Google, SEO

What is the December 2020 Core Update?

December 2020 Core Update

The Google search engine uses a “core algorithm” to maintain its SERP rankings. We all need to know the impact of this core update in order to stay on top of the game. 

As we know, Google’s algorithms are continually improvised for efficient search results. While some inbuilt filters are already in their query processors, releasing December 2020 core updates is a way to refine the search results and incorporate the latest research and findings into the core ranking algorithms.

So, the websites, which had been playing fair, get positive results while many try to manipulate the search results, and the outcome isn’t very favourable for them.

So, let’s talk about this particular core update in a little more detail.

When was it Rolled Out, and How Long Did it Last?

Google’s December 2020 core update was rolled out worldwide on December 3, 2020, at 1:00 pm ET. It is considered a bigger update than the last significant one rolled out in May of 2020. It was classified as a “broad core update.”

The nice thing about this update is that it fully rolled out in just 24 hours. This is considerably much quicker than the May core update, which started on May 4, 2020, and ended on May 18, 2020. Unfortunately, the timing of this huge update did not sit well for a lot of webmasters, given that the holiday season is fast approaching and it can significantly affect their websites.

The Winners and Losers of the 2020 Algorithm Update

Although it hasn’t been long since the core update rolled out, the shifts are already showing clear winners who benefited from it and losers who lost a deal. Few winning and losing categories for reference:


  • Finance (19.9%)
  • Accounting & Taxes (15.4%)
  • LGBTQ (14.0%)
  • Nutrition & Fitness (13.7)
  • Groceries (13.0) 


  • Natural & Alternative Medicine (-23.5%)
  • Addictions (-13.3%)
  • Senior Care (-7.5%)
  • Dating (-6.6%)
  • Sports (-4.3%)


How to Tell if You are Affected?

All paid subscribers of Ahref can check out the rise and fall of traffic around the update release date. Ahref 2.0 can help you by comparing historical data from the previous month or year or on a customed date range.

Suppose you see a noticeable decline or rise in the main terms driving traffic or affecting pages in general. In that case, this is an indication that the December core update affects you, positively or negatively.

SEMrush can help you scan traffic with its historical data tool if you see changes, whether a rise or fall in the primary traffic page or query. It means that the Google December 2020 core update has definitely affected you.

However, if you don’t have any paid tools, you audit your website using Google’s Search Console and Analytics tool. For Search Console, go to the performance section, check out the data in your previous week or month, then compare if there are drop pages or queries.

The process for using Google Analytics also involves comparing data before and after the first week of December 2020

How is this Update Different from the May 2020 Update?

According to many leading SEO professionals, this is considered more significant than Google’s May 2020 update. Websites reported that some experience declines and gains between 10% to 100% in organic search traffic. So those who missed the May 2020 update, did not spare them. Unlike many updates that affect a particular niche, this one was broad and the impact was quickly noticeable.

Tips on How to Recover from the 2020 December Update

There is no exact fix on how to recover from the 2020 December update. However, Google has provided several tips on what you can do to reverse the update’s negative impact on your website. Here are some of them:

Improve Content

December 2020 Core Update

Although there is no specific way to recover from being negatively impacted by any of the core updates, what’s familiar about the websites affected most of the time is that they require content improvements. Having content on the website that is either copied or thin and doesn’t add any value will surely see a drop most of the time. You may get away from a few updates initially, but eventually, those who do well and deserve will rank better and longer. Therefore, it is always a good idea to invest in original and substantial content in the first place.

Prioritize Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness

Google also emphasized the need for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in ranking websites. If you have a good website in place but the contact details and address etc., are missing, you miss that authority factor on your website. Such websites are always under the radar and can drop off overnight. If you are not sure how to look into that, maybe get some professional help and hire someone experienced in the domain.


It can be really tragic if your website is hit by algorithmic changes, especially when the holiday season is fast approaching. What’s even more difficult is isolating the exact thing to do to reverse the damage made.

However, by the end of the day, the best thing you can do is step back and see how broad and wide the core update is and how it deals with specific issues. This way, it will be easier for you to identify which part of your website you can improve to recover.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Google, Hosting Business, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, SEO Leads
.The market of global web hosting services is growing at a very high rate. Based on the study report published by Market Research Future, the hosting market is expected to achieve USD 154 billion by 2022, with a 16% CAGR for the forecast period 2016 – 2022.

This indicates that there is vast potential for all web hosting business. But it takes more than the number of customers to stand out among the competition. You must have a resource-intensive, competitive, and cost-effective hosting plan to lure customers.

The services should offer the ideal security tools management to operate in a hybrid internet ecosystem. You need a sound technical support team, and infrastructure capabilities to support new technologies like AI, Machine Learning, Cloud, and skill management. With thousands of website hosting companies available to choose from, the only differentiating factor is the domain size and the services that you provide.

How SiteAuditor can help you beat the competition

Thousands of visitors will visit your website. They will perform a comparative analysis with your competition, check out your various services, and later exit the website without filling out the Contact Us form. This is a missed opportunity. You must capitalize on the visitor traffic to your hosting business. One way to differentiate your business is by offering SEO audit services to your customers. The major challenge faced by any website hosting business is nurturing and converting unknown visitors to known visitors. 

Any website business owner would like to have a free SEO audit to identify potential problems and get information on the present issues faced by them. With SiteAuditor, the white-label SEO Audit Tool from Growth Robotics, you can perform a free SEO audit and recommend possible solutions to your customer’s problems. It will help you beat the competition. 

The SiteAuditor tool is a one-stop platform to generate customized reports based on the SEO audit and analysis of your customers’ websites. This SEO audit can be the differentiating feature and factor for your customers. It’s simple, effective, and offers low cost and maintenance. For every customer of the website hosting business, the audit tool will perform a real-time system health check of the website on demand. 

Once you embed the SiteAuditor script on your website, it provides a detailed report on the issues in a precise and customizable format. You have complete control over the report. The website is scored on over 70+ parameters such as On-page SEO, responsiveness, Links, Page speed mobile, and page speed desktop. 

While embedding the SiteAuditor SEO audit tool in your website hosting business is the differentiating factor for beating the competition, you must also resolve the following web hosting business challenges to provide a top-notch customer experience. 

Website Hosting Business Challenges That You Must Overcome to Stay Ahead of Competition

Here are a few challenges that you must overcome to stay ahead of your competition and to offer an excellent experience to your customers.

1. Slow website loading and navigation speed

WebSite Page Speed


It’s a fact that slow-loading websites (page load is greater than 4 seconds) with poor navigation speeds will affect your website’s Google ranking. Nearly 80% of web users will not return to a site after a bad user experience.  So, find ways to reduce latency issues. You can keep the data centers closer to the location, use the quality network and hardware infrastructure, and provide localized content to your global audience to optimize the speed for better website navigation.

2. Business continuity and availability

Business Activity

Downtimes are the death knell for any website with millions of dollars at stake. The foundation of business operations and a continuous end-to-end delivery depends on website hosting business companies’ ability to provide uninterrupted availability and meet the service level agreements. It’s the industry standard to ensure a minimum of 99.9% uptime rate. Beat your competition by striving to maintain high uptime and overcome the challenge of downtime. 

3. Scalability concerns

Hosting scalability

Internet proliferation in all aspects of business operations has made it mandatory for website hosting companies to provide scalability 24/7. Hardware, software, data center architecture, or even inadequate skilled staff can escalate scalability problems for your clients. Ensuring that your hosting services include an option to scale up or scale down based on specific requirements. And business needs will ensure better customer satisfaction and, in turn, better business growth.

4. Adequate Security levels

Hosting Security

It’s an endless cycle when security and landing website hosting deals are concerned. Only when customers feel secure enough to trust your website hosting security measures will they entrust you with their website. And only when you land more deals will you get more business opportunities and more customers. This endless loop can break when the website is compromised with data thefts, data breaches, etc. affecting both parties. So, deploy the latest and state-of-the-art security infrastructure and prevent unauthorized access to improve security levels.

Get started with SiteAuditor

Becoming the best web hosting company is a tough job requiring due diligence in terms of time, effort, money, and value. Only offering token services is not enough. You must include excellent customer service, intuitive and flexible site-building tools, and excellent uptime, to acquire and retain your customers. 

Additional services such as using SiteAuditor on your website will help you to strengthen your position as a leading web hosting provider and generate 4x more SEO leads for your company. 

Embed SiteAuditor on your website today and watch your business grow.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get Google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.


Digital Marketing Agencies, Global Seo, Google, Google, Lead Generation, Lead Generation Strategies, Webmasters

Will Google Search Console (GSC) be enough to help me improve my website’s performance? 

It’s a question most companies ask themselves when they assess their website to improve its ranking on SERP. 

Sure, GSC offers insights into improving the website’s visibility in the SERP. However, if you want to provide your customers with a more comprehensive report on their website’s performance, you need to delve further to check the health of the website. 

That’s where SEO audit tools like SiteAuditor comes to rescue.

What are SEO audit tools, and how are they different from GSC?

People always get confused between GSC and SEO audit tools like SiteAuditor. Superficially, GSC and SiteAuditor might seem like the same web-based audit/analytics tools. But their purpose and uses are different. GSC is a free Google tool that provides search-engine performance insights to improve visibility in the SERPs. Tools like SiteAuditor, on the other hand, audit websites and generate a detailed SEO audit report. Audit tools like SiteAuditor focus on the backend technical aspects of the website like Meta descriptions, link building etc. while the Google Search Console focuses on the website’s impressions and clicks.

GSCSEO Audit Tools
How search engines view your websiteAudit the technical health of your site
Types of searches people use to access your siteProvide actionable insights based on the report
Is the site configured for search enginesEasy, cost-effective implementation
Highlights popular contentHighlights security issues & errors like broken links
Provides broad, high-level information of the websiteProvides page-level information of the website

Google Search Console shows the site’s overall search performance on Google. It displays the site’s Click-Through-Rate and average ranking position. Undoubtedly, it is an excellent tool to diagnose everything about your website from Google’s point of view. However, it does not offer you a complete picture. It also does not provide actionable insights.

Webmasters performance


As you can see in the above image, there are multiple datasets and information, and understanding them is time-consuming unless you have prior experience dealing with the technical aspects of managing a website. There are no insights on how to improve upon your current analytical data.

So, how do you fix the issues and help your customer’s website to rank higher?

Enter SiteAuditor.

The SEO audit report from SiteAuditor is more detailed in terms of parameters such as on-page SEO, Responsiveness, links, page speed desktop, and page speed mobile. From an SEO perspective, these parameters will help in positioning your website higher in the SERP’s. 

An SEO audit is the analysis and reporting on the technical health aspects of your website. Centred around 70+ parameters, the SiteAuditor audits whether your website is 

  • Fast loading
  • Webpages are structured
  • Realtime page responses
  • Image rendering is accurate and proper
  • And many more technical parameters

SiteAuditor’s SEO report will highlight the errors, warnings, and recommendations found during the analysis. It is a page-level analysis that performs checks for Duplicate content, Duplicate title tags, Low word count, Broken links, Slow page load speed, HTTPS implementation issues, Missing title tags, Missing meta description, Missing h1 tag, Incorrect hreflang implementation, etc.

Fixing these issues can help you to improve the ranking of the websites.

Typically, agencies and marketing consultants benefit the most from SiteAuditors. You can embed the SEO audit tool script on all pages of the website. Any visitor who enters your website can enter their website URL address and receive a free SEO audit report of the website. It’s a win-win situation, because the visitor finds value the moment they visit your site, and you get to capture the email address of the website visitor, which you can nurture to convert into a business prospect. It can help you generate 4X more SEO leads. Think about it. Will GSC help you to generate leads like these?

Another area where SiteAuditor deviates from the GSC is the SEO report generation. 

Presenting the final SEO audit report to your clients with the tool’s watermark prominently displayed is undoubtedly a disaster. SiteAuditor is a white label SEO audit tool, which implies that the final audit report will bear your company’s brand, logo and other company details. You have the flexibility to change everything and customize the report to create a unique experience for your prospects. You can let your White label SEO report make your brand more visible to your leads. 


Generate Leads

So, should you ditch GSC for SiteAuditor?

Both SiteAuditor & GSC audit tools are complementary. Using both these two tools together will help you provide your customers with more comprehensive SEO insights and gain a competitive edge over your opponents.

While GSC audit result will show you how to get better organic traffic, keyword analysis, and how search users interact with the website, going beyond click and landing page, the SiteAuditor report will highlight the errors related to image searches, broken links, link building, security issues, and other backend problems. It will recommend actionable insights and solutions to the identified issues and help you to create user-friendly, integrated, and customized white-label reports for your prospects at a minimal cost. 

Embed SiteAuditor, SEO Audit tool, and start generating 4X more leads for your website.

Try our other product – Keyword Rank Checker. You can easily get google keyword rankings for any website in just a couple of clicks.