Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, Website SEO

Online marketing is the new norm. With about 4.66 billion people using the internet as of 2020, it’s a no-brainer to want to craft a home for yourself in this space. After all, this is where your customers are.

Therefore, if you are engaged in digital marketing, and yet you aren’t making sales, there’s a missing bridge between you and your customers- visibility.

SEO STrategy

To get this visibility, you’d need SEO.

Really, there’s no need to state the importance of inculcating the best SEO practices into your online business model. It speaks for itself- if you want more sales, have a good SEO strategy. Every entrepreneur knows this.

However, we know how frustrating sourcing for a good strategy could be. That’s why we’ve put together an extremely simple, easy-to-comprehend, and yet, effective DIY SEO checklist that’d give your online business a boost in 2021.

Let’s go on a jolly ride!

How Does the Search Work?

google search

Let’s begin with the basics.

Search engines are answer machines; where you input a query and get an answer. Superficially, it might look straightforward. However, there’s a process going on underneath. There are three main steps involved in the optimization of search results.


Here, search engines send out ‘crawlers’ to scour the internet for fresh and new content. These crawlers work in the spider web form. Each hyperlink on the page they are crawling initiates a new crawling request and so on (no wonder they are called spiders sometimes ).


The search engine then organizes the contents found during the crawling process into a huge database. Google’s index is trillions of GB. Refer to their official documentation on it here: 


The search engines store content in order of relevancy within their servers. Websites that are most relevant to a particular query rank highest. Several unknown factors are considered when deciding which website is most appropriate and which one is not. Here is a reference to their guidelines for anyone who wants to read more about these:

As a website owner, you must ensure your content is visible to crawlers- as well as indexable. If it isn’t, you won’t get your deserved spot on SERP (Search Engine Ranking Page ). 

Basics You Should Know 

To begin running your own SEO campaign, here are some of the most basic tools and information you should know about.

Google Search Console/ Bing Webmaster Tool Account

google search console

The Google Search Console is a free tool by Google that helps you manage, maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot your website’s presence on Google’s Search Engine Result Page. Many people are confused about this- be assured, the tool isn’t mandatory to rank. Google has made it available to communicate with website owners. Signing up for a search console account will help you understand how Google looks at your website- and sometimes recommends what improvements to make.
Bing also offers a similar tool with little change in UI; they call it Bing Webmaster Tool.  

One or both of these tools is the number one step to begin.

Google Analytics Account

Google Analytics helps to look at what kind of traffic your website is getting. It provides details like the number of total visitors, their location, time, how many pages they visited, etc. It even facilitates setting up goals and conversions to focus on pages that get you the most business. Google Analytics (often abbreviated as GA) can also help you optimize your website for better conversions. Metrics such as user behavior, site performance, traffic flow, drop-offs, bounce rate, etc., are convenient when looking at how the website has been over some time (daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly). Though GA is a complete subject and how it can help is a list that is countless, some other features that can be useful include:

  • Traffic comparison both year over year and month over month
  • Social-media stats
  • Which part of your webpage was clicked the most
  • Website’s conversion rates
  • The overall effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy from different channels.
  • How many users are present on the website, a real-time view

Generally, Google Analytics helps you understand your customer’s journey and improve it, an essential aspect of SEO.

Keyword Research

A vital part of the SEO process includes the use of words and phrases which resonate with what users are typing in their query- as well as what your content is all about.

The process is about selecting the potential keywords that your customers will type in Google (or other search engines) use your service or buy your products.

While many paid tools help with detailed Keyword research, to begin with, we are just concerned about the free ones that can give us some objective. To start, just list down a few keywords or phrases that you think a user could type in Search. Then take the keywords from the list one by one and check them on Google Trends to see how many people have searched for it in the past and how the trends look. Pick the ones that have some demand and leave the rest. 

You can also use a free plugin that has recently become very popular called “keywords anywhere”. It is free for several searches so install it in your browser. Now the way this works is, type the terms from your list in the Search engine the plugin will display an estimated volume along with more suggested keywords.

diy seo google search

Bonus Tip: Try sticking to 7- 8 terms for each page as too many keywords can dilute the on page optimization.

Keyword Focused Content

The goal of keyword-focused content would be to cause an intersection between the words users are inputting into the search engine and the message your content is passing across.

Google uses this information to determine the relevant content- concerning each query. This is part of what gives a page a higher page ranking- relevancy. Using the appropriate keywords would ensure this.

So, do your keyword research before creating content- as keywords give you a sketch of what users want to see on your site.

Robots.txt File


Do you recall the crawling process of search engines? With a  robots.txt file, you can request web robots which page not to crawl on your site. This helps keep pages that could hurt your SEO- such as duplicate web pages and private web pages- away from search engines. So add all the unnecessary pages to your rbot.txt and mark them for not indexing or crawling. You may need a developer’s help if you are not so familiar with your website’s backend.

With not going into too much technical on-page, sitemaps are useful. They help in enhancing the crawling and indexing of a webpage- hence, giving your SEO efforts the needed boost. If using a popular CMS like WordPress, setting up an XML sitemap can be really quick using SEO plugins for WordPress. Read more details about sitemaps: 

What is On-page SEO Optimization?

Also known as on-site SEO factors, these are practices that help in optimizing a web page, with the end goal of improving a site’s search engine rankings and earning a flow of traffic from organic searches.

On-page SEO is important because it helps search engines to know what your website and content are all about, as well as its importance to user’s queries.

If you miss these factors, your SEO efforts won’t yield much gain.


Quick On-page SEO Checklist

Here’s a run-through list of various elements of on-page SEO you should include in your campaign:

  • Perform adequate keyword research before writing a word. The keyword must be relevant to your content, adequately searched, and should be within your website’s competitive power. When including keywords, avoid keyword stuff by including it 2-3 times per 100 words (a 2-3% keyword density).
  • Pick a primary keyword. Use the primary keyword in at least one subheading, and the first and last paragraph of your content. Since your primary keyword is a word or phrase users use in a query, including it in your content would show how relevant your content is.
  • Craft a title with your primary keyword(s). Include your primary keyword around the start of the headline. Also, make sure your title serves the audience by being descriptive and compelling enough.
  • Use proper keywords and phrases to write a meta description that not only is treated well by search engines but gets you a better CTR when it shows in the SERP. Follow rules and create a nice description that can get you more clicks.
  • Wrap your title in an H1 Tag. Basically, an H1 tag is a piece of HTML code that tells a search engine that the text in question describes what the body of content tries to communicate.
  • Make sure your content is about 300 words. Attaining the 800-word mark would be great for your SEO, as detailed posts have a higher probability of ranking higher.
  • Your content must be unique and original.
  • Wrap your subheadings in H2 tags. Search engines recognize H2 tags as subheadings. Similar to H1 tags, H2 tags communicate to the search engine that the text is very important and related to the main topic discourse.
  • Add links to relevant sites. This helps add context to your content.


Technical SEO

This involves server and website optimization that helps search engine bots to crawl and scour through your sites effectively.

Here’s a checklist for your technical SEO campaign:

  • Use SSL: Secure Sockets Layer technology means high site security. If your site has ‘HTTPS://’, then you have SSL active on it. Hence, Google would give you preferential treatment.
  • Check for Duplicate versions of your site on Google’s index. Google’s algorithm hates duplicate content. As a result, it lowers the performance of all versions of the duplicate content.
  • Find and Fix crawl errors.
  • Improve your site’s speed. Page speed is considered by search engines during ranking.
  • Fix broken outbound and internal links.
  • Find and fix all HTTP links that are on HTTPS pages.
  • Create a mobile-friendly website. A responsive site- that adjusts based on the devices being used to view it- is considered a high-ranking signal by most search engine algorithms.
  • Add structured data.
  • Check the page depth of your site. At maximum, your most important content should be four clicks away.

SEO Optimization for Location-Specific Businesses

In this aspect of SEO, your goal is to be visible in local search results on search engines. If you have a physical location where customers can come and take your service or product, you can benefit from local SEO Optimization.

Do Local citations

A local citation is any mention of the name, phone number, and address of any local business. Citations are important for high local search engine rankings. The intention is to submit your business to the popular local business directories with consistency in the NAP (name address and phone number). Don’t fall for low-quality business directories as they are a part of old SEO techniques and are considered as “link farms” by Google. Watch your step and only submit your business on genuine business directories for your area.

Optimize the Google My Business Listing

google my business

In simple terms, here’s a free tool that lets you add valuable information about your business on Google’s listings. Such info includes your office hours, name, and location of your business. Signing up can give your local SEO a boost.

While signing up, here’s to optimize your Google Business profile:

  • Be very meticulous with your contact information. Fill in as much as possible.
  • Form an enticing description for your business.
  • Choose a category, select applicable attributes and add photos.
  • If you have, include Google reviews.
  • Add products and services.
  • Set up messaging. Answer questions regularly.


E-commerce SEO

This is the process of optimizing your online store and making it more visible on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). The strategy should involve optimizing the “category” and “product” pages with a focus to get more sales.


E-Commerce SEO checklist

Here are tips for optimizing your eCommerce site:

  •     Optimize your titles and meta descriptions. Make use of action words such as ‘buy’. Engage in proper keyword research and placement.
  •       Improve your page load time. The best load time would be between 2-3 seconds.
  •       Keep the site structure simple.
  •       Don’t forget to make use of HTTPS.
  •       Make use of a responsive, mobile-friendly site.
  •       Create quality, relevant content often.


Quick YouTube SEO Checklist

Follow these steps to rank high in YouTube:

  • Keyword research is where we always begin. Make use of a keyword tool and find the relevant keywords for your video.
  • Include your keywords in your video as you speak.
  • Create relevant content that’d command likes and shares. The algorithm loves that!
  • After recording and editing your video, rename the file of your video to include the most relevant keyword phrase.
  • Create an optimized and enticing SEO title.
  • Fill up your video descriptions. Make sure the first sentence contains your keyword. Don’t engage in keyword stuffing.

Wrapping it Up

We’ve tried to cover too many aspects in a single post, we will cover each topic in detail in separate posts so that you can benefit from it and do your own basic SEO as far as possible. Be sure to take action on what you’ve learned, and we assure you- the internet is yours to conquer!


Digital Marketing Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Audit Checklist, SEO Leads, Website SEO

Lead generation is quite important for any business. After all, leads are the ones that can get converted to potential clients. As much as it is important, it is equally challenging to generate SEO leads because it takes lots of time and effort to build a lead generating channel and operate it.

Which is why many prefer to buy SEO leads from third party sources, but is this sustainable in the long run? And is buying SEO leads actually doing more harm than good? Find out answers to these questions and much more in our blog.

How Can You Buy SEO Leads?

These are the SEO leads generated by certain companies by ranking in google search, these companies than bundle up those leads and sell them to other companies who in turn work on these leads to turn them into customers.

This way you are getting SEO leads without much effort and quickly, so, this could be like Aladdin’s magic lamp? Not exactly! Read on to find out why?

Drawbacks Of Buying SEO Leads

We are not going to plainly say buying SEO leads is a bad idea, here is a comparison between buying leads and generating on your own.

Impacting FactorBuying SEO LeadsGenerating Your Own Leads
The exclusivity of the leadYou have no idea if these leads are being sold exclusively to your companyThese leads are generated by you, so they are exclusive
Demographics of the leadLittle is known about the lead’s demographics such as their interests, why they need your productYour website and ad campaigns are designed after understanding the requirements of the audiences, and how your product or service can help them.
CompetitionVery high as the same leads could be sold to your competitors and you could end up calling the same customer whom your competitor has already called.Relatively less, as these leads are exclusive and you have background information about their requirements.
Cost per acquisitionSince you are buying leads the company can double the rates monthly. Thus increasing your cost per acquisition.As you are generating your leads the cost per acquisition is under your control.
Long term sustainabilityLow because the moment you stop buying, the leads stop coming inHigh, because once your lead generating channels are up and running, they continuously generate leads for your business.

Before deciding to buy leads make sure you are aware of all these factors, which could affect your business. So, if buying leads is not an option to consider then how can you generate leads?

While the traditional SEO practices and Google Adwords still hold the ground as the best practices for lead generation, they require patience and effort to start with. But, once you pass this stage you will witness a flow of quality leads. To know more about the various techniques of generating SEO leads, check out our blog here.

However, do you know there is another way using which you can generate quality leads quickly? Yes! This technique is easy to install and also generates authentic leads.

Generating Leads Through Lead Generating Tools

SEO Leads

Many SEO experts such as Neil Patel have tried this and succeeded. These are the tools when once installed on to your website they will provide a free site auditing report to your viewers when they enter their mail id.

This way you are helping your viewers as well as generating leads. This will create a positive impact on your viewers.

For example, if a viewer has come to your website and checked his website health using your SEO tool. He then enters his mail id to get the full report, impressed by the report he signs up to your newsletter or leaves an inquiry.

Roboauditor is one such SEO audit tool which is easy to install, generates website’s audit report within minutes as well as generates leads. All of this at a very reasonable price.

Explore all the other options before going for buying SEO leads. As there are many easier and cost-effective ways to generate quality SEO leads.


Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Firm, SEO Leads, Website SEO

We all know that SEO is awesome and blah blah but let’s be practical, if you are in a field where there is already a lot of content pollution, standing out and generating SEO leads is pretty tough if you just follow the age-old techniques like “ contact us forms”, “ebooks and white papers” to convert website traffic to leads

SEO Leads

Yes! You are thinking of taking the other route of paid media marketing. Paid media marketing is wonderful but do you know the cost of lead in paid media? Paid media comes to almost $80 to $ 100 per lead if averaged out for a couple of years. 

Cost Of Leads

So yes, it is tough but it is equally very important for the business to generate the leads through SEO. 

Ways To Generate SEO Leads

  1. Write content to your audience. 
  2. Amplify content on the different channels where your customers hang out 
  3. [Very Important One]: Give a strong bait for the visitors to share their email address with you. 


Everyone knows these steps but there is a huge difference in the way you execute the Point 3. 


We will not talk about the point and point 2 in this blog. You can find them here (6 ideas to generate leads for your SEO agency). We will only talk in detail about the baits for the Visitors for lead generation through SEO 


Best Way to Generate SEO Leads 


Provide Unique, Personalized and Most Needed for growing business for your customers for FREE 


What Stethoscope is to doctors what is the most important tool for Agencies and every digital business out there on the internet? 

An SEO Audit Tool with Embed and White Label Option 


Yes, SEO Audit Tool is the most unique, personalized and much needed for every business on the internet. Don’t you agree? 


SEO audit tool (a.k.a SEO checker) generates a comprehensive SEO audit report for any given website 


The important point here is, letting your visitors generate the SEO audits on their own. So an SEO audit tool with embed and white label option is the need of the hour. 


Many marketing maverick organizations like Hubspot, Neil Patel, Moz generate SEO leads using the same technique. 

What’s stopping you from trying it out today? Just sign up with RoboAuditor and start generating leads for your agency 



Global Seo, SEO, SEO Audit, SEO Firm, Website SEO

Until a few years ago, attracting traffic to the website was quite simple. You found high volume keywords for SEO, wrote content around it, promoted it on social media, grew your followers and subscribers, earned links, and used ad platforms to drive conversions.

However, the trend seems to have changed now.

In his presentation titled ‘The Next Era of Web Marketing: 2019 and beyond’, Rand Fishkin spoke the uncomfortable truth. He announced that the 2009-2016 ‘Inbound Marketing’ playbook has failed to generate the results that marketers we’re used to seeing until 3-4 years ago.

inbound marketing playbook
                                                                                   Source: LinkedIn SlideShare

Why is it happening?

Let’s focus on the two primary platforms that marketers rely upon for generating leads and growing business.

1. Social media platforms

For a long time, marketers relied upon Facebook to market their business. After all, the reach was good, and marketers did not have to spend a lot of money on marketing. Most of the traffic to the pages was organic. However, last year, Facebook announced the change in algorithms to make the platform less ad-driven. “I’m changing the goal I give our product teams from focusing on helping you find relevant content to helping you have more meaningful social interactions,” said Mark Zuckerberg when he announced the algorithm change. The change killed the organic reach. The organic reach to the business page had almost diminished to zero from 28% in 2011 to 0.5% in 2017.

Outbound Traffic
                                                                Source: LinkedIn SlideShare

2. Google Search

For a long time, marketers concentrated on strengthening their SEO and investing in Google AdWords to generate traffic to the website. However, for the first time last year, Google sent less organic traffic to the website by answering the questions themselves. Google is shifting from being a search engine that directs traffic elsewhere to the one that answers all the questions within the search results itself.

best seo practises

With so many changes happening in the algorithms across different platforms, marketers have to think of ways to generate website traffic and convert them into subscribers. Also, it’s essential to build a strong lead magnet.

Marketers must stick to the basics.

What does that mean?

Rand Fishkin advises marketers to make their website and email list the center of all digital campaigns. 100 true fans are better than 100,000 visits, he says.

digital campaign

Source: LinkedIn SlideShare

How do you get your fans?

1. Focus on generating visitors to your website

Generating visitors to your website can be a challenge, especially when the organic reach is limited. How will you make people aware of what you do if they do not visit your website? There’s a simple solution to it. Focus on addressing their pain point first.

For example, if you are the owner of a digital marketing agency, you know that optimizing the website for the search engine is their primary concern for every business. You can address this problem by giving your prospective customers a reason to visit your website and giving them an option to get a detailed SEO audit for FREE.

That’s how Hubspot and Neil Patel generated traffic to their website earlier. While HubSpot’s Website Grader is now a separate tool, Neil Patel’s SEO analyzer is still a part of his popular website.

Recently, Fractional CMO, a digital marketing agency, did a similar thing to differentiate themselves from the other players of the industry. Instead of talking about themselves or their services, they gave the visitors the option to self-assess their website for free.

By adding a White Label SEO Audit Tool, Fractional CMO was able to increase its leads by 400% and save their time on creating lead generating assets such as blogs and ebooks.

Digital Marketing Agency

Once you show your value to the visitor, they will be compelled to revisit your website and engage with you further. That’s how great websites like Canva and HubSpot do. They show you the value of their offerings on your first visit, engage with you also to build your trust and eventually make you their fan. It’s the best way to find high intent prospects and get referrals without spending too much money and effort on generating leads.

2. Build your email list

The second suggestion by Rand Fishkin is to build the subscriber list, or in other words, the email list. Email marketing completed 40 years recently, and though people believe it to be dead, the fact is it is still relevant.

According to Statista, there are over 3.7 billion email users currently, which is set to grow to 4.3 billion users in 2022. Emails are the best way to build trust with your prospects and customers as it is a direct communication from you.

By developing an email list, you can engage with your prospects in a more personalized way. From sending them weekly curated content to offering exclusive discounts, you can offer a lot of value to them and show them the benefit of engaging with you.

The challenge, though, is to get people to share their email IDs. There are several ways in which you can build an email list.

Some of them are age-old techniques like you ask your blog readers to subscribe with their email IDs to receive future content from you, and some are time taking and expensive ones like create gated content such as ebooks and whitepapers, which can be accessed only after the personal details are shared.

However, most people are wary of sharing their email IDs to avoid receiving unsolicited emails from companies. If you want your visitors to share their email ID voluntarily, you need to build trust with them. And that’s only possible when they see value in what you offer.

Let’s go back to Fractional CMO’s case study. Fractional CMO gave the visitors an option to audit their website for free. To receive the website audit report, the visitor had to enter their website’s URL and the email ID.

That’s how Fractional CMO built their email list and later converted them through lead nurturing.

So, find a ‘Do It Yourself’ kind of a tool that will not just keep your prospects on your website for a longer time, but also prompt to share their email ID voluntarily.

How to begin with the process of retaining visitors on your platform?

What value your website visitors will get if they come to your website? For ex: If you run a digital marketing agency, an SEO audit makes a perfect sense.

However, if you want to generate leads like Neil Patel and HubSpot, you can begin with a white label SEO tool. RoboAuditor is a white label SEO tool that will allow your visitors to audit their website for free and get the report of its performance on their email ID within minutes. It’s that simple!

Some of the best features of RoboAuditor

  • The SEO audit report should is white labeled in the real sense, i.e., the report has your logo and not that of the tool provider but of your business.

  • Ability to integrate and send the leads in real-time to the right marketing or CRM systems like HubSpot, MailChimp, Salesforce, etc.

  • RoboAudito gives a detailed SEO report with more than 70 parameters covered. It is one of the few reports where the exact line of code or image is also shown up in the report.

  • Most importantly, the tool should be user-friendly. It should not need a specialized team to install it. It should be easy for anyone to install. Tools such as RoboAuditor are easy to install. You just have to embed code on the website, and your audit tool is ready for use!

  • Able to show the Technical SEO audit report in any language you wish too. Yes, You can show RoboAuditor SEO Audit report in more than 6500+ languages.

RoboAuditor Working

If you want to give RoboAuditor a try, sign up for a free trial. We are sure; you will not be disappointed with the results.

These two tips will help you get started with forming a fan base. Once your fan base is built, it will be easier for you to generate more traffic and leads for your business without having to rely on social media and other platforms that can become unpredictable with the change in algorithms.


Website SEO

There are many reasons as to why a website or blog may not be getting enough traffic.

There is no one single answer to the question of how to increase organic traffic on the website, but the following is a detailed checklist if followed correctly make sure that you will double your traffic in the shortest period with no marketing expense. 
keep reading


Website SEO
What does it mean to ‘Audit’?
An ‘Audit’ carries with it a negative connotation. However, it can have a remarkable positive effect on website performance in today’s digital markets. A website audit provides insights into how accessible your website is and what needs to be changed.

Website audit includes paying close attention to key metrics that indicate present operational statistics of websites. Above all, website audit provides insights into how visible the website is, through Search Engines, and the ease of user experience, which are the primary objectives of website creation.
Whether you’re looking to increase traffic, conversions, time spent on-page, or smart marketing, a website audit will provide you with real data to ensure that decision-making is based on a fact-based approach instead of a fallible opinion-based or assumption-based approach.
Take some time and find a good website audit tool, and you’ll be glad you did so.

Do I need to Audit my website?

While having a website by itself ensures that it’s out there, a Google study says, “There are more than 1.2 trillion searches per year”, and the attention span of the average reader is 8 seconds; staying on top alone will ensure that your website is read. Put simply, and a website audit ensures that your website is on top of the pile.
This is achieved through actionable insights and recommendations in the form of a comprehensive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Report generated as a product of the website audit process.

1. Website Audit is a time-consuming process
It is a common misconception that website audit is a tedious and time-consuming activity. And, this one misconception leads Businesses to forgo this activity in an attempt to “save time,” and concentrate on traditional marketing techniques.
However, a website audit report can be generated in a minute In contrast to traditional Auditing, and a website audit is done using the software to obtain quantifiable and reproducible numbers based on metrics that can be suitably updated and modified according to market trends.
This flexibility, in combination with quick results, makes the website audit a more productive alternative. 

2. Website Audit is a costly affair
Another common misconception is that the website audit is a costly process. This follows from a traditional understanding of Audit, where it is treated as a chargeable service.
However, we, at RoboAuditor, provide the audit report at free of cost. Visit the site and use the first-time service to check how it meets your needs; it’s free.

3. Website Audit is the work of experts only
Website audit sounds like a word only experts use. On the contrary, with more software work involved, information gathering has become a commonplace activity. You can bring in an expert at a later stage to see fix the issues.

4. Website Audit does not bring in business
Another major misconception is that it will not bring in business. On the contrary, a website audit will bring in lots of information on current page statistics. This information can be used to accomplish an SEO, friendly interface.
The inevitable outcome of a highly visible website is the increase in web traffic. So you can overlook the fourth misconception regarding Website Audit, that it will not bring business.
Website audit in the traditional sense may be understood as an institutional formality. However, it is safe and prudent to conclude that the Website Audit is, in fact, a Business Incentive.
If I were to write a stepwise procedure, I’d say, Website audit groups the aspects which influence search engine optimization for the content we create, quantifies them, provide real data, and finally makes suitable recommendations for future optimization.
There’s something to be said about a smart digital marketing process that must be fact-based, continuously optimized, and tailored to change with what is trending. Website Audit is an excellent tool to accomplish all this.

Once you look past these four misconceptions about Website audit and are ready to take the big leap, you are sure to achieve profitable results through some good decision-making. And very quickly, you will make it a periodic activity to ensure your website is audited.
Digitalization is no longer an option. As the practice of innovation in business has become the new norm, marketing must also occur on digital platforms to ensure that all possible avenues are optimally utilized to achieve the desired goals. A good Website Audit Tool will streamline feedback on important metrics which enable SEO-optimized website for attracting businesses.

RoboAuditor is an Embeddable SEO Audit Tool, which generates 4X more leads with the traffic you already have.