Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Specialist

Do you know? There were more than 150+ Billion Searches only in the USA in the first 90 days of 2024.

If you are in a business today and don’t care about Search Engine Optimization then you need to really think again about your business growth and the cost of growing the business

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about helping you show up in the top results when your probable customers search online.

SEO Specialist

The guy who helps you do that is called an SEO Specialist

Now that you understand how important Search Engine Optimization is, I am sure you want to hire the best guy to get you better in search engines.

Hiring the right SEO specialist holds the key to improving the quality of the site as well as saving loads of valuable time for the business.

9 Important Tips to Hire the Right SEO Specialist:

1. Conduct a thorough interview with the potential SEO consultant:

SEO Consultant


Great, but then what do you look for in the interview? The first signs of a good SEO specialist are, they don’t only focus on the search engine ranking but also on how they can help in the growth of the business.

2. Avoid the ones who promise unachievable goals:

SEO Specialist

Promising a spot on the first page of Google within a month? Impossible! It’s an overly bold claim to make, as Google’s page rank algorithm is dynamic and shows the results by taking in thousands of signals. Hence, if an SEO specialist promises a number one ranking in the search engine, it’s wise to turn and run in the other direction.

3. Pay attention to the set of questions they ask:

A good SEO expert has innumerable questions to ask about the company and its products. Some of the frequently asked questions by new SEO experts are:

  • What makes your business or service unique?
  • How do your customers currently find your website?
  • How does the business make money and how can search help with that?
  • What are the other channels used by the company for promoting the business?
  • Does the company use offline advertising?
  • What is the list of social networks used by the company?
  • Who are the company’s competitors?

It is very important for the new coming SEO specialist to understand the company from a holistic standpoint. Without understanding the company and knowing the business goals, SEO can never be fruitful. Hence, beware of SEO specialist who acts like a know-it-all.

4. Look at their track record:

SEO Rank

Ask them to provide at least three SEO case studies, listing the URLs of three websites that they have previously worked on and the results achieved. Ask them to also list the tasks included and the period of time taken to achieve the desired results. Also, do a thorough background check by following up with the references and past clients.

5. Request for a technical and search audit:

Let the SEO Specialist do some homework and provide you with a detailed Technical SEO Audit on his own. If requested, provide them with a restricted view of your Analytics data too. The SEO Specialist can surely use different SEO Audit Tools like SiteAuditor or others and do the audits but then suggestions have to be apt and the intention should be to grow your business.

6. How do they measure the success of SEO campaigns:

It is important to understand how well they are analyzing the numbers in Google Analytics or related tools to measure the impact of the SEO campaigns. It is not always about the keyword ranking but also the importance of the keyword and what kind of traffic is fetched by the keywords.

7. Find if they have any experience in improving local search results:


Local SEO

For attracting the local, nearby customers, it is important to appear in the top local search results hence if the candidate has an with the local search results then it can come as a brownie point for the business. 

8. Consult with the candidate if they have any insider relations for improving the search results ranking:

If the candidate responds positively then its better to run and say goodbye to the candidate. Such SEO consultants are known for their unethical tactics that can get your business banned for Google or any other search engine.

These are some of the very important tips you have to follow while hiring an SEO Specialist for your organization.

It is also important for businesses to understand that SEO is a continuous process and you have to pay the consultants the right money to help you grow your presence in Search Engine Results.

Below is the video by google on tips for hiring an SEO Specialist.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Google, Hosting Business, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Leads
.The market of global web hosting services is growing at a very high rate. Based on the study report published by Market Research Future, the hosting market is expected to achieve USD 154 billion by 2022, with a 16% CAGR for the forecast period 2016 – 2022.

This indicates that there is vast potential for all web hosting business. But it takes more than the number of customers to stand out among the competition. You must have a resource-intensive, competitive, and cost-effective hosting plan to lure customers.

The services should offer the ideal security tools management to operate in a hybrid internet ecosystem. You need a sound technical support team, and infrastructure capabilities to support new technologies like AI, Machine Learning, Cloud, and skill management. With thousands of website hosting companies available to choose from, the only differentiating factor is the domain size and the services that you provide.

How SiteAuditor can help you beat the competition

Thousands of visitors will visit your website. They will perform a comparative analysis with your competition, check out your various services, and later exit the website without filling out the Contact Us form. This is a missed opportunity. You must capitalize on the visitor traffic to your hosting business. One way to differentiate your business is by offering SEO audit services to your customers. The major challenge faced by any website hosting business is nurturing and converting unknown visitors to known visitors. 

Any website business owner would like to have a free SEO audit to identify potential problems and get information on the present issues faced by them. With SiteAuditor, the white-label SEO Audit Tool from Growth Robotics, you can perform a free SEO audit and recommend possible solutions to your customer’s problems. It will help you beat the competition. 

The SiteAuditor tool is a one-stop platform to generate customized reports based on the SEO audit and analysis of your customers’ websites. This SEO audit can be the differentiating feature and factor for your customers. It’s simple, effective, and offers low cost and maintenance. For every customer of the website hosting business, the audit tool will perform a real-time system health check of the website on demand. 

Once you embed the SiteAuditor script on your website, it provides a detailed report on the issues in a precise and customizable format. You have complete control over the report. The website is scored on over 70+ parameters such as On-page SEO, responsiveness, Links, Page speed mobile, and page speed desktop. 

While embedding the SiteAuditor SEO audit tool in your website hosting business is the differentiating factor for beating the competition, you must also resolve the following web hosting business challenges to provide a top-notch customer experience. 

Website Hosting Business Challenges That You Must Overcome to Stay Ahead of Competition

Here are a few challenges that you must overcome to stay ahead of your competition and to offer an excellent experience to your customers.

1. Slow website loading and navigation speed

WebSite Page Speed


It’s a fact that slow-loading websites (page load is greater than 4 seconds) with poor navigation speeds will affect your website’s Google ranking. Nearly 80% of web users will not return to a site after a bad user experience.  So, find ways to reduce latency issues. You can keep the data centers closer to the location, use the quality network and hardware infrastructure, and provide localized content to your global audience to optimize the speed for better website navigation.

2. Business continuity and availability

Business Activity

Downtimes are the death knell for any website with millions of dollars at stake. The foundation of business operations and a continuous end-to-end delivery depends on website hosting business companies’ ability to provide uninterrupted availability and meet the service level agreements. It’s the industry standard to ensure a minimum of 99.9% uptime rate. Beat your competition by striving to maintain high uptime and overcome the challenge of downtime. 

3. Scalability concerns

Hosting scalability

Internet proliferation in all aspects of business operations has made it mandatory for website hosting companies to provide scalability 24/7. Hardware, software, data center architecture, or even inadequate skilled staff can escalate scalability problems for your clients. Ensuring that your hosting services include an option to scale up or scale down based on specific requirements. And business needs will ensure better customer satisfaction and, in turn, better business growth.

4. Adequate Security levels

Hosting Security

It’s an endless cycle when security and landing website hosting deals are concerned. Only when customers feel secure enough to trust your website hosting security measures will they entrust you with their website. And only when you land more deals will you get more business opportunities and more customers. This endless loop can break when the website is compromised with data thefts, data breaches, etc. affecting both parties. So, deploy the latest and state-of-the-art security infrastructure and prevent unauthorized access to improve security levels.

Get started with SiteAuditor

Becoming the best web hosting company is a tough job requiring due diligence in terms of time, effort, money, and value. Only offering token services is not enough. You must include excellent customer service, intuitive and flexible site-building tools, and excellent uptime, to acquire and retain your customers. 

Additional services such as using SiteAuditor on your website will help you to strengthen your position as a leading web hosting provider and generate 4x more SEO leads for your company. 

Embed SiteAuditor on your website today and watch your business grow.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get Google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Google, Google, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, Webmasters

Will Google Search Console (GSC) be enough to help me improve my website’s performance? 

It’s a question most companies ask themselves when they assess their website to improve its ranking on SERP. 

Sure, GSC offers insights into improving the website’s visibility in the SERP. However, if you want to provide your customers with a more comprehensive report on their website’s performance, you need to delve further to check the health of the website. 

That’s where SEO audit tools like SiteAuditor comes to rescue.

What are SEO audit tools, and how are they different from GSC?

People always get confused between GSC and SEO audit tools like SiteAuditor. Superficially, GSC and SiteAuditor might seem like the same web-based audit/analytics tools. But their purpose and uses are different. GSC is a free Google tool that provides search-engine performance insights to improve visibility in the SERPs. Tools like SiteAuditor, on the other hand, audit websites and generate a detailed SEO audit report. Audit tools like SiteAuditor focus on the backend technical aspects of the website like Meta descriptions, link building etc. while the Google Search Console focuses on the website’s impressions and clicks.

GSCSEO Audit Tools
How search engines view your websiteAudit the technical health of your site
Types of searches people use to access your siteProvide actionable insights based on the report
Is the site configured for search enginesEasy, cost-effective implementation
Highlights popular contentHighlights security issues & errors like broken links
Provides broad, high-level information of the websiteProvides page-level information of the website

Google Search Console shows the site’s overall search performance on Google. It displays the site’s Click-Through-Rate and average ranking position. Undoubtedly, it is an excellent tool to diagnose everything about your website from Google’s point of view. However, it does not offer you a complete picture. It also does not provide actionable insights.

Webmasters performance


As you can see in the above image, there are multiple datasets and information, and understanding them is time-consuming unless you have prior experience dealing with the technical aspects of managing a website. There are no insights on how to improve upon your current analytical data.

So, how do you fix the issues and help your customer’s website to rank higher?

Enter SiteAuditor.

The SEO audit report from SiteAuditor is more detailed in terms of parameters such as on-page SEO, Responsiveness, links, page speed desktop, and page speed mobile. From an SEO perspective, these parameters will help in positioning your website higher in the SERP’s. 

An SEO audit is the analysis and reporting on the technical health aspects of your website. Centred around 70+ parameters, the SiteAuditor audits whether your website is 

  • Fast loading
  • Webpages are structured
  • Realtime page responses
  • Image rendering is accurate and proper
  • And many more technical parameters

SiteAuditor’s SEO report will highlight the errors, warnings, and recommendations found during the analysis. It is a page-level analysis that performs checks for Duplicate content, Duplicate title tags, Low word count, Broken links, Slow page load speed, HTTPS implementation issues, Missing title tags, Missing meta description, Missing h1 tag, Incorrect hreflang implementation, etc.

Fixing these issues can help you to improve the ranking of the websites.

Typically, agencies and marketing consultants benefit the most from SiteAuditors. You can embed the SEO audit tool script on all pages of the website. Any visitor who enters your website can enter their website URL address and receive a free SEO audit report of the website. It’s a win-win situation, because the visitor finds value the moment they visit your site, and you get to capture the email address of the website visitor, which you can nurture to convert into a business prospect. It can help you generate 4X more SEO leads. Think about it. Will GSC help you to generate leads like these?

Another area where SiteAuditor deviates from the GSC is the SEO report generation. 

Presenting the final SEO audit report to your clients with the tool’s watermark prominently displayed is undoubtedly a disaster. SiteAuditor is a white label SEO audit tool, which implies that the final audit report will bear your company’s brand, logo and other company details. You have the flexibility to change everything and customize the report to create a unique experience for your prospects. You can let your White label SEO report make your brand more visible to your leads. 


Generate Leads

So, should you ditch GSC for SiteAuditor?

Both SiteAuditor & GSC audit tools are complementary. Using both these two tools together will help you provide your customers with more comprehensive SEO insights and gain a competitive edge over your opponents.

While GSC audit result will show you how to get better organic traffic, keyword analysis, and how search users interact with the website, going beyond click and landing page, the SiteAuditor report will highlight the errors related to image searches, broken links, link building, security issues, and other backend problems. It will recommend actionable insights and solutions to the identified issues and help you to create user-friendly, integrated, and customized white-label reports for your prospects at a minimal cost. 

Embed SiteAuditor, SEO Audit tool, and start generating 4X more leads for your website.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Audit, SEO Leads

Last October, Google created quite a pandemonium in the digital world with its Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT Update).


Google called it one of its biggest updates in the last five years.


So, what is BERT, and how is it going to impact the marketing agencies across the globe?


We will dig into it further.

BERT and its impact on the globe

BERT Impact
Google announced the BERT update to improve the interpretation of complex long-tail keywords and show more relevant search results. This essentially means that with BERT, Google can understand natural language, its context, and show better results.
Google gave examples of how earlier it did not understand the importance of prepositions such as ‘to’ or ‘for’ and how BERT will understand the natural language and provide the right information to the user. The idea is to enable users to search for information in their natural and conversational way.


Here’s what Google said about the update:

Google BERT Update

“These improvements are oriented around improving language understanding, particularly for more natural language/conversational queries, as BERT is able to help Search better understand the nuance and context of words in Searches and better match those queries with helpful results. Particularly for longer, more conversational queries, or searches where prepositions like “for” and “to” matter a lot to the meaning, Search will be able to understand the context of the words in your query. You can search in a way that feels natural for you.”


So, what impact will it have on marketing agencies across the globe?

Here are a few changes that you can expect after the BERT update.


1. Search query will become more relevant

Dawn Anderson, a search algorithm expert, gave an example of how sometimes Google could misunderstand the context of a query and show a very different result. When Dawn typed the phrase, “how to catch a cow fishing,” Google showed results related to cows. Cow in the context of fishing meant a large striped bass. Google had completely ignored the context of fishing and showed results related to the cow. Non-contextual search results could often confuse and even mislead the user. With BERT, the search query will become more contextual. As Dawn found out after BERT’s implementation, the same term, how to catch a cow fishing, showed the correct results. Google seemed to have understood the context of the word fishing.

2. Content will become more specific

To improve the context, you must also ensure that the content is more specific and topic-centric. Rather than focusing on increasing the word count of the blog, ask your writers to make the content more specific and relevant to what a user would search.  Neil Patel, in his blog, gave an example of how a 311-words blog on going to Olympics ranked higher than other blogs as BERT recognized it to be more relevant to the user’s query. BERT will focus on long-tail keywords. So, ensure that your content is informative and provides a better experience to the readers.

3. PPC will become more intent-based

Unlike earlier, when PPC ads were keyword-specific, BERT has compelled marketers to make them intent-based. So, apart from the usual setting budget, goals, and metrics, you have to set the right intent for every ad. Ads will now have to be more relevant to push Google to rank the website alongside organic results. 

Is BERT good news for marketing agencies?

BERT for Marketing Agencies

BERT is undoubtedly good news for everyone as it will make search results more relevant to what we want. However, it can spell challenges for agencies, especially those that resort to using irrelevant keywords to rank websites higher. Those websites will now witness a drop in traffic. 

It will also be time-consuming and cost-intensive for other agencies. As a marketer, you will have to make the writers and SEO specialists work together to take a user-centric approach. You will have to start thinking from the user’s perspective while writing and optimizing the content for the website. 

This will be a long-term effort and would require you to dedicate time and resources to it. You might also find challenges in getting leads on your website, considering that your services might be similar to what your competitor offers.

If you are looking for a different way to rank your website higher and get more leads, then we recommend you to use a white label SEO audit tool as your value-add offering.

What is a white label SEO audit tool, and how can it help you get more leads?

The white label SEO audit tool will help you to break the ice with your prospects by you auditing their website or letting them audit their own website and giving them a quick report on the performance of their website. It is a unique service that not many digital marketing agencies offer. 

So, if you have been looking for unique ways to generate leads, white label SEO audit tools which can be embedded on your website would be a perfect fit for you.

white label SEO audit tool
The best part about the white label SEO tool is that another company develops it. So, their identity can be masked by adding your logo to the top of the report. It is a win-win situation for both the prospect and you.

If you want to know more about the white label SEO audit tool and how it can help you to embed on to your website and generate leads as high as 4X, then there are very few options out there and SiteAuditor is surely one of them 🙂 

BERT update is now working on the intent of the content then only the keywords or the length of the content. So now everyone is on a level playing field provided the website’s Technical SEO is good. 


Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

I feel sad when I see many small business owners who have started with SEO as their business is moving away into different fields like real estate, social media, paid media, etc.

This is how I always felt when I saw great guys leaving the field of SEO

SEO Audit tool

But I never had the right way to explain why SEO is still impressive. Suddenly one day, I read an article from Eli Schwartz, Growth Advisor, Former Director – Growth & SEO @Survey Monkey, and it made my day.

He did an extensive survey on the SEO Jobs vs. SEO professionals in different parts of the USA. I am sure anyone can apply the same logic to any country across the world ?

Let me put some interesting points I read in the post.

1. There is a massive gap between SEO Professionals and SEO Jobs.

The demand for SEO is vast. Every organization needs an SEO team to take things forward, but the availability of SEO    professionals is minimal

For every SEO requirement, only three people are fighting for it.

SEO business.

2. There is really a significant shortage of Experienced SEO Professionals

This is just wonderful to hear. It means there is a massive demand for experienced professionals!! This graph is lovely and clearly explains the gap ?

In short, if you are in the SEO business and have the experience, this is a seller’s market. Don’t underprice yourself.
SEO Professionals
So, where is the problem then?
The problem lies in the way you approach the business and generate leads for your business competing against the giants like Moz, Neil Patel, Backlinko, who are already getting millions of website visitors.

It’s not surprising to see a recent Survey by HubSpot which states that

Getting new clients is one of the most significant challenges today.

HubSpot Servey

So what is the solution?

The question now is not the market size but how you use interesting growth hacks in this noisy internet world to attract leads to your business.

After carefully studying the marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Neil Patel & Moz, we found one thing in common 

Use of right tools to convert the website visitors to leads
RoboAuditor is an embeddable & white label SEO Audit Tool. By just putting it up on your website and blogs, you let your website visitors themselves get a Free SEO Audit in just a few clicks and return you generate leads ?

Don’t you think you should add “free SEO checker” and do the lead generation for your business?

Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, Sales team, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Leads

Selling services for a digital agency is a tough task. You are not only competing with umpteen number of agencies which mushroom every day but also with a lot of “so-called freelance experts” too.  


Let’s accept the hard fact. Most of the agencies do not have something innovative to offer to the customers.  


Services that are popularly offered are SEO, video marketing, inbound marketing, paid media marketing, social media management, design services, etc.  


I have done sales for an agency, and I know that it takes a hell of a lot of time to differentiate and convince the customer to go ahead with you and not the other agency or a freelancer.  


But sales targets don’t understand all this 🙂 after all, we have to clock numbers and keep the top line moving north. 


The way you sell is completely different today. You need to keep surprising your prospects with some interesting findings which are personalized only to their business and not just some random content.  


Some popular and beneficial browser extensions are super handy to help you understand some key factors of the customer’s business and you genuinely helping the prospects with the right inputs.   

3 Must-Have Browser Extension for Every Sales Person in Digital Agency 

1.Similar Web

Browser Extensions


Understanding the prospect’s website traffic is one of the most critical steps. The vital metrics like website traffic, rate of engagement, source of traffic, keyword ranking, etc., are all crucial factors for designing the perfect sales pitch. For such situations, one of the top web analytics tools is SimilarWeb.  


Here’s why it is popular: 

  • It offers a capable platform for monitoring website statistics.  
  • Being a browser extension, it lets you monitor it all in real-time.  
  • With this browser tool, it is easier to find information about websites while surfing.  
  • At just the touch of a button, it gives you in-depth details of a website. 
  • It also shows the popularity ranking of a website.  
  • It highlights the primary traffic sources with geographic and demographics.  

SimilarWeb has helped small and large-scale companies grain website statistics with ease. With clients like Microsoft, eBay, Deloitte, HSBC, and many more, it is undoubtedly one of the top contenders in the world of web analytics. 


Extension for marketers

Knowing the reason behind the low website traffic is equally important. The website is the most critical entity of any online business. Nothing should be more important than knowing the health of the website.  


Nothing can be more helpful than having a browser extension for SEO Audit which can give a comprehensive SEO Audit Report on critical factors like Mobile Responsiveness, Page Speed – desktop and mobile, On-Page SEO, etc. in just one click in your own branding :)  


One such browser extension is RoboAuditor.  


This free SEO audit tool extension is capable of: 

  • Perform a comprehensive SEO Audit on any given website.  
  • Make the report in your own branding. Your prospects would love it.  
  • Not only display the issues related to on-page SEO, page speed, mobile responsiveness, etc., it also provides you with detailed recommendations.  
  • Convert the report in any language (Yes more than 6500+ languages)  
  • Put your own Custom Call To Actions like Schedule a Call, Request a Quote, etc.  

The features mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg, as it is capable of so much more. And the best thing about it is that it is free to utilize!



We all don’t want to make silly mistakes like a spelling error or missing punctuation etc. while sending out emails for meeting requests or proposals.  

One of the most popular browser extensions which come very handy is Grammarly, and there is no doubt not to believe in this fact.  

Here’s why this NLP tool is so adored around the globe: 

  • Grammarly uses AI to check for spellings and grammar in the written content in real-time. 
  • It suggests better alternatives for sentence structures so that they sound more professional, friendly, and to the point.  
  • It enhances the vocabulary based on the required context to make it more understandable.  
  • It gives the flexibility of choosing the content style as per the specific niche. 
  • It even offers a plagiarism detector to ensure that the content is unique.  

With such features, who wouldn’t want to add them as an extension?  


Everyone in sales needs to be quick at writing and submitting sales pitches for grabbing clients faster. So, this tool is a must-have. Though it is a free browser extension, yet it will limit some features that are mentioned above. So, to use its full abilities, a premium version might need to be bought.  


Final Words 

Competing online with others needs to be smart and quick. With such excellent and handy browser extensions, digital agencies’ sales teams can generate leads and close the deals faster by keeping the conversations interesting all the time.  




Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Leads, Website SEO

Lead generation is quite important for any business. After all, leads are the ones that can get converted to potential clients. As much as it is important, it is equally challenging to generate SEO leads because it takes lots of time and effort to build a lead generating channel and operate it.

Which is why many prefer to buy SEO leads from third party sources, but is this sustainable in the long run? And is buying SEO leads actually doing more harm than good? Find out answers to these questions and much more in our blog.

How Can You Buy SEO Leads?

These are the SEO leads generated by certain companies by ranking in google search, these companies than bundle up those leads and sell them to other companies who in turn work on these leads to turn them into customers.

This way you are getting SEO leads without much effort and quickly, so, this could be like Aladdin’s magic lamp? Not exactly! Read on to find out why?

Drawbacks Of Buying SEO Leads

We are not going to plainly say buying SEO leads is a bad idea, here is a comparison between buying leads and generating on your own.

Impacting FactorBuying SEO LeadsGenerating Your Own Leads
The exclusivity of the leadYou have no idea if these leads are being sold exclusively to your companyThese leads are generated by you, so they are exclusive
Demographics of the leadLittle is known about the lead’s demographics such as their interests, why they need your productYour website and ad campaigns are designed after understanding the requirements of the audiences, and how your product or service can help them.
CompetitionVery high as the same leads could be sold to your competitors and you could end up calling the same customer whom your competitor has already called.Relatively less, as these leads are exclusive and you have background information about their requirements.
Cost per acquisitionSince you are buying leads the company can double the rates monthly. Thus increasing your cost per acquisition.As you are generating your leads the cost per acquisition is under your control.
Long term sustainabilityLow because the moment you stop buying, the leads stop coming inHigh, because once your lead generating channels are up and running, they continuously generate leads for your business.

Before deciding to buy leads make sure you are aware of all these factors, which could affect your business. So, if buying leads is not an option to consider then how can you generate leads?

While the traditional SEO practices and Google Adwords still hold the ground as the best practices for lead generation, they require patience and effort to start with. But, once you pass this stage you will witness a flow of quality leads. To know more about the various techniques of generating SEO leads, check out our blog here.

However, do you know there is another way using which you can generate quality leads quickly? Yes! This technique is easy to install and also generates authentic leads.

Generating Leads Through Lead Generating Tools

SEO Leads

Many SEO experts such as Neil Patel have tried this and succeeded. These are the tools when once installed on to your website they will provide a free site auditing report to your viewers when they enter their mail id.

This way you are helping your viewers as well as generating leads. This will create a positive impact on your viewers.

For example, if a viewer has come to your website and checked his website health using your SEO tool. He then enters his mail id to get the full report, impressed by the report he signs up to your newsletter or leaves an inquiry.

Roboauditor is one such SEO audit tool which is easy to install, generates website’s audit report within minutes as well as generates leads. All of this at a very reasonable price.

Explore all the other options before going for buying SEO leads. As there are many easier and cost-effective ways to generate quality SEO leads.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist

Digital Marketing Agencies are the ones who take the bulls by its horns. They work with customers of different industries, locations, and in their various stages like Startup, growth, expansion, etc. The agencies face a lot of complex challenges in real-time and have very minimal time to resolve and move on. 

Agencies understand the problems much better because not only they have experienced it first hand. The Agency team has also found multiple ways to get around so they know exactly how they wish it can be solved. They are not daydreaming about a problem or a solution. They are efficient and reasonable. 

Identifying the right problem and then working towards the right way of solving it is the most critical factor for every product company. Most of the products fail because of this mismatch. 

There are quite a few successful product companies that were digital marketing agencies themselves earlier. 

1. Type Form: 


Type Form

TypeForm helps companies build beautiful forms and surveys. It is in a crowded space of ways but then also could create a niche and is very popular among its customers. 

How Did the Idea of TypeForm Born: 

In an AMA with the TypeForm Joint CEO & Co-Founder, David Okuniev

Typeform was born out of a client project when my co-founder, Robert, and I were running our digital agencies and joined forces. The project required us to build a lead generation form that would sit inside an exhibition space for a toilet company (Roca). Competing for attention in a crowded area, we had to create something more inspiring to collect data than just a plain-old vanilla form, so we tried something completely different.

The issues we encountered were mainly from going from a proof of concept that we created for the exhibition into a form that we would eventually turn into a product. We iterated during almost an entire year in our spare time (while still running our agencies) to get the balance of design and usability perfectly aligned. It was essential for us that this didn’t end up being a gimmick, so we wanted to put a lot of extra effort into the mechanics into the way the form works, iterating numerous times.

2. RoboAuditor: 



RoboAuditor is one of the most effective lead magnets build for digital businesses. Just embed the white label SEO Audit tool on to your website and generate 4X more visitors to leads conversion. 

How did the Idea of RoboAuditor Born: 

In words of Rahul, CEO and Founder of RoboAuditor, 

RoboAuditor was born out of the need for generating leads for their agency. 

The submission on the contact forms was hardly 1% and to produce the ebooks and white papers, the cost of acquiring leads, and the time to acquire leads was going very high. 

We then studied the different marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Neil Patel, Moz, and found out that they all have one thing in common – Their SEO Audit Tool,  which is generating millions of leads. 

We then created one SEO Audit tool for ourselves and saw that the website visitor to leads conversion was more than 4X. After polishing it more, we released into the market as a product, and today it is one of the most popular products on HubSpot Ecosystem and also on MailChimp

3. NeverBounce: 

Nevera Bounce

NeverBounce is a real-time email verification service. It helps you keep your leads clean all the time. It is very critical to have clean email addresses as the issues of emails landing in spam are alarmingly high. 

How did the Idea of NeverBounce Born: 

In the words of Bard Owen, CEO of NeverBounce, 

For nearly ten years, and before creating NeverBounce, we were a digital marketing agency. We struggled day in and day out to find a better way to verify emails and ultimately reach the inbox for our customers. We tried many products and solutions, but were eventually displeased with the accuracy, speed, support, and price; so we built our own! These four attributes became our core values here at NeverBounce.


Every agency should start thinking of building products, which not helps them solve a problem for themselves but also to many marketers like themselves. 


Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Audit, SEO Firm

Every Marketer is a convergence of an artist, a psychologist, a scientist, and a technologist. It is one of the toughest jobs today on this planet. 

I am myself a marketer who was part of implementing most robust banking transformations for sales and marketing teams, building an impressive marketing automation suite, ran a marketing agency, and now helping agencies grow to new heights. 

After interviewing a lot of marketing agency owners, analyzing the behavior, crunching the data sets, I have identified one reason why most of the agencies DIE. 

Working with a Wrong Customer even after knowing it 

Why does a Marketing Agency work with the wrong customer even after knowing it?

Lack of Leads:


Every Marketer turned entrepreneur is a smart person. They know everything about the buyer persona, messaging, tools, tactics, strategies, etc. etc. but the biggest problem we all face early days in business – LEADS. 

A Marketing Agency owner gets the first few clients through his circle of influence and gets busy in servicing them and making them successful that he forgets to generate his TOP of the FUNNEL LEADS. 

By the time the marketing agency owner realizes it and starts working on different tactics, he begins to feel that one more customer will give him/her the leeway to set up this leads engine. 

Do you know, 

According to the HubSpot survey for marketers, Lead Generation is the biggest challenge for most of the agencies (More than 60%). 


I believe the % is much higher just because of this.

Generating leads for a marketing agency through inbound marketing is not easy. There are already millions of fascinating articles, white papers, ebooks written by the marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Moz, Neil Patel, Marketo, and many more. 

The marketing agency owner will use his precious time and money in hunting for the next client himself than setting up the lead generation strategy. This is where the step where the thought is 

Let me grab one customer (anyone). This will make me a little relaxed, and I will make sure I set up my lead generation engine correctly.


Now you are into a TRAP. This customer would eat up your time and energy like a monster. He will suck your blood in such a way that you are left with no power to do the Right Thing, which you are doing for many of your customers – Setup your own Lead Generation Engine. 

This is the Vicious circle that will not let you come out, and you end up shutting down your marketing agency. 

Is There a Way Out 

Of course, yes. If you study the marketing mavericks like HubSpot, Neil Patel, Moz carefully, the one thing which they did awesomely is creating a Lead Magnet which generates millions of leads and keys their TOP of the FUNNEL full.


The one tool which all of the three have in common

An SEO Audit Tool put up on their website:

A Website Grader from HubSpot,  SEO Analyzer from Neil Patel, and a Moz Bar from MOZ. 

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable White Label SEO Audit Tool that can be set up in no time on your website. You start generating your leads from Day Zero.


Best Free SEO Tool

Never rest till you automate the best way to generate sales-ready leads at a low cost. 

I wish every marketing agency to grow big and make this world a better place because It’s the marketing that connects the best products to the end customers and adds joy to the lives of customers and companies. 

Start generating leads today

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