor. It’s about explaining what all you do in just a few words.


Mobile Responsiveness:

Mobile responsiveness means that your website is designed in such a way that it adapts itself to any kind of screen, be it- phone, tablet, desktop, laptop, or anything.

With the rapid growth of smartphone usage, website traffic has significantly been changing over the years. More than 50% of the users surf the sites through their mobile phones, and also one-quarter of the online searches are mobile-based searches,  so it is essential to have a website that adapts and looks good on all devices regardless of its shape and size.


It is imperative that your website is mobile-friendly, as it is one of the ranking factors. Also, complete mobile-friendly pages are given more traffic by Google. So make sure you have created Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMPs) for your website.

Page Speed:

The page speed signifies how quick the visitors can see the content, images of the page, and interact with it.


Page speed is one of the important factors to attract more traffic and conversions on a landing page.


As per the researchers, it is believed that in just 5 seconds, the online buyers close the landing page. So it is important that the pages you create are faster, which in turn will help you get more sales, leads, and traffic. Pages that have a long time generally have a higher bounce rate too.

Make sure your website always loads faster than your competitors.


Hyperlinks, commonly known as Links, are present on most of the WebPages and allow you to hop to a new page consisting of the reference data when you just tap or click on them. You can attach links to images, HTML elements, or texts.

You can provide internal as well as external links on your website (i.e., within your webpage or to the other WebPages). The number of quality links on your website can help in attracting traffic to your site, which can help you increase your rankings.

Google and other search engines give due credits for your links, so include an accurate amount of links on your website/page.

Make sure you put proper internal & external links on your website. The links should not be broken.


Structured Data / Snippets:

A structured snippet, commonly known as a rich snippet, is the additional information that is present just below the search results. It briefs the users about the link and content provided in the link. That additional information can be ratings of the products/services, date of issue of the articles, etc.

Snippets quickly draw the user’s attention. They are the only way in which your webpage can stand out against the different competitors.  


For instance, when you want to buy a book online, you choose it probably by better rating. The same is the case with your users. They check the ratings and only then opt for your website.


How to check all the above parameters in < 10 mins?

If you do it manually, it might take hours, and you might not also get the recommendations/list of action items to fix the issues.

RoboAuditor is an SEO Audit tool, which can do the website audit report pdf on all of the parameters, as mentioned earlier, and many more ( more than 70 Parameters) in < 60 seconds.

With RoboAuditor, you get not only a comprehensive SEO Audit but also White Label Audit Reports and also White Label SEO  Audit Tool (Lead Gen Tool), which you can embed on your website and let your website visitor do their audits by sharing their email address with you.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit tool that generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.